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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. Yep, though I'll have to organize it so that those hurricanes don't interrupt my flow here
  2. I'll post my thoughts tomorrow, but well done @vinipereira on hosting this contest. I'm sure it's not easy doing so, but rewarding
  3. Awesome. Team silver and individual bronze (thus tying with Open 2017 for best result ever)
  4. 8 points to finish it off, thanks @heywoodu We're currently fighting for second
  5. YES! That bronze I needed came through Thanks @Glen for the 10 points (and for keeping my sanity)
  6. Congrats, Italy, for sending a wonderful song. And I'm glad I gave points to the winning song yet again
  7. I don't care about winning anymore, I just want another bronze for consistency. Can you help this sister out? @Ruslan @Glen @heywoodu
  8. Oh, come on, guys, you don't want to see Italy lose to a Scandinavian country by a margin of points again, do you?
  9. Guys, I need a 6, a 5, and a 3. I know it seems like a far stretch given there's only 5 voters after this, but can you help this sister out?
  10. So are we counting the flags or the names of the countries? Either way, thanks for the 7 @rybak
  11. Thank you @Janakis for the 12 points (and putting me briefly in the top 5) and @Argenis Gonzalez for 8
  12. I gotta take a break. I've been up since 6 this morning. I'll catch up later.
  13. I would love to, but it usually happens when we get the lead, but then fall back spectacularly (or not, but you get the point)
  14. Thank you @FC Mezhgorye for 2 points and 6 more power points for the team
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