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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. I think yes those womens are just there to present the clothes and man, that´s not a competition clothes, just for a daily life they can combine them with another parts if they don´t like the legings the whole colection for the daily life is in fact in those 2 pics
  2. South Korea uniforms are great, I like them, but once again those socks
  3. exactly the colours are ok, but the design...Police academy cadet Mahoney
  4. ROAD TO IIHF MEN´S ICE HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 FRIENDLY MATCHES Kazakhstan 6 - 3 France (Score by Period: 2-2, 2-1, 2-0) 3rd May 2016, h. 17:00 (GMT +2) Finland (OT)3 - 2 United States (Score by Period: 1-1, 1-1, 0-0, OT: 1-0) 3rd May 2016, h. 18:30 (GMT +3) Czech Republic 0 - 3 Canada (Score by Period: 0-2, 0-0, 0-1) 3rd May 2016, h. 18:10 (GMT +2) Switzerland (OT) 4 - 3 Germany (Score by Period: 0-2, 2-1, 1-0, OT: 1-0) 3rd May 2016, h. 19:45 (GMT +2)
  5. already prepared voting templates it´s my cheat sheet, to help me to not make them twice, just do not pay them attention
  6. Updated with athletics as of May 3rd, 2016. Next athletics update on May 9th
  7. The slogans for team buses announced. For SVK " Jeden národ, jedno srdce, jeden sen! " which means : one nation, one heart, one dream... here for each team
  8. wow Domi she will never cease to surprise me I just read about her todays comeback from 0-6, 0-3 to 0-6, 6-3, 6-4 against Garcia
  9. TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Finland Finland´s memorable moments from 2015
  10. ROAD TO IIHF MEN´S ICE HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 -3 Days To Go to the 80th Men´s IIHF Ice Hockey World Championships Penalties and Referee Signals Are you new to hockey? Ever wonder what the referee just called? Here are a few tips to help you understand the game a little better. A Minor penalty is 2 minutes. A Double Minor penalty is 4 minutes. A Major penalty is 5 minutes. The seriousness or severity of the penalty will determine whether it is a Minor, Double Minor, or Major penalty. Penalties are called at the discretion of the Referee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Checking Minor 2min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who holds the stick with both hands and hits an opponent using the shaft of the stick. Referee signal: A series of forward and backward motions with both fists clenched in front of the chest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delayed Penalty When a penalty occurs, The Referee may signal a Delayed Penalty until the offending team gains possession of the puck. Referee signal: The non-whistle hand is extended straight above the head. The Referee may point at the offending player until stoppage of play. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goal Scored Referee signal: A single point, with the non-whistle hand, directly at the goal in which the puck legally entered, while simultaneously blowing the whistle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand Pass No penalty. Play will be stopped when a player illegally passes the puck with their hand. Referee signal: The non-whistle hand (open hand) and arm are placed straight down alongside the body and swung forward and up once in an underhand motion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Sticking Minor 2min. or Double Minor (If blood traces) 2+2min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who lifts the stick above shoulder height and hits an opponent. Referee signal: Holding both fists clenched together at the height of the forehead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holding Minor penalty. 2min. Shall be imposed on a Player who grabs and holds onto an opponent (or his stick) with his hands or arms to impede the opponent’s progress. Referee signal: Clamping either wrist with the other hand in front of the chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hooking Minor 2min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who attempts to impede the progress of an opponent by hooking any part of the opponent’s body with the blade of his stick. Referee signal: A series of tugging motions with both arms as if pulling someone towards you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference Minor 2min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who attempts to impede the motion of an opponent not in possession of the puck, deliberately knocks a stick away, or impedes the goalie around the net area. Referee signal: Crossed arms stationary in front of chest with fists closed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roughing Minor 2min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who subjects an opponent to intentional and unnecessary roughness or uses excessive force to push or hit an opponent. Referee signal: One punching motion to the side with the arm extending from the shoulder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slashing Minor 2min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who swings his stick at an opponent, whether or not contact is made. Referee signal: A series of chopping motions with the edge of one hand across the opposite forearm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time-Out Referee signal: Using both hands to form a “T.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tripping Minor 2min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who places their stick, or a part of their body, under or around the feet or legs of an opponent causing the opponent to lose their balance. Will also be called if a Player kicks, uses a knee, or uses a leg to cause an opponent to fall. Referee signal: With both skates on the floor, strike right leg below the knee with right hand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Washout From a goalie's perspective, one of their favorite signals - "No goal" (a goal that is ruled invalid by the Referee). Also used to wave off an infraction. Referee signal: A sweeping motion across the body, palms down. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boarding Minor 2min. or Major 5+20min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player uses any method (body check, elbow, or tripping) to throw an opponent into the boards. Referee signal: Striking the closed fist of the hand once into the open palm of the other hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charging Minor 2min. or major 5+20min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who runs, jumps into or charges an opponent, including the goalie. Referee signal: Rotating clenched fists around one another in front of chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delay Of Game Minor penalty 2min. 1) Shall be imposed on a Player who delays the game by deliberately shooting or batting the puck outside the playing area or by deliberately displacing the goals from there normal position. A Penalty Shot shall be awarded to the opposing team if on a breakaway scoring opportunity the goals are deliberately displaced by a Player. 