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Jana Koscak nastavlja sa odlicnim rezultatima, u ovoj sezoni je već rušila 3 državna rekorda u svom uzrastu. 

iduci nastup je u srijedu u skoku u Vis, a za vikend je državno za juniore. Ipak zanimljivo će biti prvi vikend u veljači kad nastupa prvi put u seniorskom višeboju (petoboj). Po dosadašnjim rezultatima ona ima potencijal za 6000 bodova i vise u sedmoboju. Ni olimpijska norma me iznenadila ako se sve poklopi u jednom sedmoboju. 

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Danas je Jana Koscak prvi put nastupila u seniorskom petoboju. Treba napomenuti da je ona još mladja juniorka. 

Odlican nastup u Estoniji i treće mjesto sa 4432 boda. Iako sam potajno i vise ocekivao. Naravno to je za skoro 600 bodova novi državni seniorski, juniorski i mladje juniorski državni rekord. 

Do svjetskog juniorskog rekorda joj je nedostajalo samo 100 bodova, a da ga sruši ima ovu i jos dvi dvoranske sezone.  Ako ostane zdrava taj rekord pada. 

do norme za dvoransko EP 2023 150 bodova a preko renkinga nema šanse jer ima samo ovi jedan rezultat. 

Podbacila je u svojoj najboljoj disciplini, u Visu je preskočila “samo” 1,82m. I u kugli (11.40m) i 800m 2.23.97 su vjerovatno očekivali malo vise. Ali velika je razlika nastupati u pojedinačnoj disciplini ili u pet disciplina u jednom danu. Zato je na 60m prepone postavila novi državni rekord za mladje juniorke 8,21 i u dalju apsolutni državni dvoranski rekord sa 6,34m. 

za 2006 godište ovo je brutalan rezultat. 
treba popraviti kuglu i 800m. Treba vidjet kako joj ide koplje (prije je tu bila najbolja) ali ima problema sa laktom. Ako bude sve u redu ona bi za koju godine mogla i u bitku za medalje na EP, SP i OI. 
Samo nek ne bude težih ozljeda! 

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  • Latest Posts around Totallympics

    • Half of those things, if not more, are simply stories though. One may believe them or not, fine, but those aren't really reasons to claim a land. That way anyone can claim it if they have some old story that says so, and we end up in exactly the same situation. 
    • But actually we can, going back to the crusades, to the Jewish exile from the land of Israel.    To Moses who walked the sinai desert for 40 years to get into israel.   To all the stories in the Bible about israel.  And even Jesus who was born a jew in Bethlehem and lived in Nazareth.  All places you can see to date.   The only way you would argue that there is no historic proof that israel is out land is if you are simply and atheist and dont believe anything in the Bible.   
    • And before the Turkish empire it was another. And before that yet another. And yet another. And yet another. Always a good illustration of the never-ending killing of each other in especially that region. "The god in my stories is better, so we need to kill you and everyone around you" often being a central theme.     In short, nobody 'deserves' to be there (or anywhere in the world, for that matter) and definitely nobody right now can genuinely claim the land on historical grounds or anything (which apparently people often do), unless they're a proven descendant of the first cavemen and hunter-gatherers and such coming from Africa tens of thousands of years ago.
    • Btw.  You should know that palestine is a made up country.   It never existed in history.  Before israel was awarded the land it was the British empire.  And before that the Turkish empire.    And you can google to see who was there before the turks.  But it was never palestine.   The people are Jordanian that Yasser Arafat took from Jordan because the king was killing them.   So if you're looking for a home, I would go to Jordan.   And Gaza was taken from Egypt in 1967.   Yet when sinai was given back, they never wanted Gaza.  I WONDER WHY!   so keep talking about a made up country that doesn't actually exist   Can wait to see your well thought and coherent response
    • It was.  Lately is just tears of people who hate that we kill all their idols like Sinwar and Nasrallah.    It's surprisingly nutritious 
    • Algeria is third world.  Unless you lied about that as well and you don't actually live there.  Though I dont know why would someone pretend they live in that forgotten hell hole
    • You are speaking like an imbecile in a forum in online, its not your grocery store or mosque in your third world village.   We have an identity.   I wouldn't expect you to know it.  But I'm happy to see you be miserable since we are killing each terrorist one by one. Just big red marks on the year book.    Keep going.  It's a boring time on an olympic games forum.   It's very amusing.    
    • I don't think dropping a bomb in the center of London would be beneficial to their position on the stage of global sports, but hey, who knows  
    • Not typical a sport news, but worth to mention. Konrad Bukowiecki and Natalia Kaczmarek did married today. From now officialy Natalia will change her surname to Bukowiecka, she will not follow her team mates and will not have double surname     
    • Hurricane helene is coming , let's hide behind Nitraria  Only smart one will understand what i mean 
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