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Welcome to the Team Ireland Club! Join with us to follow our athletes' journey to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and to find general Irish sporting news and events. Céad Míle Fáilte!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Big day tomorrow. We will already have a decent idea about a couple of our medal hopes
  3. Are athletes who are prone to sea-sickness exempt from the sail past?
  4. That's the thing, and I've been thinking about that as I've heard and seen a lot of people predicting 9 to 11 medals for us in these games. Not every medal we're fancied to win will come in, and we almost never seem to pick up any of the surprise ones that seem to inevitably find their way to the larger nations. The only possible difference this time is that we're throwing more darts at the board than we've ever thrown before, so hopefully there will be an unexpected bullseye at some point in the next couple of weeks. The sevens wasn't it unfortunately. The best thing about the Olympics though as a supporter (not for the unsuccessful competitors of course) is that you get over the disappointments a lot quicker as there's always another event coming up to take away your attention. We're competing in nine other sports on Saturday, so plenty to look forward to.
  5. You always hope it will be different this time round though. And we never seem to pull those completely random unexpected medals out of the bag unlike other countries. But let's not be too negative, its a disappointing defeat but a lot of sport to happen the next couple of weeks and a lot more medal chances. The rugby lads gave it a great go but a bit of composure combined with a poor refereeing decision cost them I'm the end
  6. That's Ireland at the Olympics, we've seen it all before. Get ready for a lot more of the same over the next two and a half weeks - with hopefully a few medals thrown in here and there as well to soften the blows of all the "could have been" medals that we'll inevitably miss out on.
  7. That's just gutwrenching, 15-7 ahead and with possession of the ball and they found a way to lose it. Its the hope that kills you. Disappointing referee missed knock-on for last Fiji try
  8. Looking at it again, that was an awful miss from the ref for the knock on for that second Fiji try. But we did put ourselves in that position by needlessly coughing up possession near their try line a minute earlier.
  9. An awful lot happened there, including a very questionable Fiji try. But we had them on the ropes at one point in the second half, 8 points ahead, and Kennedy went for a low percentage grubber kick through going for the kill. Can't help but feel that the secret to winning from that point was to keep possession and slow the game down, it's what Ireland 7s do best. By the time we got our hand on the ball again we were four points down and chasing against the clock. Considering they were missing Conroy and Keenan was a complete bust, it was a decent effort, but it was there to be won and they let it slip. They might as well go and do the opening ceremony now, it doesn't really matter whether they finish fifth or eighth.
  10. Wow. Fiji winning try a blatant knock on...but yet again, eventually, the brain fade, this time from McNulty taking a quick tap when Ireland had been marching downfield in lumps by line outs. Jesus, we had them. Jesus, that stung.
  11. Hugo Keenan dropped for the Fiji game. Being honest, he's been poor, probably too long in 15s now to successfully make the step back to 7s.
  12. Gallagher with a bye to R16 on the men's side and Marley has only 16 in his division so no R32 bout for him either. G Walsh, A Walsh and Clancy now the only three of our 10 needing three wins for a medal, two wins will do any of the other seven.
  13. I'll leave it to others that are more knowledgeable to dissect the boxing draws, but notable from the snippets I've seen on Twitter that M Walsh, Lehane and Moorhouse in addition to the seeded O'Rourke and Harrington are all now two bouts away from a medal after the draw - none of those five will face R32 bouts.
  14. "We're in 10 of the 13 draws in the boxing, so surely they can't all turn out unfavourably for us..." Are ye Irish at all? There's a reason it's called Murphy's law and not 'Noviski's law'.
  15. I wasn't expecting the sevens team to medal, the draw was a joke so we were always up against it. But the strength of that team is that they try to play smart to counter what they lack compared to other teams, so to lose because of a huge tactical error is a tough one. The draw was so tough that even managing to beat South Africa a second time was likely to throw up a semi final against the hosts. So it was going to be a battle every step of the way regardless. The only saving grace of this result is that if they do somehow manage to beat Fiji they would then at least avoid NZ and France in the semis. But the more likely outcome is that it won't matter now. Next up is the boxing draw this evening, that will be held before the rugby quarter final. We're in 10 of the 13 draws in the boxing, so surely they can't all turn out unfavourably for us...
  16. It was a complete brain fade all round, although I was having great difficulty understanding what the Ref's problem was. That said, it was interesting in the first half to see a ref actually call the blatant tackle and ruck infringements by the Kiwis that we've seen them do forever in both forms of the game...and then mysteriously stop doing so when they were clearly still 'at it', including the last turnover. But it still shouldn't have mattered, but for that brain fade. Ireland are a team that play smart to overcome the better strength and instincts of other teams. It's unforgivable they were so dumb in that one moment. Seems to my eyes that three of the best four teams have ended up in one group, and the reward for escaping as second place team is to face the best team, while the other two teams have to face each other again. It's all dreadfully similar to RWC 2023 - meanwhile, the winner of USA - Australia is going to get two shots at a medal! I expect Fiji to win and win handily, but there's no shame in that, we played very well in the group, beaten the Boks, scared the Blacks. Top 8 finish and a punchers chance of a miracle after a strong but frustrating group stage...not the worst Irish olympic performance.
  17. An absolute bottle job from the sevens team there sadly. No idea what they were thinking with the penalty under the posts. Threw away a great chance to beat the ABs and now have to play Fiji in the quarters.
  18. It's looking more likely to be South Africa again if we beat NZ. Obviously a better outcome than Fiji, but not much of a reward for topping a difficult group. Definitely looks like Group B got the much easier path, it's the easiest group of the three to begin with and then the winner will probably get a quarter final against USA, while the second placed team gets to play another group runner up, whereas the second placed team in our group has to play a group winner. We haven't had much luck with rugby draws in general in recent years and it's the case yet again here.
  19. And once again the vaguaries of a rugby draw has put Ireland to the wheel. The three best teams here seem to be, on this evidence, Fiji, NZL, Ireland...yet the loser of NZL-Irl tomorrow is going to be stuck with a QF against Fiji. Meanwhile, South Africa, beaten by both, could yet sneak out a quarter against a relatively nervous looking Argentina... That said, if we somehow beat the Blacks, we could be staring into a USA, Samoa path to the final....
  20. Big win over Japan, first Top 8 finish of the games in the bag already. I know the reasons why it's happened this time, but having two of the three men's sevens days taking place before the opening ceremony feels a bit harsh on the players, with 8 of the 12 sides going to be out of medal contention by tomorrow night. Hopefully in future there is no more than one day of sevens before the official start of the games. I don't mind having early rounds of events taking place at this stage, but effectively knocking out almost 100 of the games competitors before the games themselves officially start doesn't sit right with me.
  21. Vital win for the sevens team against South Africa even if they made hard work of it in the end after controlling possession. Hopefully they get the job done against Japan this evening and then can have a right cut at New Zealand tomorrow for a chance to top the pool.
  22. I think the women’s pair win a medal and I don’t think we win a relay medal. I’m nervous for Kelly but draw dependent I could see Aoife win gold (as weird as that sounds - I think a good start and she’ll fly)

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