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    RiSeGwangFan got a reaction from thiago_simoes in Rhythmic Gymnastics PAGU American Championships 2021   
    Lindo demais!!! I love your objectivity and your passion for the Gymnastics!!! 
  2. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to thiago_simoes in Rhythmic Gymnastics PAGU American Championships 2021   
    Thank you!

    Prior to the beginning of the event, I thought Brazil would qualify an individual and Mexico would qualify the group. Then Rut Castillo had the best competition of her life and the Mexican group did not qualify -- even though their level is still fantastic -- and everything I thought I knew about gymnastics is a lie now. 

    I seriously hope the Mexican group doesn't feel discouraged by this result. This is one of the best groups in the world, period. I think that the five balls routine is still not as mature as it could have been, and it hurt the group's chances a little bit, but as the (very unprofessional) Brazilian commentator mentioned, 2024 will be this group's time to shine.

    Also, I hope Mexicans realize how monumental it is for Mexico to qualify in rhythmic gymnastics for the very first time. Brazil has never qualified an individual, at least not in the "true" sense. All of our individual performances at the Olympics resulted from invitations. Also, it is also a huge achievement not to qualify through a naturalized individual. Of course, it's okay to qualify through someone who went through the process of naturalization. I'm not judging this. But qualifying an individual born and raised in Mexico, who trained in Mexico, in this sport, is absolutely incredible. Kudos to Mexico and to Rut Castillo!
  3. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to mrv86 in Rhythmic Gymnastics PAGU American Championships 2021   
    Congratulations Brazil
    You deserve to be in Tokyo, your women were better today and even if it’s a deep lose to remain at home, I’m sire that unlike the Americans you actually have the level to upset “major” teams.
    Best wishes for your group in Tokyo.
  4. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to thiago_simoes in Rhythmic Gymnastics PAGU American Championships 2021   
    Beautiful! I'm so proud!
  5. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to thiago_simoes in Rhythmic Gymnastics PAGU American Championships 2021   
    Congratulations to !

    Rut Castillo will be the first-ever rhythmic gymnast from Mexico to go to the Olympics! 
  6. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to mrv86 in Rhythmic Gymnastics PAGU American Championships 2021   
    After a 14 year wait,  Ruth Castillo will make the debut of her country in Rhythmic Gumnastics.
    I’m sorry for Barbara Domingos, but I’m glad the oldest rhythmic gymnast still around will go to Tokyo
  7. Love
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to thiago_simoes in Rhythmic Gymnastics PAGU American Championships 2021   
    Yes, she was really tired. Now she needs to focus on her preparation for the Olympics and no matter what happens there, she will be part of history forever.

    It was a long day with tons of inquiries and an overall sluggish performance by the judges, partially because of those very same inquiries. The judging panel seemed to be completely lost sometimes and most of the inquiries were accepted. Judging rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most stressful activities one could volunteer to do, but at the same time I wonder if it's not time to completely ban judges from the same continent from judging a continental competition.

    Now, about the Olympic qualification system, it was a total mess. There a lots of complaints about which judges were attributed to each function, since the D3 panel is one that could completely change the outcome of a competition depending on who is judging. I won't get into details, but there are Brazilians accusing Mexico of manipulating scores in individual competition, and there are Mexicans accusing Brazil of manipulating scores in the group competition. In special, one of the accounts I follow on Twitter is a battlefield right now with tons of nasty comments, and this really makes me sad because, in all honesty, people should be celebrating Rut Castillo's achievement instead of exchanging accusations. I'm super happy for her, she was superb, she didn't have a single bad moment during qualifications and she deserved the Olympic qualification. It was the performance of a lifetime, yet people seem to be ignoring that.

    Anyway, I want to wrap it up by congratulating Sol Fainberg too for two medals today. The last medal earned by Argentina was 20 years ago, so Sol made history here and she deserves to be praised and remembered too.

