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Rowing WR Final World Olympic Qualification Regatta 2024

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Just now, Illya said:

Without one of the greatest artistic swimmers in history and current coach of Canada's team Yelyzaveta Yakhno, who is coincidentially is Ukrainian, Canada will not be as powerfull, as they are now. Liza didn't receive her flowers because of overrated russian dolls with low artistry comparing to her, so I'm glad for her success with Canadians, but it also got the chop to Ukrainian team. 

P.S. I'm completely forgot that we lost to Israel, so yes, I'm not right here

To be completely fair, you could say the same thing about a lot of teams/athletes, that they wouldn’t be good without a great coach. :d

But yeah, she’s done strides with this program.  

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An absolute disaster for Poland :POL :(


With only six athletes and two boats we have reached a historical low in our rowing history. Last time we had this small team in... 1968 with only three athletes (but with only 26 athletes in total possible, so the quotient is very similar in 2024). In the 21st century we always had 20 or nearly 20 athletes qualified, so 6 this olympic cycle is a total disaster.


According to the Polish Ministry of Sport, 2024 the Rowing Federation was awarded 14,7M PLN for the targeted preparations to the olympic start (, "Polski Związek Towarzystw Wioślarskich"), which was the 3rd most financed Polish sport federation (after the athletics and canoeing federations - which are both expected to deliver medals in Paris). Even though historically the Polish Rowing Federation was a good performer, something cracked since the last Olympics.


The last two years were very sad time for Polish rowing fans. Let us hope it is just a temporary backlash. 

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One of the worst results for :CAN in Olympic rowing history, in terms of the number of boats/athletes qualified. I have no words :facepalm:

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Boat quotas won at the final regatta


4 :USA





* Slovenia may have 2 if they're allowed keep the host reallocation in mens and women's. If they can't :HUN is added too

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