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For Prêmio Brasil Olímpico, which will take place at December 18th, the nominees are:





Gabriel Medina (Surfing)

Isaquias Queiroz (Sprint Canoeing)

Pedro Barros (Skateboarding)



Ana Marcela Cunha (Swimming)

Ana Sátila (Slalom Canoeing)

Marta (Football)


Isaquias won the award 2 times, so I'm guessing they're going with Medina (first time nominee) this time. Among the women, Cunha won before and is nominated almost every year, while Sátila achieved her second nomination in a row. Marta is a easy pick because she never won before - which also would be the first time a footballer (man or woman) wins!



There's also a thing called Atleta da Torcida, which basically it's a popular vote award that strangely enough doesn't include some of the nominated athletes above. The nominees are:

Erika Miranda (Judo)
Bruno Rezende (Volleyball)
Arthur Zanetti (Gymnastics)
Henrique Avancini (Cycling)
Gabriel Medina (Surfing)
Ágatha/Duda (Beach Volleyball)
Letícia Bufoni (Skateboarding)
Bruno Fratus (Swimming)
Marta (Football)
Eduarda Amorim (Handball)


I guess Medina wins but who knows. If he (or Bufoni) posts something about this on their instagram accounts, they can easily win, but right now Avancini of all people has more than 80% of the vote (most likely because he said something about the award in his social medias). I voted for Erika. Anyone can vote here.


Finally, the brazilian committee also picks the best in each Olympic sport (for winter sports they simply divide between "ice" and "snow") and all these athletes have their moment at the ceremony. The list:



Atletismo: Darlan Romani
Badminton: Ygor Coelho
Basquete: Yago Mateus
Basquete 3x3: Luiz Felipe Soriani
Beisebol: Felipe Burin
Boxe: Beatriz Ferreira
Canoagem Slalom: Ana Sátila
Canoagem Velocidade: Isaquias Queiroz
Ciclismo BMX (Freestyle): Leandro Neto
Ciclismo BMX (Racing): Anderson Ezequiel de Souza Filho
Ciclismo Estrada: Vinicius Rangel Costa
Ciclismo Mountain Bike: Henrique Avancini
Ciclismo Pista: Kacio Fonseca da Silva Freitas
Desportos na Neve: Jaqueline Mourão
Desportos no Gelo: Isadora Williams
Escalada Esportiva: Thais Makino Shiraiwa
Esgrima: Alexandre Camargo
Futebol: Marta Silva
Ginástica Artística: Arthur Zanetti
Ginástica Trampolim: Camilla Gomes
Ginástica Rítmica: Natália Gaudio
Golfe: Luiza Altmann
Handebol: Eduarda Amorim
Hipismo adestramento: João Victor Oliva
Hipismo CCE: Márcio Carvalho Jorge
Hipismo saltos: Pedro Veniss
Hóquei sobre grama: Rodrigo Faustino
Judô: Érika Miranda
Karatê: Vinicius Figueira
Levantamento de pesos: Fernando Saraiva Reis
Maratona Aquática: Ana Marcela Cunha
Nado Artístico: Maria Clara Lobo
Natação: Revezamento (Pedro Spajari/Gabriel Santos/Marcelo Chierighini/Marco Antonio Ferreira Junior)
Pentatlo moderno: Maria Iêda Guimarães
Polo Aquático: Gustavo Guimarães
Remo: Uncas Tales Batista
Rugby: Bianca dos Santos Silva
Saltos Ornamentais: Ingrid de Oliveira
Skate: Pedro Barros
Softbol: Fernanda Ayumi Missaki
Surfe: Gabriel Medina
Taekwondo: Edival Pontes
Tênis: Marcelo Melo
Tênis de mesa: Hugo Calderano
Tiro com arco: Marcus Vinícius D'Almeida
Tiro esportivo: Julio Almeida
Triatlo: Manoel Messias
Vela: Martine Grael e Kahena Kunze
Vôlei:  Douglas Souza
Vôlei de praia: Agatha Bednarczuk / Duda Lisboa
Wrestling: Lais Oliveira


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1 hour ago, Olympian1010 said:

I’m a little sad that Lewis Oliva didn’t make the list. He’s the one Welsh athlete that stood out to me this year.

I'll tell him you said that. He'll be pleased. ;)

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6 hours ago, Dragon said:

So how are you with the nominees for the Welsh Sports Person of the Year? ;)


Gareth Bale 

Elinor Barker 

Laura Deas 

Menna Fitzpatrick

Geraint Thomas 

Mark Williams 

Fitzpatrick and Williams are the only ones I don't know :p 


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3 hours ago, vinipereira said:

Finally, the brazilian committee also picks the best in each Olympic sport (for winter sports they simply divide between "ice" and "snow") and all these athletes have their moment at the ceremony. The list:

Desportos na Neve: Jaqueline Mourão




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3 hours ago, Dragon said:

I'll tell him you said that. He'll be pleased. ;)

He’s famous in one American household :p. He really did make my day when he came out of nowhere to win that medal. Plus, Oliva is an easy name to remember.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Just now, heywoodu said:

Fitzpatrick and Williams are the only ones I don't know :p 

Fitzpatrick sounds familiar, I’m assuming she’s a cyclist or a gymnast

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Just now, Olympian1010 said:

Fitzpatrick sounds familiar, I’m assuming she’s a cyclist or a gymnast

If she was a cyclist I most likely would have known her :p (unless it's some freestyle urban stuff)


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@vinipereira I’d say Barros wins the men’s. Sátila the Women’s. I’d vote for Avancini because he seems like he cares.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Just now, heywoodu said:

If she was a cyclist I most likely would have known her :p (unless it's some freestyle urban stuff)

Oh you know what! she’s a swimmer. I recognized that name from my constant rewatching of the 2014 Commonwealth Games. I think she’s a back or breast specialist 

Edited by Olympian1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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