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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. Brazil hasn't voted yet. Will they make the same mistake Team USA make in Open 2016? Who knows?
  2. Now hold up New Zealand, you can't just out-shock us with unforeseen results.
  3. I don't remember either. I guess that gives @dcro something to do off season
  4. When you have more points than Ireland for the first time in history...
  5. I don't eat them often (usually when there's no other choice since I live in a suburb outside Orlando).
  6. I don't mind the UK winning again. It would be messed up tho if the UK got points from all 7 committee countries but Serbia still wins.
  7. I don't know if they can, but I think the people living in the Bahamas better sue the organizers for making their country look bad. Oh well, we'll see what happens. But Twitter went ham on the attendees.
  8. Anyway, this contest provides more entertainment for a fraction of the cost than those people who flew to the Bahamas expecting a music festival. Have you heard about that?
  9. Genre probably counts, as R&B songs (especially US-based or those that chart in the US) don't do generally well in this contest, as seen here.
  10. Sidenote: 'Remove quote' and 'remove quote but keep contents' do the same thing... it erases everything
  11. Congrats to the one person who guessed my 12 points right... UNITED STATES Jury Scorecard: Bulgaria 12 Great Britain 11 Morocco 10 Kazakhstan 9 India 8 Algeria 7 Moldova 6 Argentina 5 Greece 4 Germany 3 Denmark 2 Poland 1 That's all from us. Enjoy the contest.
  12. Pat yourself on the back if one of your guesses is the UK UNITED STATES Jury Scorecard: Great Britain 11 Morocco 10 Kazakhstan 9 India 8 Algeria 7 Moldova 6 Argentina 5 Greece 4 Germany 3 Denmark 2 Poland 1
  13. Since I'm the most unpredictable out of the bunch, who do you think is in my top 2?
  14. UNITED STATES Hello, fellow TISC competitors, this is the US calling, once again being part of what has become a semi-annual tradition here at the forums. So with that, here are the American votes: Jury Scorecard: Morocco 10 Kazakhstan 9 India 8 Algeria 7 Moldova 6 Argentina 5 Greece 4 Germany 3 Denmark 2 Poland 1
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