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[OFF TOPIC] Quiz Thread


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1 minute ago, mrv86 said:

Once again, quite creative options, but of course I'll go with C: Anteater



Pts. 200


Giant and silky are species of which mammal?



  A: Beetlesnacker    B: Fleagobbler
  C: Anteater   D: Cricketnibbler
Question by OlympicIRL



♦                 P t s . 2 0 0                 



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1 minute ago, mrv86 said:

Of couse is not Mothringen nor Flyège ;)


It could be Waspend :mumble:.


But I'm pretty sure is B: Antwerp

You know, you're getting all the "ant questions" but once again, you're right. The 1920 Olympics were held there.




Pts. 300


Which city once hosted the Summer Olympics?



  A: Mothringen   B: Antwerp   
  C: Waspend   D: Flyège



♦                 P t s . 3 0 0                 



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Just now, mrv86 said:

Tricky, tricky... you know I turn out to be a lawyer just to avoid this kind of math :p


Just kidding, although please no calculus for me :wacko:


The answer is D:0

Don't let your clients know then. haha :d

Maths is behind you now.



Pts. 500


What is the product of 2x2x2x2x2x2x0?



  A:   B: 64 
  C: 128   D: 0 



♦                 P t s . 5 0 0                 



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