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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Awful news around Europe tonight: Terrorist attack in London (20 injury?) False allarme in Turin (+200 injury) In Germany a man kill a child in a square
  2. After a false terrorist allarm in Turin more that 200 Juventus's fans are injurierld
  3. Is cool that Juventus continue to lose the European finals
  4. What decider between Price and McGowan
  5. C'mon, it's a nice match, maybe whit too much mistakes for both
  6. Andorra won a gold medal in beach volley and all 9 countries won at last 1 gold medal
  7. Finally our Equestrian back to win something, we have a great grow after Rio 2016, I hope that our federation continue whit thert their amazing work
  8. Our GK is very bad, i hope that we'll play better tomorrow whit our women team, we have any chance to win a match?
  9. Germany qualfied for the 2nd round Ok @heywoodu, you're right
  10. It's a great match C'mon North Ireland
  11. Gurney-Dolan are a good couple, Germany need a miracle for win the 1st round. If the will win this, why not, maybe they can win, but they have a very bad draw (in the same QF of Netherlands )
  12. Really nice match! Brazi won it at the decider
  13. Altra sconfitta per l'Olimpia Milano nella semifinale playoff che porta il Trento alla vittoria della semifinale per 4-1. Risultato inaspettato per la Dolomiti Energia che adesso sogna in grande..
  14. Wow, it's a nice surprise see that we won a medal in C1 team Sadly our invididual performance was a flop..
  15. Our stupid national TV prefer to show the finals of the Italian basket Serie A, luckly all other match will be show, after a lot of years, on the our 2nd national public channel
  16. And now it's the time to see Mensur Suljović
  17. Yes, but the our 6th was orrible, we had 2 easy leg points We miss a D19 for three times
  18. Btw, it's the 8th leg that we win in the PDC World Cup! We back to win a leg after that we losed in 2016 whit a 5-0 against Austria.
  19. Great 180 for our! It's a dream?!
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