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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. Thank you all for the congrats for 3rd place. I'll get a chance to properly thank people later for the points, but this is a victory for us after coming 4th the last 2 Open editions... The annual on the other hand...
  2. 3rd place, that more than makes up for the time that I was the last to vote and gave Canada the bronze, so #redemption Anyway, congrats (again) @OlympicIRL
  3. I'm fine. Actually, I'm really nervous, especially since Dia was my last-minute pick.
  4. Alright, kids, if you're just joining us, @vinipereira is doing what we here at Totallympics call it "pulling a Bulgaria", meaning he is announcing his votes one by one while the rest of us sit impatiently to see who will win the whole thing. It's not often the last country does this, this I can tell from experience
  5. Well, if Colombia does win, and decide not to host 2018, then I'll take the challenge.
  6. My apologies, it was @Damian who sent the Colombian song. Either way, we'll be making history (I hope)
  7. @AtleNal707 and I could still make history apparently. I'm just happy I'll be having my first TISC medal in my name
  8. I'm just waiting to see if @dcro gives Colombia 12 so that I can concede defeat
  9. Okay, I see, so I gotta try to fend off Colombia now, huh? @dcro @vinipereira It's all up to you now
  10. My sister does the same thing. She's known as the Ketchup Queen in my family.
  11. OH HELL NO!!!!!! I'm okay with any toppings of pizza as long as it isn't anchovies and certainly not this abomination
  12. You guys are talking about dinner meanwhile I just had 5 slices of cheese pizza for lunch.
  13. Farmer's Markets here in Florida are full of oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, etc.
  14. Well, yeah, that's what 'fighting with Ireland for the top spot' means
  15. I must be hitting the big leagues if I'm out here fighting with Ireland for the top spot
  16. So... are we just ignore the fact that Turkey doesn't have points either?
  17. It's common knowledge by now that I tend to look the other way when voting
  18. I'll make this quick since I gotta go feed my cat Also, sorry @Werloc maybe next time... United States Greece 12 Mexico 11 Spain 10 Bulgaria 9 Romania 8 Poland 7 Italy 6 Serbia 5 Uruguay 4 Slovenia 3 India 2 Argentina 1
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