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Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games 2018

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  On 2/13/2018 at 6:41 AM, Shiffrin said:

First of all, maybe because the wind was causing trouble in the middle part?

I’m not sure why skiers complained about the wind, we basically saw a snow tornado, and you’re still denying it like you know better than skiers that are actually racing during these conditions.


And what I’m saying is it’s ironic you’re complaining about people compaining about unfair conditions/decisions, while you were complaining the whole time at the other event, until it went the way as you pleased. You truly act like a 11-year old.


Someone quoted Fill earlier that in his opinion the conditions weren't unfair, so your argument isn't working (i hope you get why ...).

You are new, so it's not your fault that you don't know much about this forum, but normally when you come to a new place, you first observe and try to understand the situation, but clearly that doesn't seem to be your style. If you would have bothered to do some "research", you would have known that me complaining about Kuzmina had nothing to do with how the race went today (i even said that i would prefer Dahlmeier and Kuzmina both not winning a medal over both winning a medal, so the "until it went the way as you pleased" part sadly is complete nonsene, it never went the way i wanted ...), so your second point is also nonsense. Your argument basically is that i shouldn't complain about a certain person complaining all the time about everything, because i also complained about something ... makes sense. I don't want to say much about the "11-year old" part, that style of discussion is just childish/for people who have no point. I hope you learnt a bit about how to talk to other people/how to observe properly, this might help you in your daily life.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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Too bad that Christoffer had a big mistake in the slalom. Could very well have been Denmark's best alpine result ever if it wasn't for that one.

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