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Biathlon IBU Cup 2019 - 2020


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4 minutes ago, RobtheAggie said:

Fratzscher picking up where he left off two days ago.  It is early, but with 1 miss in the prone, he is only 1.7 behind the fastest time.  Much better shooting overall so far.

Pettersen is way faster though, he'll have to hope Pettersen misses at least one more.


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Paul Schommer is currently the fastest at 5.1 ?!?  Could another American make a podium?  I would be shocked.  

Pettersen is really moving out there.  Also, good to see Tambornino going well.  Not as quick as the others, so he needs to hope that those above him miss and he goes clean.


Pettersen went clean on the stand.  With his speed, he should finish near the top.

Edited by RobtheAggie
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Gjesbakk currently clean and fastest at 5.1.  If he or Nawrath can avoid the penalty loop, they should finish near the top and challenge Pettersen.

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1 minute ago, heywoodu said:

Too bad, Schommer threw away a really good result with 0+2.


Top 20 is still a real chance, and top 10 a possibility.  Yeah too bad.  

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Not only that, but almost 30 seconds ahead.  Unless he dies on the last lap, he should come into the finish in first place.  Not sure able those behind him to see who could beat him.

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