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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. Only a few more days to go, part of me is confident we will reach 35 countries, but the other part of me is confident we will stay at 33, maybe even lose a couple countries due to a lack of song.
  2. Yeah, it's sad because Ireland used to be great at this, now going in the same way the UK is heading.
  3. In the span of two days, I have my number one (Cyprus) and my number 21 (Croatia). I swear the Croatian song is so disappointing that it made Lighthouse sound good in my ears (and I am not a big fan of Lighthouse)
  4. So Latvia, Moldova, Denmark, and Ukraine are choosing this weekend and Austria this week. I haven't heard Slovenia's song yet and I'll be spending Sunday and Monday catching up to it all. I'm still holding on to hope that I will find something that I would even remotely like since the selections so far have been, to my ears, abysmal at best
  5. Geez, so many ballads this early. This year better have some variety or else it's 2015 all over again I mean, that's what happens with winning songs usually, countries tend to follow it, and the eventual winner is the one who steers in the opposite direction. Still, I have to say my favorite out of the 3 newly chosen ones is Hungary. Poland's song is a mess for me, but Malta is good. Italy is still my favorite.
  6. Haha no worries. I love this contest too much to worry about my ending place, but I was so focused on beating the Netherlands for third that I completely forgot about giving points to Canada (the song was good tho, so they deserved it more than I do). In other words, the downside of voting last.
  7. I admit I haven't been following Eurovision as much as I should this year, but I'm now caught up on the songs chosen, and I'm torn between France, Spain, and Italy.
  8. This was a rather easy option for me this time around, as soon as I heard this song the first time, I knew this was going to be my next TAISC entry, so it was hard for me to keep it under wraps for almost a year. For the record, Zedd is a Russian-German producer originally from Russia, Aloe Blacc is an American singer from Laguna Hills, California, and Grey is a music duo also from California, and the song 'Candyman' was featured in the 2016 M&Ms commercial (the 75th anniversary one), so here it is... the American entry for TAISC 2017 Lyrics
  9. Woo-hoo, here we go again. will definitely make our way across the pond for the contest. Can't miss this for the world.
  10. Yeah, I give my thanks to @OlympicIRL for hosting this game. It was fun despite the penguins I'm sure @amen09 and @tuniscof will make great hosts in 2017 TISC Open. No doubt we will be there. But I think maybe it's high time for @hckosice to become an honorary Tunisian citizen after getting the golden ticket?
  11. Almost 7:30pm here and you all are still playing? I should've brought popcorn
  12. I must've given @hckosice the insane luck I got on Wednesday or something I wouldn't be surprised anymore if he gives Tunisia the W
  13. I don't think the green key is the one. But @intoronto you got our blessings.
  14. Yeah, cuz it felt like forever 57 is my death sentence, so you don't have to.
  15. Bruh, he quit after two penguins. I got 2 penguins in my first two plays and I'm still standing trying to either avoid or getting a third.
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