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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. I live in a town northeast of Orlando called Deltona, which between here and Tampa is a 2-hour drive.
  2. I'm getting some of the rainbands from Irma as we speak. I just hope we don't lose power where I'm at (which is 2 hours east of Tampa)
  3. I could start doing it next month, but with the planning that goes on like at the main contests (and not just copying and pasting the rulebook from previous contests), plus my rather busy schedule, I'm afraid that isn't an option at the moment. Plus the man, the myth, the legend who is great at making templates for the two contests happens to be Irish (Dan, I'm looking at you) and I don't think he would be behind this idea considering the requirements. Still, it's something to consider so I hope you don't let this idea die.
  4. My biggest issue is Australia's entry. How the hell did these juries kiss ass for those points? At least they only got 2 points in televoting, but come on. Worst song out of the bunch!!! And don't get me started on overrated Belgium (though it's actually alright, but still) Austria nil points in televoting? I don't like the song either, but really, people? Anyway, I'm happy Portugal won (mainly because it's a brand new country winning, which will always be my favorite victory plus past victories over 10 years old), and Bulgaria getting second. I'm surprised Moldova got 3rd, but then again, Epic Sax Guy And no I didn't watch Logo TV because I chose not to, mainly because of the commentary, but now I might have to watch the rebroadcast since people actually liked the commentary.
  5. Hmm, I'll have to go with @konig on this one and say it's strange, but I'm willing to test it out.
  6. So for the second semi final. I am 8/10 projected (and 7/10 personally) I'm sooo glad and made the cut. They were in my top 3 along with , which now makes Romania my new winner. I knew that after that Austria would overshadow all of them (though Malta gave me vibes) had to qualify, let's be real here, but to be the only Ex-Yugo country in the final? I bet no one saw that coming. My projected qualifiers were but and took Estonia and Switzerland's places, and for good reason... the beauty and the beast staging does not fit the song for Switzerland, while it appears that Estonia still hasn't figured out why they came last in 2016. I was never too keen about Belarus and Denmark, but I thought they were final-worthy. Oh, and Jana is pregnant and is engaged, so Macedonia not qualifying is the least off all surprises, though they're on a skid.
  7. 9/10 for me on predictions (and only 5/10 on my preferences sadly) I actually don't get how Finland failed to qualify and it's not even among my favorites. Meanwhile, I'm predicting Portugal to win the whole thing, so at least that is staying alive (and it's their first final in 7 years). Also I knew my winner (Iceland) wasn't gonna qualify even though I wanted it to, so I'm not even mad. My projected qualifiers were but took Finland's place, which is fine by me, but Belgium and Australia over Finland and Latvia? Please. Now I'm worried about Romania on Thursday
  8. Yes, I have Logo TV, and no, I will not watch it. They're only broadcasting the final yet Eurovision loves Americans to be oblivious and block off all access to the semi finals. I ain't stupid, I know there are 42 countries competing and not 26, and 42 is the number of performances I want to see. Oh well, VPN saved my ass today for sure.
  9. LOL and on top of the three shows being geoblocked here in the US, the opening ceremony is also geoblocked, but thankfully I just set up VPN on my Chrome Browser.
  10. I haven't been able to watch all of the rehearsals (I mostly saw pictures) and predictions are hard to come by with only 40 seconds each, but what I'm seeing right now is: and has got to qualify. Both countries are between 28-32 on my personal top, so normally countries ranked in the middle somewhere on my list have the highest chances to qualify I have never seen as a winner (bullshit, I did consider only once) and her performances in various preview parties had given me the green light to write her off I'm super worried about since Svala is my personal winner this year (as I do with my recent personal winners, i.e. Donatan and Cleo, Loic, and Poli), so it's natural. My second favorite might sail through, and my third favorite (he had his rehearsal today) will have no problem. It's between and for the Barbara Dex award for me (though I'm leaning towards Czech Republic. I mean a golden track suit for a bland song?) We need in the final. No questions asked! And on a personal note, I'm doing VPN manipulation for the first time ever because the same TV station that aired Eurovision here in the states last year is doing it again this year (with different commentators) and I am NOT looking forward to it because of the aftermath last year (ex. videos geoblocked on YouTube) and I'm expecting the same result this year. Because Viacom. Viacom bullshits on YouTube, so there's your answer for everything.
  11. I don't think that even if you knew Zedd co-produced the song there would be any difference. But he is part German, so I think you'll have a better shot at choosing one of his songs. I don't listen to Kendrick Lamar often, but I'm already considering options for 2018 annual. I have a few 90s songs in mind for 2017 Open, so we'll see.
  12. Oh, that's right. You gave us 7 points (I wrote everything down but completely overlooked) so thank you. I hope your birthday went well.
  13. Well done on your debut. Sorry I didn't have points for you, but it was considered. Hope you join us for the next one.
  14. Well, I'm not sure what is our final position, but points-wise, it was our 2nd worst finish, but I had a lot of fun. I had chosen Candyman to represent us this year when I first heard the song in February 2016, but as I said earlier, R&B songs do as well here as rap does at Eurovision, but it felt nice to lead the scoreboard for the first time (thanks to Indonesia's 12 points), so with that... 12 11 9 8 4 2 1 Thank you @Griff88 @Werloc @Janakis @Ruslan @Il_qar @vovanA @bestmen @intoronto and @uk12points for the points. And I just realized that I gave points to the winner 3 times now (and 2 in a row). I guess the song has to be THAT good in order to strike a chord with me since I'm the one with a vastly different taste.
  15. I think the key word was almost. I'm sure OlympicsFan knows where Bob Marley came from.
  16. Wow, I am stupid. I'm here thinking Brazil would somehow give up the bronze to Iran and we still have two countries to go. WTF!
  17. Same, but this time, I don't blame the UK. It was the only one that could win.
  18. Just watch... Brazil will give at least 8 points to Iran to give up the bronze.
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