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Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022 Team Sizes

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Does not look good at all here. at all. with the ice hockey team very probably missing the olympics for the very first time in history, many recent retirement in different sports, endless idiotic war behind the backstages among our skiing associations resulting in the ban of our skiing federation...


It is going to be the smallest delegation ever for us, I will be surprised if we will send more than 10 athletes to Beijing.(and even 10 is a it ambitious, I am affraid).. quite embarassing for a 80 % mountainous country, but yeah, this is what we deserve I guess....


In other hand, it may still be paradoxically the most successful WOG in history for us, Petra Vlhová baring injury and finding her top form next February



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  On 8/23/2021 at 4:46 PM, hckošice said:

Does not look good at all here. at all. with the ice hockey team very probably missing the olympics for the very first time in history


What have I missed?

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  On 8/23/2021 at 4:53 PM, Vojthas said:

What have I missed?


All our NHLers refused to play for different reasons, we will have to rally on european league players and too many young inexperienced players in the team, plus for some reason all our payers met for the first time last week, without any test match, all opponents will arrive to Bratislava after month of preparation including exhibition games, and with packed full rosters of their top players.


Our coach after first yesterday training said he is not satisfied about the physical condition of many players, half of the team are guys who just started the preparation for new season.


There no way we can win 3 matches this week, I am afraid...

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  On 8/23/2021 at 4:53 PM, Vojthas said:

What have I missed?


You can use Google translate to know more about

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  On 8/23/2021 at 4:46 PM, hckošice said:

Does not look good at all here. at all. with the ice hockey team very probably missing the olympics for the very first time in history, many recent retirement in different sports, endless idiotic war behind the backstages among our skiing associations resulting in the ban of our skiing federation...


It is going to be the smallest delegation ever for us, I will be surprised if we will send more than 10 athletes to Beijing.(and even 10 is a it ambitious, I am affraid).. quite embarassing for a 80 % mountainous country, but yeah, this is what we deserve I guess....


In other hand, it may still be paradoxically the most successful WOG in history for us, Petra Vlhová baring injury and finding her top form next February




Mr Slovakia will 0 medals in Tokyo but ended up winning a few.

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  On 8/23/2021 at 5:01 PM, hckošice said:

You can use Google translate to know more about


You want me to use Google Translate for Slovakian?

haters gonna hate GIF

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First 3 :SVK Beijing 2022 Olympians has been named today.


Jaro "Stop" Halák will finally return to the NT :woohoo:



and also the first Košice born Beijing 2022 Olympian is in the group. Erik "Drago" Černák :thumbup:



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84 countries have qualified so far. With 4 more in qualification position: :ASA:TTO :JAM and :MDA  which brings it up to 88.


Here are countries trying to qualify, especially in light of the rule change in Alpine skiing, no worlds championships requirements anymore.


:SGP has one alpine skier aiming for qualification

:KSA has one alpine skier aiming for qualification, just needs two more races under 160 points to qualify. 

:GHA has one alpine skier aiming for qualification, last race saw him finish just higher than 160, so perhaps its possible

:ERI skier is training to comeback for Beijing, should easily qualify if he gets five races under 160. 


Other countries with alpine skiers trying to qualify, but a long shot to qualify atm:



:ISV is also one spot out of qualification in women's skeleton. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beijing 2022 End of November Quota Simulation using qualification systems and world rankings. 89 NOC's in total.


