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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. It seems that we have again an hard course this time...
  2. Nigeria have a very nice shirt, I will cheer for they
  3. It's a standard misure, why it's long?
  4. Finally a big surprise in this WC! Good job Iceland
  5. Garozzo and Avola are in semifinals and Cassarà was eliminated 12-15 in quarterfinals. Nice start for italian team
  6. Armin Zoggeler was elected FIL vice-president for technical reason Josef Fendt will continue his kingdom and he was elected for the 7th time FIL president (he is in charge since 1997!!)
  7. Yeeeeeessssssssss, c'mon Iceland, c'mon!
  8. I missed all the posts but guys, keep calm. We spend a lot of time and posts for say that politic must be out from the sport and he have issues on this... We aren't party leader or national presidents, i think that whit a pair of words we can resolve this awful situation without do an international drama or something like this. (PS. Every post that is remove, at least that it does not contain insults, for me must stay on the forum or it's censorship. We aren't youth teen in adolescence, c'mon guys )
  9. I usally watch the Italian 4th series and a few of match of the serie A, probabily I'll watch the 15% of the match .. i remember a lot for bad decisions...
  10. Please, no In the Italian Championship i lear that it's unsless... they do a lot of mistake whit 4858493253 tv too...
  11. Oh, the boring VAR.... btw, it's a penality
  12. Devastante lutto per il sincronizzato, la giovanissima Noemi Carrozza è morta oggi in un incidente Riporto dal sito federale: Una tragica notizia strazia il cuore del nuoto sincronizzato italiano. Noemi Carrozza è morta a causa di un incidente in motorino. Avrebbe compiuto 21 anni l'11 settembre ed era tesserata per la società romana All Round. La giovane sincronette aveva rappresentato l'Italia in molteplici manifestazioni giovanili, finanche ai mondiali junior, ai Giochi europei ed in coppa CoMeN. Giungano a familiari, società ed amici le più sentite condoglianze dal presidente Paolo Barelli, dai presidenti onorari Salvatore Montella e Lorenzo Ravina, dai vice presidenti Andrea Pieri, Francesco Postiglione e Teresa Frassinetti, dal segretario generale Antonello Panza, dal consiglio e dagli uffici federali, dal cittì delle squadre nazionali Patrizia Giallombardo, da tutti gli staff tecnici e dall'intero movimento.
  13. It's a tattical move . The same move that our team do against Sweden
  14. This match is the better of the WC for now...
  15. Yeah, u're right. I wrote it in Italian, I forgot to translate it. (Unione Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche)
  16. Ah, URSS... They will never change
  17. Just some news from the rhytmic. For the italian sport press we'll have the apparatus finals, so a lot of medals for Italy
  18. We use fight for every sport and every activity in Italy... like "Le ragazze del sincronizzato lotteranno per l'oro" (the syncronette girls will fight for the gold)
  19. A fault in the 1st minute, great start
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