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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. lmao I haven't participated in the predictions contest in ages
  2. Yesterday was the 4th of July. I had a good one...
  3. I was thinking about this the next day after Israel's win. Of course these TV stations should take a hard look at whether or not they will withdraw because of Israel's government, but even with our objections (and despite the objections from those same TV stations), the EBU will find a way to make sure at least 40 countries take part (and invite Australia, but I digress). Anything to make a buck.
  4. OMG Israel won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My girl Netta!!!!!!!!!!! My pre-contest winner won the contest, I can't believe it. I think I had the biggest sigh of relief in years when Sweden bombed the televoting, and Australia tho
  5. I've lost interest in it, though I will catch it live
  6. A strategic move? Anyway, I would love for her to sing again, but if not...
  7. I'm shocked Cyprus is the favorite, but I'm here for all of it lol
  8. I'm predicting a French victory but even that is not set in stone because I haven't seen predictions this undecided since I started following in 2009
  9. Semi Final 2 was kinda half-assed. At least TISC doesn't do half-ass
  10. This semi final was weak as fuck, but I'm actually sad Poland is out. I'm pleasantly surprised Slovenia got in tho Oh well, semi final 1 was better anyway. Can't wait for my girls Elina, Eleni, Saara, Zhana (from Equinox), and Netta to rock the final
  11. My top 10 12 - Israel 10 - Bulgaria 8 - Malta 7 - Finland 6 - United Kingdom 5 - Cyprus 4 - Macedonia 3 - Poland 2 - Croatia 1 - France
  12. Same here (in Fahrenheit it's 83 degrees). Nights aren't any better either, you'd be lucky to get anything under 75 degrees F (mid-20s celsius, I think) on a given summer (and fall) night
  13. That is the level of consistency I strive for, as I am as inconsistent as most people claim they are However, I do want to thank @vinipereira for this amazing contest and @OlympicIRL and @dcro for lending a hand in all of this. Now it's a bit cliche at this point for the next host to say that it's tough to follow the previous host, but it's a tough act to follow for sure. And to my teammates @Bohemia @FC Mezhgorye @Belle for, well, being awesome teammates And to the countries that contributed to the 3rd place run: 12 -- @MHSN @Finnator123 @Janakis 11 -- @catgamer @Henry_Leon @SteveParker @Pablita @Gianlu33 @IoNuTzZ 10 -- @Bohemia @amen09 @Glen 9 -- @Dolby @intoronto 8 -- @Argenis Gonzalez @Skijumpingmaster @heywoodu 7 -- @rybak 6 -- none lol 5 -- none lol 4 -- @bestmen @kungshamra71 3 -- none lol 2 -- @konig @FC Mezhgorye 1 -- @DaniSRB @dareza Also congrats to the fellow medallists @Henry_Leon @SteveParker @Pablita @Gianlu33 and @Skijumpingmaster And, once again, I welcome you all to the United States this fall (or spring for you southern hemisphere people) for the 6th Totallympics Open International Song Contest (and 11th overall)
  14. I'm kinda well-versed in Celsius... emphasis on "kinda". I know you can handle rain, but can you also handle thunder? I'm living in the lightning capital of the US, you know. And hurricanes, though they don't come by often, but we're still recovering from Irma (though when you get here it may look like we have)
  15. Yeah, the heat can get unbearable at times... even if you've been here a long time like me (26/29 years) Oh, and it rains a lot too, especially in the afternoons, so I would bring an umbrella just in case
  16. I can't wait to welcome you all to the US for the 2018 Open, and I might invite the penguins though I'm worried about how they will survive the Florida heat
  17. I hope so too, but you never know. The last two hurricanes that hit my area were late-season (October 2016 and September 2017), but the good news is that the day of the grand final will be by the time the season finishes
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