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  1. whoever reaches the quota or qualifying standard made by the International Federation, or receives an additional invitation from the International Federation or reallocation will be sent to the OG by our Olympic Committee. We not return back quotas (only if the athlete himself refuses it due injury, illness, important reason or any other reason, he has to notify our committee that he will not be able to compete) However it is always more or less the same amount of athletes, if you look at our stats we are always sending around 50-60 athletes, with the only exception being Sydney 2000 (thanks 3 team sports we send more than 100)
  2. If this may help here all Olympic medalists (they are counting all athletes born in territory of nowadays Slovakia or having Slovak origins)ých_hrách Obviously, once again it is hard to count them separately, and personally I don´t think it is fair From 1896 to 1912 athletes represented Hungary (part of the Austria-Hungary Empire) and the best athlete of Hungarian team at the first Olympics was a swimmer born in nowadays Slovakia (Dúbrava) Zoltán Halmaj who won 2 G, 4 S and 1 B Alexander Prokopp who won gold in Shooting in 1912 was born in Košice etc... The very first Olympian athlete of the modern era is Alojz Sokol (Alajos Szokoly) who won bronze in the 100m he had the BIB 1 in Athenes 1896 (Born in Hronec) and from 1920 to 1992 atheletes represented Czechoslovakia with Slovak born athletes winning 7-9-10 in Summer and 1-5-4 at Winter Games but as I already said it is impossible to separate the Team sports medals, since the medal winning teams were composed of players from both countries For example the Football silver in Tokyo 1964 (9 Slovak players composed the team, almost the entire starting eleven) but in opposite for example the Volleyball silver team had only 2 slovaks in the roster I think it should stay as it is, pre 1912 medals should be all counted for Hungary, the 1920-1992 should be counted for a now non-existing Czechoslovakia, and we should count only medals from 1994 for both Czech Republic and for Slovakia
  3. So time to present the Finalists of this TAISC edition Emma Drobná - Demons Emma drobná - Try Karmen Pál-Balážová - Anjel (Angel) Adam Ďurica - Zatancuj si so mnou (Dance with me) Sima Martausová - Nenahraditeľná (irreplaceable) and off topic Bonus... one addition from the competitor that actually represented in Rijeka Lukáš Adamec and his biggest hit from 2017 about the impossible love between a white boy and a girl from a Roma poor slum
  4. I didn´t realize that about TKD. however I found it strange that the a guy who lost to player A in the 1st round fight againts a guy who lost to the player A in quarterfinal but then suddenly have to face in the bronze medal a guy who lost to player B in the semis Interesting recap of wrestling that´s really quite a lot of changes.. Thanks for your answer
  5. into Rio 2016 Taekwondo this week... I have a question (maybe stupid).. @MHSN our combat sports specialist, I want to ask your oppinion which system of repechages is the better or the most fair in your oppinion, the Wrestling with all finalists losing opponents against semifinal loser from the same draw, Taekwondo with all finalists losing opponents against semfinal loser from the opposite side of the draw or Judo with only the quarterfinalists fighting for 2nd chance in the repechage ?
  6. 66 new confirmed cases yesterday (including the 47 already mentioned from the quarantined Retirment House in Pezinok ) so without them it was 14 confirmed cases accross the country yesterday from the 1302 provided Tests during the Easter Monday. So we have now 835 Confrmed Cases in Slovakia (+66 !!! Yesterday), 1302 Tests Yesterday (30052 in Total) 2 Deaths (+0), 107 Healed (+0) 121 Hospitalized, 4 in Serious condition (Under Ventilation), 4 in Critical (ICU) And now back to the retirement house in Pezinok, apparently one of the employees deliberately withheld his return from holidays in Italy and even without quarantinining himself immediately continued working in the said retirement house. What a idiot ! I swear, some people are... this is almost a criminal act... The mayor of the city of Pezinok has already filed a official complaint. and the Police already started the procedures
  7. Cool Runnings - Kokosy na snehu ( coconuts in the snow )
  8. wait here it is named the same - Terapie láskou (therapy by love)
  9. ah yes Die Hard, I forgot about this - Smrtonostná pasca (Deadly trap)
  10. Baywatch - Alerte a Malibu, Murder she wrote - Arabesque or Hogan´s Heroes - Papa Schultz lol
  11. Are the names of the movies or TV Shows changed in your countries ? For example Zootopia is here Zootropolis I know the french did it always A-Team = l´agence tout risque lol etc... but here in general even if the name is translated into CZ/SK it´s usually the exact translation of the title in the original language
  12. Obviously the best way would suggest to separate the medals won by athletes from different "new" countries, not so hard I guess, but then the other problem occur in team sports medals since the teams were composed by players from different nations (All Czecholsovak team medals won were always by teams composed from players from both parts of the former federation for example)
  13. and here we go... A special press conference just announced a huge probem in a retirement home in a city of Pezinok. 47 positive (5 employees and 42 clients) ! 7 of them are already hospitalized and 1 under ventilation. since they belong to the risky age category, these numbers can change rapidly. Apparently one of the employees brought the disease and 2 days ago in Saturday on of the clients was tested positive... then the avalanche dropped... in other hand great work of authorities who got the echo more or less acted immediately The whole area with the building was immediately quarantined For now it is still not known how they will count the number of cases now. If the 47 will be added to the yesterdays 27 that has been revealed earlier today it would means 74 new cases and 816 confirmed cases, but more likely they will be just added to the tomorrows counts, so the official statistics for now remains at 769 (but with the information that at least 47 will be for sure added tomorrow), they still have to test 9 more clients and 36 employees whose due to capacity issue could not be tested yesterday. but everyone will be tested as soon as possible.
  14. 27 New cases and 84 new healed yesterday (This is a sudden massive jump because the regional public health authorities have reported a complete summary of all the cured previously positive patients from home quarantines). So 769 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+27 Yesterday), 1324 Tests Yesterday (28650 in Total) 2 Deaths (+0), 107 Healed (+84) 121 Hospitalized, 4 in Serious condition (Vetilator), 5 in Critical conditions (ICU) The special Easter curfew will finish tonight at 23:59, however the people still found way how to do even under the restrictions
  15. Coronavirus forced people to celebrate only at home with the closest family members or cohabitants.. "covid-19" edition will be remembered ... the luckiest are always guys who have sisters
  16. I just found the original English name of it. Chrain is that white thing, the red thing is the sweet beetroot, people often mix them but we eat them separatly
  17. I do not eat spicy foods so often. Sometimes, but not often, But however for Easter, we get used that all hams, sausages and other kilograms of different meals to eat with spicy horseradish and sweet beetroot. But I've never had so extremely spicy horseradish that this one my grandmother sent this year. It looks interesting, but yeah, no, thanks ! I don't have any special suicidal tendencies
  18. I just ate the most spicy horseradish in my life. Damn, that was something ! Made in Poland !
  19. 2 days moderator and already imposing strict rules. That´s great buddy, we needed you in our brigade
  20. you guys should really start consider reworking your geography textbooks.
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