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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Birmingham 2022 is teasing a big announcement they’ll make tomorrow. I would imagine this will be the final sports program (complete with events, and/or schedule), motto, or some big celebrity endorsement. It won’t be the mascot because that contest just opened.
  2. And if anyone on the Phillies test positive, any of the teams they played will have to be benched as well.
  3. Those plans have been put on hold right now, until the Australian government can see what the aftermath of this pandemic looks like.
  4. Oh, I thought we were talking about Canoe Sprint this entire Yes, Canoe Slalom is very much like Luge. I think it would still exist in the Wildwater-type format outside of the Olympics, but it definitely is a discipline that owes its popularity/existence to the Olympic Games. Technically, C2 still exists in Slalom
  5. I thought those events removed from the Olympics still featured at the World Championships.
  6. ATL anyway, because NTL has existed without them for quite some time now. In fairness, at least Canoeing features at the Asian Games, Pan American Games, European Games, and African Games, so there is a much better amount of incentive for countries to have programs in the sport. Plus, Canoeing/Kayaking is already popular as a recreational activity in it’s own right. It’s also pretty accessible in comparison to other boat sports. It’s also existed as a form of transport for civilizations around the world for centuries.
  7. What’s general meaning of the word? I know it doesn’t have a direct translation, but would you mind explaining to me what it means the best you can. Y’all know how much I love language
  8. I just don’t see Lien Te An getting support from the Chinese Taipei NOC, or Alex Ferlazzo from the Australian NOC with ATL being the Olympic discipline. I don’t doubt that they love ATL, but the support wouldn’t be there for them if it wasn’t Olympic. I know that’s a harsh take, but that’s just the sad reality of non-powerhouse nations in Winter Olympic sport. Right because ATL has more in common with Bobsleigh and Skeleton than it does with NTL (which is much better representation of traditional luge), which why I said it makes sense to keep ATL around if you have Bobsleigh and Skeleton on the program.
  9. Those countries compete in artificial merely because there’s a small chance of Olympic qualification for them. If you were the swap ATL for NTL, most of them would switch immediately, since they are only interested in Olympic qualification. Plus, it would be easier for some of those countries ( , , , , , , , ) to field athletes in NTL luge becuase they could actually have their own tracks.
  10. Yes, this is the best argument for keeping artificial track luge on the program. While there are currently more countries competing in artificial track luge, I think that is just the Olympic bump. If natural track goes Olympic, I think we’d see a much higher participation rate there. Natural Track Luge is as traditional as luge gets by the way. That’s where the sport has it’s roots. Of course, artificial track is the traditional Olympic discipline of the sport.
  11. That went for quite a bit more than it was forecast to. Auctioneers thought it would be won around 100,000.
  12. They actually have a rather large natural track luge program that the FIL shares updates from, quite frequently, on their social media pages.
  13. We are teetering closer to domestic conflict. Two shootings at protests yesterday. The first was in Louisville, KY. A African American armed militia had planned a protest march through the city. The Three Percent (Neo-Nazi) armed militia then came to the city to “defend property.” Both groups said their words and protested, while heavily armed. The shooting occurred after an accidental weapon discharge amongst the African American militia ranks. Thankfully, I doesn’t sound like anyone was killed, but three people were shot (all members of that militia). If that accidentally discharge had hit a three percenter; we would probably be talking about casualties in the double digits right now, so thank the powers that be that it didn’t. The second was in Austin, TX. There was a protest march going through the city streets. While they were crossing an intersection, a car approached at speed and attempted to get through the protest. One of the protesters was armed with an AK-47 and apparently fired shots at the driver. The driver then fired back (using a pistol maybe, I’m not sure about the weapon), and killed the protestor. Of course everyone else in the area scrambled and it turned into a chaotic mess, but thankfully no one else sustained series injuries it seems. I should note that Texas is both an “open carry” (meaning you can openly carry your weapon in public) and “stand your ground” (meaning that if reasonably threatened, you can legally use a gun to defend yourself or property (with lethal force if necessary I believe)) state. Of course everyone is blaming everyone for the violence now. It’s just a sad, needless loss of life. I think everyone just needs to take a step back, breathe a little, find their minds, and come together to engage in civic discourse about the events of the past 3 months. I hope that calmer heads will save us from further conflict, but I fear what happens if we continue down this path.
  14. Nah, you’re a sleeper agent for the US jury’s grand plans. We’d be foolish to eliminate you this soon into our master plan.
  15. When scientists announce the vaccine that will save the world from ‘rona:
  16. Group C is is trying to give me a heart attack with all these twists and turns in the voting.
  17. No, that vote I understand. Dua Lipa losing to Kiribati is just something I won’t ever understand.
  18. Well, not the day the Orangers fandom wanted today. We were bound to lose our hot streak a some point. At least we managed to salvage a few points, and maintain the overall lead. Those damn Minty Maniacs are proving to be some stiff competition.
  19. Just adding to my earlier thoughts after reading that N.Y. Times article about brain injuries in sliding sports... It may be worth thinking about replacing artificial track luge with natural track luge. There’s many advantages to the switch. The venue and track building costs would likely by much lower for organizers. I think/believe natural track luge is much safer for athletes, than artificial track luge. I think more countries could become involved in natural track luge because than artificial luge. Luge would maintain the current number of events/medals it has at the Olympic Games.
  20. A must read article about brain injuries in sliding sports:
  21. I’ll admit there’s been a few that made me turn my head, but I’ve agreed with a fair share of them as well.
  22. I don’t know, it does require a good amount of quotas. However, Italy is very good in the discipline, so they will campaign hard to add it to the program. They are supposed to be allowed, as the host, to add events/sports that are popular, or that the host country wishes to help grew, within their nation.
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