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Everything posted by stepansevs

  1. I prefer Italian way than Dutch way. Due to it, Italy has more chances to fan athletes in many sports and disciplínes than Netherlands. Moreover it makes possibilities for public to discover and start to do sport which they want or in which they are good at. Medals are not everything.
  2. Still without change (information from 4 days ago) But it is induced coma.
  3. Great. We are in QF now! :-) But to be fair, i think it is time to change format. 10 Teams, two normal groups. Winner of group semifinal 2nd and 3rd team QF. 4th and 5th team: bottom semifinal. Let's start to play for sth in groups.
  4. It was not mentioned here yet but Tobias Eder - ice hockey player died for cancer. He played on WCH last year.
  5. Its time for Czechia now
  6. Do you know if it will be broadcasted and by who?
  7. Great to hear it. But i am still thinking if i will support you or not, if there will play players from KHL :-(
  8. What did you expect? The same as Eiffel Tower :-D
  9. I thought that it was due to that he was on 9th place, so the last qualifiying spot.
  10. Shorter time for rest between swimmning and runnig. From heat 3 only 12 minutes on the other hand from heat 1 approximately 20 minutes
  11. Please cancel this sport. It is worse and worse, boring and unfair
  12. Am i right, that 20 athletes qualified to final? Is not possible to do some jump off for remaining one place?
  13. No graphics score in bouldering? Come on.
  14. Yes And it is pitty that in fist week of Olympics there are all racket games And in 2nd week, none of them :-(
  15. Struff won doubles match after he withdraw from singles. Interesting :-)
  16. I am sorry i do not know if it was also mentioned but i received information today, that in LA, there will be athletics in first week and swimmning second week. Is it true? What about other sports? If yes, there will be total interesting for me 1st week with 40hours watching per day and 2nd week totally boring...
  17. There should be some penalty for late withdraw, but i can not imagine how. Because if there will be penalty, they will play but withdraw during play. But it is too many players and replace them by double players out of single ranking is really joke
  18. Whats wrong with Tužinský in qualification?
  19. My plan is follow to czech broadcasting. They will concentrate on czech athletes and will see. Currently i am watching badminton CHN-USA in order to be able to get my badminton quality better :-) And with spanish commentators. It is very relaxing to hear spanish. But i do not understand any word, i only imagine that they are planning to stole money in La Casa Del Papel or killing sb or escape from Vis Vis
  20. Your chosen badminton match Is going to finish, so your plan need to be changed very early :-)
  21. I do not understand why in Eurosport 2, there is czech language coverage, but in Max, the same game, not :-( But i do not care, just strange :-)
  22. I bet that Wang will win :-)
  23. I succesfully estimated Horáčková :-) but Krpálek again? Why? I think to bear flag one time is enough. It should have been Prskavec
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