    @mrv86and my Mexican friends here, congratulations for the historic achievement and the best of luck in Tokyo. If Rut finishes 22nd or better, she will have the best performance of a Latin American gymnast in the history of the Olympic Games and I'll be cheering for her.
  8. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to mrv86 in Mexico National Thread   
    En otras notas, mañana se definirán los seleccionados en 20km en ambas ramas, pues el evento en La Coruña es el último dentro del plazo que propuso la federación para dar marcas y escoger atletas.
    Enorme lo de Rivera, con su nuevo record y poniendose de nuevo en la lista de calificados a los Juegos, aunque aun hay tiempo para que otros lo pasen; esperemos no sea el caso.
  9. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to mrv86 in Mexico National Thread   
    Dos records femeninos cayeron este fin de semana:
    En 800m de atletismo, Mariela Del Real corrió 2:00.91, poco mas de un segundo sobre la marca de clasificación, pero le quitó el record de la prueba a Guevara.
    En 200m mariposa, María José Matta impuso marca de 2:09.57, igual cerca de la marca “A”. Creo con algo de suerte podría unirse a Melissa Rodríguez (que se quedó a una centésima de la marca y debe ser primera en la línea en la prueba de 200m pecho) y Jorge Iga (200m libres, a 12 centésimas de la marca) como parte de los nadadores en Tokyo. Mis otros dos candidatos en natación son Gabriel Castaños (50m libres, a 19 centésimas) y José Ángel Martínez (a 11 centésimas en 200 combinados)
  10. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to mrv86 in Mexico National Thread   
    Una verdadera mierda de equipos... pobre Randal; realmente se ve que está llegando a su punto y le ponen a un Iván que está en plena decadencia y se notó mucho en la calidad de la ejecución. Con gusto despellejaría a Todorov, Bautista y Guevara con mis manos.
    Y Espinosa? Un chiste. Para tirarse de panza, mejor voy yo y me aviento.
  11. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to Braulio in Mexico National Thread   
    Bueno, el equipo que va a Tokio por las plazas olimpicas con practicamente puro deportista de Ivan Garcia o de los 'protegidos'
    Donde estan Kevin Berlin? Diego Balleza? Majo Sanchez? 
    Por que esta nueva pareja de Ivan Garcia y Randal Willars??? es que es de a fuerza que Ivan debe estar SI o SI en los JJOO como su esposa, novia o lo que sea?
    Esta probado que Garcia falla en la hora buena, de confianza le tengo casi nada, por que apostar por el una vez mas cuando esta la plaza de sincronizados en disputa enviandolo con un chico que jamas habia hecho pareja? Balleza y Willars habian estado dando buenos resultados, Diego es muy consistente, lo ha mostrado solo que jamas le dan oportunidad de ir a pruebas individual.
    Por que va Rodrigo Diego en individual trampolin 3m? en este caso como premio de consolacion mandan a Yahir Ocampo a buscar la plaza olimpica (segunda) pero es eso, consolacion, porque esta claro quienes iran en el sincro de 3m (Castillo y Celaya)
    En sincro plataforma 10m si de por si ya sabemos que Ale Orozco es tambien muy inconsistente y la ponen con Agundez, madre mia. Ojala que al menos estas chicas clasifiquen a la final, me gustaria verlas calificando a los JJOO pero lo dudo bastante.
    Pues eso, que los protegidos siguen ahi copando y ocupando los puestos y siendo elegidos para los eventos. Aun no han dicho como sera el proceso selectivo pero me temo que sera muy similar al polemico de 2019 con sus tablas de puntajes, evaluaciones tecnicas y farsas que al final solo son mero tramite porque por dedazo ya saben a quien van a mandar.
  12. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to Braulio in Mexico National Thread   
    Well that's tipically Aida. Since 2016 Rio Games she has been hit/miss and well most times missing than hitting. Unfortunately she is very inconsistent and her results since 2015 prove that. I think that she is still on the team because of her career achievements but I doubt she is our top 2 archer right now and could well be surpassed by any of the younger girls that are now pushing her. Alejandra Valencia is another issue, she looks to deliver under big pressure but just can't seal the deal in that last arrow 
  13. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to Fly_like_a_don in Mexico National Thread   
    I think that was Aída Román who gifted us the match with a 7 on last shot, totally unexpected. We didn't win it but Mexico lost it I'd say. 
  14. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to mrv86 in Mexico National Thread   
    Así es. Todorov es de las peores cosas que han pasado, y más con esa triangulación de recursos que tienen entre él, la gente de Guevara que se dedica a "promover" deportistas y el equipo de Bautista; va a estar difícil que Espinosa consiga la plaza en individuales, sencillamente el año pasado en Lima se tiró de panza dos veces, así que obviamente ya no es una atleta de alto rendimiento.
