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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Cheik Tioté, ex Newcastel football player, is death today in Benjing
  2. Ma Long won the gold again! What amazing match
  3. And now it's 3-3 between Ma Long and Fan
  4. Nakorn Ratchasima in Thailand will host the 2019 edition of the International Table Tennis Federation World Junior Championships. The 2018 edition had been awarded last week to Bendigo in Australia.
  5. Grande partita per gli azzurrini dell'U20 capaci di vincere in rimonta contro lo Zambia! Due volte sotto, e rimontata per 3-2 con l'uomo in meno: fantastici!
  6. What match between Italy and Zambia! Italy won 3-2 in extra time in 10 players Zambia have great chance to qualify at FIFA 2020 World Cup
  7. We know why the crisis was born: Kuwait, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen cut all diplomatic relations whit Qatar for their relationship whit Hamas and terrorists group. All country of the middle east start to boycott Qatar Airways and Qatar products
  8. Qatar market are around -7.3%, so sad Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain stock market are in red, but they are good
  9. New economical crisis is coming, this time in Qatar and maybe in the Arabian peninsula
  10. It's strange, all our club approved to send the Italian player at U21 Euro, i don't know why they didn't do the same whit the other player
  11. L'italia torna a vincere una medaglia nella canoa slalom. In un anno che sembra essere una rinascita per molte discipline, anche il K1 ha risposto presente con l'argento di Stefanie Horn agli europei
  12. Wales can archive the 1st win in a PDC World Cup, so c'mon Dragons!
  13. Netherands in final! Ready for the final @heywoodu?
  14. Nice match between England and Netherlands for now, c'mon Orange!
  15. Stefanie Horn is AMAZING! Amazing silver for Italy, unbeliveble!
  16. How many people was death in the crusades or was killed by the christian inquisition? All religions have some crazy people..
  17. Italian domination at Mugello And great win for Dovizioso in moto gp
  18. Really nice match, last time that i watch table tennis i watch a lot of 4-0 or 4-1
  19. Againa disaster for Slovakia, now in women's K1 whitout any athlete qualified for the final, how it's possible @hckosice? This championship are very bad for Slovakia
  20. I start to watch the last 2 days of the world championship, i'm not a table tennis expert, (well, i don't know nothing about it ) but it's again an all-chinese competition?
  21. Again an update on the Turin caos, 1400+ injuried and 8 peoples in red code. Very sad day for our sport
  22. 400 people injuried in Turin for a false allarm, no word about this
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