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Everything posted by G-ann

  1. I also need the giant feather Pom poms that look quite similar to a butt or well…
  2. I’m a fan of the parade being interspersed between all the other parts. Means the athletes are fully integrated and get to be part of the show! <3
  3. It’s giving Stranger Things but make it Olympics and French. Propose calling it Stranger Rings
  4. Oooh after a tentative first 10 mins they’re all level. Although the crowd are bringing the vibes it’s felt like a grumpy game.
  5. Words to live by! Might just borrow that for use everyday.
  6. Angola one point behind at half time, I'm loving this drama with my morning coffee!
  7. Definitely a huge shame, so many beautiful fabrics. I’m assuming the rationale was the usual mix of corporate rubbish and cost, but was there anything specific that might redeem this poor choice?
  8. I feel the change should have been more fluid rather than playing out the Rio squad until they flaked off, they've also struggled to gain momentum since Danny Kerry changed to the men - the pro league results are speaking volumes on this. Additionally their previous first choice keeper Heesh is out injured. Overall outlook not good at all
  9. Tempting, but then I'm a fool for anything adidas... but the selection of cotton women's kit is disappointing (
  10. Very much hoping for a hockey medal, but this will more likely come from the Men, just gotta hope they've practiced their shootouts!
  11. The real controversy is that women aren't allowed to wear trousers or long-sleeved blazers. A truly wild double standard which is a shame because everyone should feel comfortable in one of their proudest moments.
  12. As a serial merch fiend I’ve got a back catalogue of several T-shirts/vests from 2012, but due to excessive love they’re due for retirement so I’ve picked up a few bits to wear during the games this summer: Particularly excited for the friendship bracelets…! What will everyone else be wearing?
  13. Some of Finland’s team kit modelled by high jumper Ella Junilla. When you’ve got to compete for your country at 4pm and the rave is at 6pm
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