    ¿Dónde encuentras los resultados de los atletas mexicanos? Me gustaría seguirles el pasado en este último tramo rumbo a los Olímpicos.
    Me gustó el desempeño del equipo femenino de tiro con arco hasta la final. En verdad que forma de perder la concentración de Vázquez en esa última flecha, cuando únicamente necesitaba un 9. En fin, creo que sí mantienen este nivel, y viendo que otras de sus rivales tienen peor forma, veo posible que obtengan uno de los 3 últimos lugares por equipos.
    En cuanto a los hombres, creo ya no hay esperanza. Deberán conformarse con pelear entre ellos el boleto individual.
  15. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to Braulio in Mexico National Thread   
    Lo de la situacion con la Federacion de Atletismo es indignante, segun lei han suspendido ya al que dirigia asi que al menos se quitan a ese personaje impresentable. Una cerdada lo hecho a los del relevo. Y de Guevara mejor no hablemos, todo mi respeto como atleta pero como directiva/politica no le tengo alguno.
    Como bien dices; tiene a sus protegidos y me da mucho temor otra cerdada que seguramente se viene en la seleccion de clavados, ya me imagino como va a ser de 'especial' el selectivo/proceso/evaluacion/prueba tecnica para acomodar a modo a quienes Kirill Todorov/Ana Guevara quieren llevar en detrimento de quienes quiza muestren estar AHORA MISMO con el nivel para pelear medallas en Tokio. Pero bueno no quiero empezar a mosquearme desde ahora, primero a ver cuantas plazas mas se logran obtener en el preolimpico dentro de una semana.
    La marca de Diego del Real da esperanzas a que recupere su confianza, esa que se le fue desde los Juegos de Rio con su cuarto lugar. Sinceramente crei que Diego iba a tener un ciclo olimpico brillante, prometia bastante, pero no ha sido asi y fue penoso verlo que no consiguio siquiera un resultado decente a nivel panamericano en Lima. Que consiga ahora su clasificacion a Tokio directamente y con marca personal da esperanzas. Ojala adquiera confianza y sobre todo consistencia.
    Hoy Laura Galvan en los Drake Relays consiguio la cuarta plaza en los 1500 metros con 4:09.09 cerca de su marca personal. 
    Manana domingo nuestros representantes en tiro con arco van por finales y medallas de oro en mixtos y equipos femenil dentro de la Copa del Mundo en Guatemala. Tengo confianza en esta mezcla de juventud y experiencia en el equipo femenil y confio que puedan conseguir el oro para seguir en progresion y logren la plaza olimpica hacia Tokio. En un buen dia nuestros arqueros pueden dar la medalla nuevamente, el karma se la debe a Alejandra Valencia.
  16. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to mrv86 in Mexico National Thread   
    Al parecer Diego Del Real dio la marca para Tokio e impuso nuevo record nacional
    con 78.62, que de ser confirmado, seria la segunda marca del año y lo pondría en la mira para repetir la final en los Juegos
  17. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to mrv86 in Mexico National Thread   
    Y al final ganó el diseño "inspirado" en Oaxaca. Que hubiera preferido verdaderamente hubieran utilizado algún taller local con diseños auténticos y más tradicionales. Como dijiste  @Braulio creo ya el diseño de charro está gastado, pero hay tanto variedad de trajes típicos que pueden ser portados con elegancia y representar precisamente la diversidad de un país grande.
    En otras noticias, una verdadera pena y porquería que la FMAA haya cortado el proceso de los relevos 4x400, decidiendo extorsionarles para que pagaran su pasaje al Campeonato de relevos el próximo sábado. Esta nota cuenta con una entrevista, y la verdad es que estoy asqueado que la Guevara despìlfarre en sus consentidos, mientras el resto de los competidores ven truncos sus sueños.
    Finalmente, estoy totalmente decepcionado del nivel mostrado en voleibol de playa, especialmente en los hombres. Se nota que la federación ha sido totalmente negligente en tener un buen plan de desarrollo. En verdad no es posible que teniendo 3 etapas a modo en Cancún, apenas una de las parejas. Gaxiola-Rubio, tenga el nivel de juego suficiente para poder ser contendientes en la etapa de eliminación. 
  18. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to thiago_simoes in Artistic Gymnastics 2021 Discussion Thread   
    Nope, unfortunately. Even if she competes at the next stage of the series, she won't be able to catch the first-placed gymnast.
  19. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to thiago_simoes in Artistic Gymnastics 2021 Discussion Thread   
    Apparently,  Ellie Downie chose not to go to Tokyo. She was a contender for a vault medal and the current World bronze medalist on the apparatus. Her brother passed away last week. He was only 24. Becky Downie will still participate at the British trials in June.

