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Everything posted by EselTheDonkey

  1. They will get this easily and so will China and probably Japan, with the last spot being decided between Netherlands and Canada.
  2. Domenica Mayer läuft Olympianorm beim Berlin-Marathon.
  3. Unfortunately, it goes to Austria. So Germany can only participate either per reallocation or if someones medals in Kayak cross, correct?
  4. Sideris Tasiadis ist im C1-Finale und sichert Deutschland den Quotenplatz.
  5. Ringerin Luisa Niemesch gewinnt den Quotenplatz in der Klasse bis 62 Kilogramm.
  6. And neither is Germany. They lost two sets against both Slovenia and South Korea and haven't even played the suppsedly stronger opponents yet. Even another 3:2 win would basically be the same as losing a game (three lost points in total).
  7. Federations in women's Canoe semifinal Makes 16 federations. 12 of which get a quota place. I think as host doesn't count, because they are prequalified, so three of these federations will be without a quota place from the World Championships (but still could have a chance from the continental qualifier).
  8. Und Kay Stumper davor ging auch über fünf Sätze.
  9. Men's Final - 3:1 gets the team qualification for Paris and two single quota places. There was a fantastic athmosphere in the hall.
  10. Germany lost a set against Colombia today. If losing a set against South Korea is a bad sign for Poland, than losing a set against Colombia is an even worse sign for Germany.
  11. Women: - 3:0 qualified as a team for Paris, including two quota places in women's singles.
  12. EM-Gold im Team und die Olympiaquali (Team und 2x Einzel) für die Tischtennisfrauen.
  13. And there's a high chance you'll win this. IMO, France was the more difficult opponent compared to this particular German team. Women's tournament and Men's tournament is my guess.
  14. Though Sweden was playing without Falck yesterday. Is he injured? With him, they are much stronger and if he can play today and tomorrow, they are IMO the favourite for the title. Germany is WR 2, but they are missing their three best players in this tournament. With Walther and Duda instead of Qiu and Ovtcharov, I don't think there's any chance to win the title. Boll can't do everything alone, and he's also not the youngest anymore and back from an injury, so at least currently not among the best players either. In women's tournament, Romania and Germany are IMO the favourites. What happens, if France wins the tournament, which I think is possible at least for the men? They have a young and strong team. Will the quota go to the finalist or will it be distributed by the World Ranking?
  15. To bring this one back: I still disagree with Totallympics having Poland listed as qualified in women's K1. It's not quite that simple. Yes, a federation can only win one quota place at the European Games. But in spite of the European Games taking place first, quota places at the World Championships are distributed first. Meaning, in case that Germany wins a quota place in the women's C1 at the World Championships but fails to win one in the K1, the K1 quota place from the European Games goes to Germany and not to Poland. Granted, this may not be important, as the chances are high, that both Germany and Poland are going to qualify anyway, but still, Poland is not yet 100% qualified. Surprises are possible, especially in such a difficult sport as canoe slalom, and Germany might need this quota place from the European Games.
  16. Kleine Anmerkung zum Kanuslalom: Bei den European Games durfte jeder Verband nur einen Quotenplatz pro Geschlecht gewinnen. Und wenn man den im Kanadier und im Kajak gewonnen hat, hat Kanadier Vorrang. Das heißt, offiziell wäre Deutschland im Moment nur im C1 qualifiziert bei den Frauen. Andererseits werden die Quotenplätze der WM ja mit Vorrang verteilt. Das heißt, das Problem oben gäbe es letztlich nur, wenn Deutschland weder im Kanadier noch im Kajak der Frauen bei der WM den Quotenplatz holt. Und das ist ja wohl extrem unwahrscheinlich und wird hoffentlich nicht passieren. Ansonsten gilt: - WM-Quotenplätze in beiden Disziplinen geholt: Ohnehin dann in beiden Disziplinen dabei. - WM Quotenplatz im Kajak und nicht im Kanadier: Macht nichts, denn man hat den Kanadier-Quotenplatz durch die EM. - WM-Quotenplatz im Kanadier und nicht im Kajak: Macht auch nichts, denn dann zählt der Kajak-Quotenplatz der EM. - WM Quotenplatz weder im Kajak noch im Kanadier: Man wäre nur im Kanadier dabei.
  17. It depends a bit on what you consider huge. Volleyball World qualifiers are starting the day after tomorrow. Wrestling World Championships with many quota places, too. Canoe Slalom World Championships also with many quota places begin next week.
  18. And that's true. Here's the qualification document, and it says that everyone can gain the quota place through the World ranking, providing that a.) they aren't already qualified in any event and b.) the federation hasn't achieved more than one quota place in the respective event: Paris 2024: Qualification System is on the ISSF website - Asian Shooting Confederation (
  19. Yes, it was less bad than feared, particularly because many of these crews were young athletes. Of course it's far from what German Rowing aspires to be, but miracles weren't to be expected. Hopefully, they will improve in the upcoming years.
  20. Do you mean theoretically or realistically? At least theoretically you can get a quota place in Luzern in every event in which you didn't qualify in Belgrade. There's no limitation of starters unless already qualified.
  21. No, see the discussion above. As 6th with no quota place from the women's 8th Canada could have participated in the American qualifier.
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