:ALB Albania- 1

:ASA American Samoa- 1

:AND Andorra- 6

:ARG Argentina- 6

:ARM Armenia- 6

:AUS Australia- 37

:AUT Austria- 109

:AZE Azerbaijan- 2

:BLR Belarus- 31

:BEL Belgium- 17

:BOL Bolivia- 2

:BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina- 5

:BRA Brazil- 11

:BUL Bulgaria- 16

:CAN Canada- 209

:CHI Chile- 5

:CHN China- 142

:TPE Chinese Taipei- 4

:COL Colombia- 3

:CRO Croatia- 14

:CYP Cyprus- 1

:CZE Czech Republic- 116

:DEN Denmark- 58

:ECU Ecuador- 1

:EST Estonia- 22

:FIN Finland- 93

:FRA France- 94

:GEO Georgia- 9

:GER Germany- 144

:GBR Great Britain- 53

:GRE Greece- 5

:HAI Haiti- 1

:HKG Hong Kong- 3

:HUN Hungary- 15

:ISL Iceland- 5

:IND India- 1

:IRI Iran- 3

:IRL Ireland- 8

:ISR Israel- 7

:ITA Italy- 118

:JAM Jamaica- 6

:JPN Japan- 131

:KAZ Kazakhstan- 33

:KEN Kenya- 1

:KOS Kosovo- 1

:KGZ Kyrgyzstan- 1

:LAT Latvia- 64

:LBN Lebanon- 3

:LIE Liechtenstein- 4

:LTU Lithuania- 13

:LUX Luxembourg- 3

:MAD Madagascar- 2

:MAS Malaysia- 2

:MLT Malta- 2

:MEX Mexico- 4

:MDA Moldova- 6

:MON Monaco- 3

:MGL Mongolia- 2

:MNE Montenegro- 3

:MAR Morocco- 1

:NED Netherlands- 45

:NZL New Zealand- 18

:NGR Nigeria- 1

:MKD North Macedonia- 3

:NOR Norway- 92

:PAK Pakistan- 2

:PER Peru- 1

:PHI Philippines- 1

:POL Poland- 53

:POR Portugal- 3

:PUR Puerto Rico- 2

:ROU Romania- 20

:ROC Russian Olympic Committee- 210

:SMR San Marino- 1

:SRB Serbia- 5

:SVK Slovakia- 48

:SLO Slovenia- 43

:KOR South Korea- 60

:ESP Spain- 17

:SWE Sweden- 122

:SUI Switzerland- 175

:THA Thailand- 5

:TLS Timor-Leste- 1

:TTO Trinidad and Tobago- 2

:TUR Turkey- 7

:UKR Ukraine- 43

:USA United States- 224

:UZB Uzbekistan- 1

:VIE Vietnam- 1


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  On 11/30/2021 at 9:00 AM, Topicmaster1010 said:

Beijing 2022 End of November Quota Simulation using qualification systems and world rankings. 89 NOC's in total.


:ALB Albania- 1

:ASA American Samoa- 1

:AND Andorra- 6

:ARG Argentina- 6

:ARM Armenia- 6

:AUS Australia- 37

:AUT Austria- 109

:AZE Azerbaijan- 2

:BLR Belarus- 31

:BEL Belgium- 17

:BOL Bolivia- 2

:BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina- 5

:BRA Brazil- 11

:BUL Bulgaria- 16

:CAN Canada- 209

:CHI Chile- 5

:CHN China- 142

:TPE Chinese Taipei- 4

:COL Colombia- 3

:CRO Croatia- 14

:CYP Cyprus- 1

:CZE Czech Republic- 116

:DEN Denmark- 58

:ECU Ecuador- 1

:EST Estonia- 22

:FIN Finland- 93

:FRA France- 94

:GEO Georgia- 9

:GER Germany- 144

:GBR Great Britain- 53

:GRE Greece- 5

:HAI Haiti- 1

:HKG Hong Kong- 3

:HUN Hungary- 15

:ISL Iceland- 5

:IND India- 1

:IRI Iran- 3

:IRL Ireland- 8

:ISR Israel- 7

:ITA Italy- 118

:JAM Jamaica- 6

:JPN Japan- 131

:KAZ Kazakhstan- 33

:KEN Kenya- 1

:KOS Kosovo- 1

:KGZ Kyrgyzstan- 1

:LAT Latvia- 64

:LBN Lebanon- 3

:LIE Liechtenstein- 4

:LTU Lithuania- 13

:LUX Luxembourg- 3

:MAD Madagascar- 2

:MAS Malaysia- 2

:MLT Malta- 2

:MEX Mexico- 4

:MDA Moldova- 6

:MON Monaco- 3

:MGL Mongolia- 2

:MNE Montenegro- 3

:MAR Morocco- 1

:NED Netherlands- 45

:NZL New Zealand- 18

:NGR Nigeria- 1

:MKD North Macedonia- 3

:NOR Norway- 92

:PAK Pakistan- 2

:PER Peru- 1

:PHI Philippines- 1

:POL Poland- 53

:POR Portugal- 3

:PUR Puerto Rico- 2

:ROU Romania- 20

:ROC Russian Olympic Committee- 210

:SMR San Marino- 1

:SRB Serbia- 5

:SVK Slovakia- 48

:SLO Slovenia- 43

:KOR South Korea- 60

:ESP Spain- 17

:SWE Sweden- 122

:SUI Switzerland- 175

:THA Thailand- 5

:TLS Timor-Leste- 1

:TTO Trinidad and Tobago- 2

:TUR Turkey- 7

:UKR Ukraine- 43

:USA United States- 224

:UZB Uzbekistan- 1

:VIE Vietnam- 1


:CZE in top 10 biggest teams would be really cool and crazy at the same time 😲😲 .... But truth is that both hockey teams do around 50 names💪💪

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