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8 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

*A non-lethal weapon.

This is a little more defendable then many of the other cases of police brutality that we’ve seen, but it still represents something inherently wrong with our police culture. Our police place too much emphasis on confrontational, violent methods ending conflict, and too little emphasis on positive problem solving techniques that would have much better outcomes for all parties. 


Really? Robert Dziekanski's death was ruled a homicide.ński_Taser_incident


Four ex-police officers have been sentenced to prison in Poland as well.


So much for taser being non-lethal :p

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On 12/06/2020 at 16:45, Olympian1010 said:

So, a horrific story is unfolding in our town at the moment. A black man was found hanging from a tree in a local park this week. That’s honestly just gut-reaching without knowing the circumstances, and you can’t help but feel immediately sad for the victim and his family. I should stress that details around what happened are very much unknown so it could be anything from a suicide attempt to a purposeful lynching. Police are ruled the incident a suicide, however people were quick to point out that doing so means they can bar the media from obtaining information about the incident. That is a little weird, however understandable surrounding a normal case of suicide (which this could very well be). Because I do not know the details surrounding this incident, I’m going to keep my post at that. This is the best objective description of what’s happening in my town that I can give. 

I can’t believe what I’m reading. They have found a second Black man hanging from a tree in a town nearby. This has once again been immediately ruled a suicide. That’s all the information that’s available now.


What a horrific time for my community :cry:

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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2 minutes ago, Monzanator said:



Really? Robert Dziekanski's death was ruled a homicide.ński_Taser_incident


Four ex-police officers have been sentenced to prison in Poland as well.


So much for taser being non-lethal :p

From what I know, tasers in the U.S. are designed to be non-lethal. They have a limited charge and limited ammo. Of course, it is still a weapon, which is why I said this case is more defendable, albeit still an example of how our police system is broken.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Just now, Olympian1010 said:

From what I know, tasers in the U.S. are designed to be non-lethal. They have a limited charge and limited ammo. Of course, it is still a weapon, which is why I said this case is more defendable, albeit still an example of how our police system is broken.

So, police can't use guns, sticks, chokeholds and tasers? In a country with such an easy access to semi-automatic weapons for civilians? So what should police carry then? Water pistols? :p

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Btw, I believe police in Poland, Canada and USA uses the same standard X26 series tasers. Average of 1,200 volts with a peak of 50,000 volts. So American police tasers aren't any different from being used elsewhere. So the whole "non-lethal" theory doesn't hold much ground. The death of Igor Stachowiak has been the most high-profile death in police custody in Poland in the last decade so I suggest you don't tell his family "tasers are not lethal".

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1 minute ago, Monzanator said:

So, police can't use guns, sticks, chokeholds and tasers? In a country with such an easy access to semi-automatic weapons for civilians? So what should police carry then? Water pistols? :p

It’s a real conundrum because police have proven they can’t be trusted with those weapons (methods of neutralization), but we also can’t just leave our police unarmed. You ask a great question that I honestly don’t know the answer to. 

If you pass strong gun control, you risk a civil war. If you let the police continue as is, you risk a civil war. The U.S. is a failing country because we refused to address these problems for too long, and I don’t have confidence that either of the major presidential candidates will solve any of them. Biden might keep the status quo, but I’m not really enjoying that at the moment.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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8 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

It’s a real conundrum because police have proven they can’t be trusted with those weapons (methods of neutralization), but we also can’t just leave our police unarmed. You ask a great question that I honestly don’t know the answer to. 

If you pass strong gun control, you risk a civil war. If you let the police continue as is, you risk a civil war. The U.S. is a failing country because we refused to address these problems for too long, and I don’t have confidence that either of the major presidential candidates will solve any of them. Biden might keep the status quo, but I’m not really enjoying that at the moment.


Nobody's willing to touch the NRA lobbyists but that's the whole point of American politics. Private funding rallies for big shot politicians and NRA can endorse a lot them while having insane finds due to guns being sold everywhere since the Second Amendment is king.


It's not a case of civil war but anarchy. You disarm the police and let the thugs rule the streets with their unrestricted access to guns and you've got a recipe for anarchy. Thank God nobody's advocating for disarming the US Army or National Guard yet :p


PS. Strong gun control in USA? Like when? In 2453 or something? NRA will never allow this to happen since it will cost them money. And politicians both Democrats and GOP are scared to piss NRA off.

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One step in the right direction


One step in the wrong direction 

Typical day at the Supreme Court :p


They also decided not to hear arguments against California’s Sanctuary State Law which essentially prohibits our police departments from working with federal immigrants enforcement. This is a huge victory for the state and for the values we stand for.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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There has been a skirmish at the contested India/China border. It is known that India has suffered three causalities, and it sounds like the Chinese have suffered some as well. China has accused India of crossing the border, and attacking it’s personnel. It’s more likely that both sides were aggressors here.


North Korea has also blown up its inter-Korean liaison office. It seems like North/South tensions are escalating again.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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