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Fencing FIE World Championships 2023

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  On 7/24/2023 at 1:18 PM, Vektor said:

Are you fucking kidding me? It happened again, I am so sorry @Illya...




noooooo :cry: :facepalm: :hairpull:


and this also fucks my prediction contest off :nopompom: :drama:

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however, I also have some good news...


I thought this championship was going to be an epic fail in terms of people's participation because the tickets are quite expensive and because scheduling the finals' sessions at 4 p.m. in Italy, and especially in July/August in Milan, it's just crazy


but I'm happy to say I was completely wrong...OK, the arena is very small, but all the tickets have already been sold, we're gonna have a full sellout crowd all week long (there were more than 2000 people hanging around already on Saturday and Sunday for the preliminary stages -in the less comfortable dedicated hall :yikes::thumbup:

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Number of athletes per nations in the Round of 64


men's foil (28 nations)


4 athletes - :EGY  :FRA  :HKG  :ITA  :JPN  :KOR  :USA

3 athletes - :CHN  :GBR  :POL  :UKR

2 athletes - :AUT  :BRA  :CAN  :GER  :HUN  :ISR  :TPE

1 athlete - :BEL  :CRO  :CYP  :CZE  :DEN  :ESP  :MAS  :MEX  :SVK  :UZB 


women's sabre (28 nations)


4 athletes - :HUN  :ITA  :JPN  :KOR  :USA 

3 athletes - :BUL  :CHN  :ESP  :FRA  :GER  :GRE  :HKG  :KAZ  :POL 

2 athletes - :GBR  :GEO  :TUR 

1 athlete - :WHT  :AUS  :AZE  :BRA  :CAN  :IND  :MEX  :ROU  :SGP  :UKR  :UZB 

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  On 7/24/2023 at 1:18 PM, Vektor said:

Are you fucking kidding me? It happened again, I am so sorry @Illya...




Honestly, idk why this is happening to Ukraine....... Olga really wants to participate in individual sabre too, but stupid laws from Ukraine won't allow her to compete. It's so sad, but our main focus - team events, so will see

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I wanted to do an overall summary, so here it is for all the athletes who made it into the main rounds of the individual events.  61 nations have qualified.


23 athletes - :ITA

22 athletes - :FRA  :JPN

20 athletes - :CHN  :HUN  :KOR  :USA

19 athletes - :POL

15 athletes - :GER

14 athletes - :CAN  :HKG

11 athletes - :GBR  :ROU

10 athletes - :EGY 

9 athletes - :ISR  :KAZ

8 athletes - :UKR

7 athletes - :ESP  :UZB

6 athletes - :GEO  :SWE

5 athletes - :AUT  :BRA  :VEN

4 athletes - :WHT  :EST  :GRE  :IND  :SGP  :SUI  :TUR

3 athletes - :BEL  :BUL  :CRO  :DEN  :IRI  :MEX

2 athletes - :AUS  :CZE  :FIN  :LUX  :NED  :TPE 

1 athlete - :AZE  :CHI  :COL  :CYP  :IRL  :ISV  :KEN  :KUW  :LTU  :MAS  :PAR  :PER  :POR  :RSA  :SVK  :TUN  :VIE 

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Here comes our supposedly strongest day in the individual competition with Kun, Szilágyi and Szatmári as medal contenders. Hopefully we can win a medal today. 

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  On 7/22/2023 at 2:05 PM, Vektor said:

Women's epee (33 nations)


4 athletes - :CHN  :EST  :FRA  :ITA  :KOR 

3 athletes - :CAN  :HUN  :JPN  :POL  :ROU  :USA 

2 athletes - :GEO  :HKG  :SUI  :VEN 

1 athlete - :WHT  :BEL  :BRA  :GBR  :GER  :IND  :ISR  :ISV  :KAZ  :KEN  :LTU  :LUX  :PAR  :PER  :SGP  :SWE  :TUR  :UZB 


Unless I missed something, R64 went down without any big upsets in women's epee.


The remaining 16 nations


4 athletes - :CHN  :FRA  :KOR 

3 athletes - :EST  :ITA

2 athletes - :HKG  :HUN  :JPN

1 athlete - :BEL  :BRA  :CAN  :KEN  :PER  :POL  :ROU  :USA 

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  On 7/22/2023 at 2:05 PM, Vektor said:

Men's sabre (25 nations)


4 athletes - :EGY  :GER  :HUN  :ITA  :KOR  :POL  :ROU  :USA 

3 athletes - :CAN  :CHN  :FRA  :IRI  :JPN  :UKR 

2 athletes - :GEO  :IND  :UZB 

1 athlete - :ESP  :GBR  :HKG  :ISL  :KAZ  :KUW  :TUN  :TUR 


Oh barely make it through against :IND Singh. 


The remaining 20 nations


3 athletes - :HUN  :ITA  :KOR  :USA 

2 athletes - :EGY  :GER  :JPN  :ROU

1 athlete - :CAN  :CHN  :FRA  :GEO  :HKG  :IRI  :KAZ  :KUW  :POL  :TUN  :TUR  :UZB

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