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Everything posted by nenad

  1. Yeah, the same thing with Serbia, looks like Sergej Milinković Savić and Kolarov somehow found their way to Serbia last night, but many more remain in Italy..
  2. Well, almost everything is going back to normal in Serbia. Restrictions remain in place for large gatherings, for night clubs etc, but it will all be lifted very soon. Essentialy, measures now being in place for small gatherings, for public transport, for coffee shops, kindergartens are impossible to maintain and nobody really is going to control them and people will not respect it so we'll find out soon enough is there any real threat from this virus that still exists.. Because if it exists, then number of people infected is going to skyrocket in 2 weeks or so.
  3. They think that for many things falsely :D american democracy is a sham, you can't get elected a dogcatcher if you can't raise milions of dollars. it's a rigged two party system, reelection campaigns never stop, you take votes so you could get reelected not because you beleive in it. media scene is dangerously incompetent, they are partisan hacks all of them, left and right, they are pro establishment, neocon war hawks and if you try to go out of mainstream you get slaughtered. and in a "greatest democracy" in the world you still have states where you need to register to vote months before an election. and a lot of states that just plainly supress the votes of minorities.
  4. Rumunija je odigrala katastrofalno prvenstvo, ja bih njih u grupi. Nema razloga da ih se plašimo. Ovo je fenomenalan rezultat. Peti u svetu, to su i košarkaši npr. Imamo sasvim pristojne šanse da imamo dva timska sporta više nego u Riju što bi bilo fantastično. Plus i basket može tu da se računa.
  5. I think the word you want to use here is still instead of always and yes it's still possible. If Germany wins tomorrow they are almost certain to qualify and Sweden would have a chance in OQT. If Sweden wins however, they will likely qualify at OQT and Germany is eliminated.
  6. Yeah, it's important match for Sweden, but based on overall peformance at this tournament, Germany has to be favorite.
  7. Nije da nismo pokušali da useremo sve al eto.. Igraćemo sa CG za peto mesto. AKo sam dobro razumeo kako se popunjavaju ovi turniri bilo bi dobro da dobijemo taj meč. Igrali bi sa četvrtim umesto sa trećim sa ovog takmičenja i još možda bitnije dobili bi Rumuniju? u grupi umesto recimo Švedske ako Švedska izgubi od Nemačke. Ako Švedska dobije Nemačku onda bi bila Mađarska u grupi.
  8. Imaju pravo Rusi da nastupaju samo ne pod svojom zastavom i svojim grbom, znači mogu da učestvuju kao nezavisni članovi. Ako tako odluče ko što jesu u Pjeongčangu. E sad, valjda će se i Rusi žaliti CAS-u na ovu odluku.
  9. Because it's political and everybody knows it.
  10. Ja mislim da će ovo svetsko biti još jedan školski primer iz naše ženske rukometne knjige kako napraviti pokoji dobar rezultat i odigrati super, iznenaditi sve i onda kad je najbitnije usrati maksimalno. Mada smo već usrali protiv Holandije na ovom prvenstvu. Voleo bih baš da grešim ali nisam siguran. Sa druge strane pobeda protiv Danske se nadam bi obezbedila treće mesto i kvalifikacioni turnir. E sad, kakve su nam šanse tamo, to pojma nemam? 4 ekipe u grupi, kontam da će jedan protivnik biti lakši, jedan će biti favorit i imaće domaćinstvo, znači ostao bi nam još jedan koga treba da dobijemo?
  11. Ladno smo dobili Nemačku ali je i Danska dobila prokletu Holandiju pa moramo da izvučemo bar bod protiv Danske. Naravno kako to obično bude izgubićemo lagano.
  12. They will play because UEFA is not the roof organization, it's FIFA
  13. Nema ništa od Birče ovaj put. Možda za ovaj prvi prozor a ni tu apsolutno nema razloga da ga zove. Što je mnogo, mnogo je. Jesam Grobar, ali gledao bih deset puta pre Simanića
  14. Bilo je bitno samo da izbegnemo Australiju i izbegli smo, lagano možemo da upišemo plus 12 za Tokio. A verovatno i plus 24, Italijani nemaju centra, možemo i bez Jokića komotno da ih dobijemo. Ali Bogdan će biti problem.
  15. They're not very strong but should have solid teams. Croatia could probably have the strongest one, but we'll see, it's too early. And Croatia has a history of failing when expectations are high.
  16. Group in Canada obviously toughest but we should've known that cause Canada comes from pot 4. In Kaunas probably the easiest with huge questionmark of Dončić playing. Generaly, we can't say much until we see which players will show up. It should be Serbia and Italy in Belgrade with Serbia being favorites, but it won't be a walk in a park. Lithuania vs Slovenia if Dončić plays in Kaunas, in Split Croatia, Brazil, Germany, Russia, the most even group and in Victoria it should go down between Canada and Greece if Giannis plays. If he doesn't then maybe the Turks could surprise but Canada favorites.
  17. ok, we have qualified. thanks to fiba
  18. Murray and Alexander are going to play for Canada.
  19. Realno je sramota da dobijemo organizaciju i muškog i ženskog turnira i to drugi put zaredom. Ali to je FIBA :D Osim što smo dobili organizaciju izbegli smo i najteže protivnike Kanadu, Hrvatsku i Litvaniju. Ostaje nam da izbegnemo Grke još.
  20. Ma ko još u ovoj državi ima blama. Nikad nisam bio u fazonu da pljujem preterano sportiste koji se takmiče na vrhunskom nivou, mislim jbg meni sad neko da grune neke pare i da ja znam da ih baš nisam ni zaslužio teško da bih baš rekao neću. Budimo realni. Ali sam zato uvek mrzeo ljude koji nemaju trunku blama da su svesni svega i da opet daju ovakve izjave, mislim jbt ako ti moraš da nađeš neko opravdanje za ljude koji te finansiraju, ok, ali nemoj da nam vređaš inteligenciju. Za takvog lika nikad ne bih mogao da navijam.
  21. Da je bilo negde da se kladi da će Asmir da baci manje od 20m, kuću bih stavio Zato Armin. Kakav uspeh, neverovatno da baci čovek 77cm iznad PB kad je najbitnije. Pola metra jače od norme za OI. Četvrti u kvalifikacijama mada ruku na srce bacio je iz drugog puta, neki su bacali samo jednom. Ali nebitno. Ako sam nešto voleo u atletici i plivanju je da takmičar dođe na veliko takmičenje i zabeleži najbolji rezultat.
  22. Let's fucking go
  23. I think we'll have to say something about that first
  24. I think the seeding will be according to FIBA rankings, so not only FIBA WC will be important. I can't see Czechs getting into that first pot. But it was a great result for you at the WC. And without Vesely in the lineup. Huge.
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