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Summer Olympic Games 2036 Bid Process


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It makes sense. The whole bidding process known from the XX or early XXI century is over. Nobody wants to spend millions of Euro in failed projects anymore. Just award the SOG to whomever actually wants to host it and can afford the usual financial losses.

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1 hour ago, Jur said:

A "high profile" journalist in Spain is proclaiming that Doha :QAT is already decided as the host of the 2036 olympics



The day Qatar gets to host will be the day the Olympics died, without a doubt.

you can then prepare for Saudi 2040 and Bahrain 2044

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27 minutes ago, ManuCHIL said:

I wish Chile luck, but unless the IOC is willing to have smaller venues from what it's use to it will be unlikely (unless Chile wants to pull a Brazil and spend even more money building stadiums no one will use).


Still it doesn't hurt to go for it. If Turkey or Qatar drop out then Chile would be in a great position.

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