    Poor girls. They are so strong, each in her own way. 
  20. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to thiago_simoes in Artistic Gymnastics 2021 Discussion Thread   
    There are some big changes to the Code of Points for the 2022-2024 cycle.

    I'll go through the most important changes in the women's code of points.

    1) All vaults were reduced in difficulty value. This means that scores on vault will not be ridiculously higher compared to the other apparatus anymore. Other than that, the level of difficulty remains consistent with the current code of points. For example, a Double Twisting Yurchenko went from 5.4 to 5.0, and a Produnova went from 6.4 to 6.0, so the 1.0 point difference between the vaults remain. Basically, the final vault scores will be lower, but it's still a fair change, even though in practical terms it makes almost no difference.
    2) Turns are not required on the balance beam anymore. Gymnasts can perform rolls or flairs instead.

    3) It looks like turns from the same "family" can be performed only once in each routine. For example, currently gymnasts can perform a triple turn with the leg up, a double turn with the leg up and a single turn with the leg up, and all three of them will add points to the difficulty score. Now, they can only perform one of these elements in each routine. This directly affects .

    4) There are new connection values, which won't make much of a difference to the casual viewer but will slightly increase the score of some gymnasts, provided they add more skills in sequence. Not much room for bigger scores, though, but still nice ways to explore the talents of each gymnast.

    5) The execution panel has been expanded to 7 judges. This is looking more and more like figure skating at this point. If in practical terms this means that  will stop receiving unrealistic scores, I'm down for it. But I highly doubt so. Also, no more reference judges at the Olympics. I suppose this applies to the men's code of points as well, and in theory we won't see oddities like Jovtchev qualifying to the still rings final in 2012 after judges disagreeing about his score, and the reference panel basically throwing him into the final.
  21. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to thiago_simoes in Artistic Gymnastics 2021 Discussion Thread   
    According to AGU's website, the championships have been canceled. So, this means that  Akim Mussayev and  Abdulla Azimov should take the Olympic quotas in men's artistic gymnastics. In women's artistic gymnastics the qualifiers are  An Chang Ok and  Eom Dohyun; however, since North Korea will likely not go to Tokyo,  Tan Ing Yueh should be the qualifier.

    The only one I know from this list is Azimov, who is pretty good on the pommel horse.

  22. Thanks
    RiSeGwangFan got a reaction from Braulio in How many medals do you expect from your Nation at the 2020 Olympics? (2021 "A" version)   
    1-2 Taekwondo
    2-4 Diving
    Men's football
    MAX 7 medals: one gold in Taekwondo, maybe... 
    MIN: 3 medals
    Honestly, it  looks like other typical Mexican performance at the Olympics. 
  23. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to Dragon in Tokyo Summer Olympic Games 2020 News   
    Well, it's very interesting that this was revealed on the day Japan extended trade sanctions on DPR Korea for another two years.
    I'm sure this a political decision by North Korea rather than anything to do with the virus.
  24. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to Olympian1010 in Tokyo Summer Olympic Games 2020 News   
    Stirring trailer for the Refugee Olympic and Paralympic Team
  25. Like
    RiSeGwangFan reacted to Dunadan in Tokyo Summer Olympic Games 2020 News   
    I still think they should have waited to cancel it last year. Now, worldwide and in Japan, the situation has not improved at all.
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