2) Shall be imposed on a Player, except the Goalie, who does not immediately drop a broken stick. A Player whose stick is broken may participate in the game provided they immediately drop the stick. A Player may not receive a stick thrown on the floor but must obtain one from the player bench. A Goalie may continue to play with the paddle portion of a broken stick until a stoppage of play. 3) Shall be imposed on any Player, other than the Goalie, who deliberately falls on the puck or gathers a puck to the body. A Penalty shall be imposed on a Goalie who deliberately falls on a puck, or gathers it into the body, when entirely outside the boundaries of the goal crease area. 4) Shall be imposed if a Player, except the goalie, closes their hand intentionally on the puck. If a Player picks up the puck in the goal crease, a Penalty Shot shall be awarded to the non-offending team. A player is permitted to 'bat' the puck in the air with the open hand or push it along the floor unless, in the opinion of the Referee, it was deliberately directed to a team mate, in which case play shall be stopped and the puck faced-off at the spot where the offense occurred. Referee signal: The non-whistle hand, palm open, is placed across the chest and then fully extended directly in front of the body. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elbowing Minor 2min. or Major 5+20min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who uses their elbow in any way to foul an opponent. Referee signal: Tapping the elbow with the palm of the other hand. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kneeing Minor 2min. or Major 5+20min. penalty. Shall be imposed on a Player who uses their knee in any way to foul an opponent. Referee signal: Slapping the knee with the palm of the hand. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misconduct 10 minute personal penalty Shall be imposed on a Player who, at the discretion of the Referee, demonstrates improper behavior. Examples would be use of profanity and verbal abuse of an official. This is a penalty against an individual and not a team. A substitute player is permitted to immediately replace the offending player. Referee signal: Both hands on hips several times and point at offending player. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Penalty Shot A free shot is awarded to a Player who was illegally interfered with during a clear scoring opportunity, or a team illegally delays the game by deliberately moving a goal post or falling on a puck in the crease (see Delay Of Game Penalty). The shot is taken with only the Goalie guarding against it. The Penalty Shot will be taken as follows: The Referee shall place the puck on the center face-off spot. The Player to take the Penalty Shot will, on the Referee's whistle, play the puck from there and attempt to score. The Goalie must stay in the crease until the Referee sounds the whistle. The Player taking the shot must keep the puck in motion in the direction of the opponents goal line. Once the shot is taken the play shall be considered complete. No goal can be scored on a rebound of any kind. Referee signal: Arms extended above the head, clenched fists and wrists crossed.
  11. Team France updated in post 3. The french will play in Russia without their biggest star Stephans Da Costa of CSKA Moscow (Injury) but he will be replaced by another big name and extremely experienced Piere Edouard Bellemare of the Philadelphia Flyers. Also the final cut unfortunately eliminated form the team the player with probably the most dificult name for all commentators from all over the world (and mainly ours) Kevin Hecquefeuille. he was removed from the list because the coach Dave Henderson received a positive answer from the experienced Yohann Auvitu of HIFK Helsinki.
  12. and we are again another step close. the torch relay in Brazil starts today
  13. and I want be a millionaire and have Mila Kunis..but it´s the same, not gonna happen.. 7? man you are not modest at all however good luck
  14. Team Rosters can be found in 3rd post in the opener page of the thread. Remember that for teams Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Russia there still only the largest list, the final cut will be announced soon, and I´ll update them immediately as it will be official.. for all other teams we already know the Final rosters.
  15. not yet but it´ll surely be untill Friday.. There so many moments of your last years team, that they have for sure serious troubles to select only 3
  16. ROAD TO IIHF MEN´S ICE HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 -4 Days To Go TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Norway Norway´s top 2015 moments TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Germany Germany to compete in St. Petersburg TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Denmark Danes off to Russia 2016 TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan returns to the IIHF World Championship TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Hungary Welcome Hungary to the 2016 IIHF World Championship
  17. TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Slovakia Slovakia headed to St. Petersburg in 2016 TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Latvia Latvia is Moscow - bound TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Belarus Belarus back in the hunt TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 France Team France headed to St. Petersburg
  18. ROAD TO IIHF MEN´S ICE HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 -5 Days To Go TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Sweden Sweden hunting for medals in Moscow TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 United States Bronze in 2015, gold this year for USA? TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Czech Republic A memorable run on home ice for Czechs in 2015 TOP 3 MOMENTS OF 2015 Switzerland Switzerland aiming for medals in Russia
  19. Sao Paulo (Arena Corinthians) Sports: Football Zone: Football Cities (Sao Paulo) Location: 357km Western of Rio de Janeiro The Arena Corinthians is a Football Stadium located in Sao Paulo. Opened in 2014 for the FIFA World Cup, has a seating capacity of 48,234. It will be one of the venues of the Rio 2016 Football Tournaments. It was chosen instead of competitors Morumbi Stadium, the chosen venue before Arena Corinthians was built. Sixteen games will be played in the stadium from 3 to 16 August 2016; they will be divided equally between men's and women's tournaments. Two matches will be played at 17:00 and 21:30 hours on competition days. Twelve matches will be valid for the preliminary round and four for the quarterfinals. The city is the capital of the state of Sao Paulo Brazil's most populous and wealthiest state. It exerts strong international influence in commerce, finance, arts and entertainment. The name of the city honors Saint Paul of Tarsus. The city's metropolitan area of Greater Sao Paulo ranks as the most populous in Brazil and the ninth most populous on earth.
  20. Sagan in MTB Cross-country today. he finished 4th despite puncture
  21. Štefečeková is pregnant...this is the 3rd time in arow they predict her a medal since they update it each month also I love all those gold medals, I want live in such perfect world
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