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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. You're the one who wants politics mixing with sports so you should be extremely happy with this
  2. I'm talking about people in undisputed power. Compared to a Roman Emperor, you're a stellar ash George Washington was a slave owner and everyone is fine with that some 200+ years later (I mean his face is still on the one dollar bill, right?). This is why things socially acceptable change over time. No way a slave owner gets elected as President in XXI century In 200 years men kissing men on the street will be socially acceptable in Poland too but I wouldn't bet my house on this
  3. Sex always sells. I can only second guess what businesses all these politicians control in private? One case made it to the press and it's not even the tip of the iceberg
  4. Things that are socially acceptable change over times. Roman Emperors used to hold public orgies with heavy drinking for days. Not gonna happen anymore. Every orgy with a politician involved will happen behind closed doors. Public urinating into sewers? Neah, off the board (unless you're drunk at 3:00 am and don't give a damn). Slavery. Oh boy, that one hang around for centuries. Can't have that anymore in the so-called civilized world.
  5. You obviously have no idea how society in Poland works
  6. There's nothing satirical about a plane crash with hundreds of people dead. You obviously don't get it.
  7. I understand the difference but you still joked about the missing flight and the people that died there. Your sense of humor is toxic
  8. Lesbians would probably attract some laughs and jokes, men would risk a physical confrontation especially if coming across a bunch of drunken muscles
  9. Who is making jokes about people's lives being lost now? And you dare to call people out over LGBT jokes?
  10. It's not my fault you don't remember the ozone hole craze of the 80s/90s. That craze has died a natural death and kinda proves climate change is immune to human actions IMO.
  11. You want speculation or facts? I don't live in a big enough town to see any LGBT people in public Men would have it far worse than women though.
  12. 25 years ago the eco-maniacs have raved about the ozone hole killing the climate. Nobody talks about that anymore in 2019 and the hole has actually shrunk to record low levels since it was first measured. Climate changes happen without a significant human input IMO and shutting down coal mines and switching to electric cars won't help that whatsoever. That's my opinion and everything else is just a political talk. Don't make me laugh, nobody gives a fuck about Donbas and Crimea anymore. Ereryone is afraid to step on Russia's tail
  13. LGBT rights is a wonderful new weapon in a poitical battle (alongside climate change). The world has gotten rich enough, there is no global war (and nobody cares about real wars going on right now just like in Syria or Donbas) so people need to find a new weapon to fight that neverending political battle. LGBT rights is a win/win concept. Even those who don't support it can win a political capital based on their negative views. I'm talking minority rule not minority rights. My father would never accept having LGBT children (I asked him jokingly about that years ago). So much for the family support. It's DOA
  14. Social ostracism is a powerful reason against it and it would happen in most cases IMO (especially outside of the big cities). If you can't live with social ostracism, you should stay in the closet.
  15. People inside the closet are minority though. Minority rules never work out. If you support democracy how can you support a minority rule? There are more heterosexual people than LGBT in the world last time I checked.
  16. If I were a LGBT person I'd never come out in public. It's really that simple. Not in Poland anyway
  17. I have my formula, 'Adapt or die'. You're talking about Serena Williams, Nazis, xenophonbia, LGBT yadda yadda etc. etc. Heywoodu has probably drifted to watching darts since you called him a racist and guess what, you're not gonna find many suitors who agree with you after you call them racists Like I said before, you're on your own here.
  18. Adapt or die I'm sorry but you're soooo far off my society scale we will never agree on anything here. I've adapted to that, you haven't. Enjoy winning your talking head wars on social media
  19. If you can't live with the social ostracism then you take shelter, obviously
  20. I couldn't care less if Lampic won by 10 secs, anything other than a Norway win is good!
  21. Adapt or Die is the most universal aka gender-neutral (how about my progressive language, sir!) stance the humanity has accepted. And this works every single time. You want to call the shots and make a change. And guess what, LGBT people must adapt to reality too. Everyone has to. Or else you DIE.
  22. I remember Silvio Fauner spoiling the Norwegian party in 1994 so let's don't pretend you know everything and I know nothing. Either post the video example of this great finish from this week or stop trolling
  23. I still don't have a clue what are you talking about. I don't watch cross country anymore like I mentioned before.
  24. Brad Pitt tells it like it is 100% agree with that. People have adapted to all kinds of bullshit (hello, communism) so you still have a chance.
  25. Serena came down as a very sore loser in that US final. She definitely lost the X factor she had in the 00s decade and let's be honest, if she wasn't one win away from Margaret Court's all-time GS record, she'd have retired already. She thinks she can still do it but with Osaka, Halep and Andreescu all beating her in GS final it's safe to say she's gone one bridge too far.
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