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Team Ireland - Paris 2024 Qualification Tracker


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3 hours ago, OlympicIRL said:

Great to see McGing making the team, nice surprise :)

Been tracking her since Doha and did seem to have a chance so was surprised that she took off on holidays last week! Great she’s in though

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On 7/4/2024 at 3:49 PM, duineeile said:

A bit mad that they're not entering Ryan in the 50m Freestyle, sure he's going anyway and got the OST

And Ferguson was invited as he had made the OCT.  Cannot understand it as they are going anyway. Seems spiteful and petty 

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I think Ferguson might end up doing the individual event as they’ve announced 7 relay only swimmers and we can only have 6


Also don’t think it’s spite with Ryan as they could have named Fannon in the relay squad. 

They had their rules and they stuck to them.  Don’t think it’s any more than that 

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The swimming announcement just doesn't make any sense. 


We have selected 7 relay only swimmers which there are a couple of ways we could have done but none of them really make sense. (The ways I can think of are select Shane Ryan with his 50Free OQT but don't let him race that event or not select Conor Ferguson as a relay only athlete and trust that he would then get allocated a spot based on his OCT. Relay only swimmers were selected before OCT allocations so Dodge's explanation of Ferguson racing individually as an explanation for why we have 7 relay only swimmers listed only works if we didn't initially select him as a relay only swimmer but that doesn't fit with the announcement.)


Why is Conor Ferguson not listed as racing the 100 back despite getting an OCT invite? (Most likely explanation here is the announcement was written before the reallocation happened and Swim Ireland just didn't change it.) 


Why did we make the announcement yesterday when secondary OCT reallocations are still ongoing and theoretically John Shortt, Shane Ryan could still get reallocations. (What happens with Shane Ryan then?, Would he then get to race the 50 free, can you reaccept a quota you already rejected or possibly as I said above technically might have accepted if only to get an extra relay swimmer)


I'm so confused.


Just if I was Erin Riordan I'd be a bit nervous that Swim Ireland just fucked this up and we don't actually have a spot for her which is the worst possible outcome here.

The best and funniest would be having to do a secondary team announcement in both swimming and diving if John Shortt sneeks in.

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I agree the announcement is very confusing. Although they obviously knew Ferguson was getting an OCT invite, but crazy then he's not listed in individual event on announcement, not sure how that works. Also as far as I know Ellen Walshe didn't get OST in 100m butterfly but she is listed in this, while McSharry didn't get 200m breaststroke time in a designated qualification event yet she is entered in this. So if Ryan (and Ferguson) are going anyway for relays, why not let them swim in events they are qualified for? System in one way seems designed to keep numbers down, then on the other hand reallocated relay spots are accepted, where we basically have no chance of getting out of the heats. Bizarre stuff indeed. And while we're at it, Wiffen is entered in an event he never even swam, not that I'm complaining about that, excited to see it, but again inconsistent 

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Also have a look at the swimming thread. Theres plenty of “unexplained” inclusions. You’d have to hope that after Tokyo’s debacle* they’d know exactly how many relay only swimmers they have 


*for those who can’t remember, Jon Rudd didn’t know that there was a limit on relay only swimmers and told 4 swimmers they were on the team. Only to have to tell 2 of them they weren’t with Shane Ryan and Brendan Hyland having to fill in on the 4x200 free 

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