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Swimming at the Aquatics LEN European Championships 2022

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I am in the process of creating a new political party whose main purpose will be to make a law which punishes any Italian who claps over the anthem from start to finish by chopping their hands off.

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52.04 on Sjöström (flying start), why Did she not race the individual 100, she starts to get lazy by age  :lol: At least now she gets medals for racing relays, not like for example in Rio, destroying individual chances by racing chanceless relays 

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The women's 200m butterfly podium was a sort of embodiment of me and my wife's family. :lol: My wife is Bosnian, I'm Danish and my wife's uncle has been living in Italy for the most of his adult life and is married to an Italian woman.


There was a big satisfaction with this result in the family to say the least. :d

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24 minutes ago, Dunadan said:

I am in the process of creating a new political party whose main purpose will be to make a law which punishes any Italian who claps over the anthem from start to finish by chopping their hands off.

Also: lapped runners who don’t get out of the way.

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1 hour ago, Federer91 said:

Brilliant Italia making an US/Russia like sweep at the Championships :clap: Hopefully they can continue the trajectory and become a regular threat to the super powers US, Australia, GB and China.

very, very we have a golden generation with Ceccon, Martinenghi, Miressi, Razzetti, Burdisso and Quadarella and we also are lucky to take advantage of the particular political situation of these days...


but I don't think we'll be able to sustain a few years we're gonna pay a very high prize to the covid stop between 2019 and 2022, when most of our sports suffered a big loss of kids practicing sports, especially swimming and combat disciplines, which weren't allowed to restart in full until late last year if not even this year...


and if we add what's gonna happen in the next months/years after September's elections, we're destined to a quick decline...

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5 minutes ago, phelps said:

very, very we have a golden generation with Ceccon, Martinenghi, Miressi, Razzetti, Burdisso and Quadarella and we also are lucky to take advantage of the particular political situation of these days...


but I don't think we'll be able to sustain a few years we're gonna pay a very high prize to the covid stop between 2019 and 2022, when most of our sports suffered a big loss of kids practicing sports, especially swimming and combat disciplines, which weren't allowed to restart in full until late last year if not even this year...


and if we add what's gonna happen in the next months/years after September's elections, we're destined to a quick decline...

Don't be pessimistic!  :d I'm really impressed by Italian sport in general these last years (it makes a lot of jealous persons here in France..)! Congrats to your team! You will continue the "razzia" with open water swimming. 😌


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5 minutes ago, Styrka said:

Don't be pessimistic!  :d I'm really impressed by Italian sport in general these last years (it makes a lot of jealous persons here in France..)! Congrats to your team! You will continue the "razzia" with open water swimming. 😌


meanwhile in Italy we expect France to win 25/30 gold medals in 2024...;)

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10 minutes ago, phelps said:

meanwhile in Italy we expect France to win 25/30 gold medals in 2024...;)


You're a bit too optimistic now :p

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15 minutes ago, Styrka said:


You're a bit too optimistic now :p

of course everything has to go in the right direction, but I think 25 it's really possible...

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Revised Timetable for the Open Water Swimming.  I'm guessing "Mixed" in the sense that marathons and race walks are mixed - ie men go first, women follow a few minutes later.



19/08/2022 09:00    Open Water    Mixed 10km
20/08/2022 09:00    Open Water    Mixed 5km
21/08/2022 07:00    Open Water    Mixed 25km
21/08/2022 13:30    Open Water    Mixed Team 4x1250m


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