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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I believe it’s a play on the sugar skulls put out on dios de los muertos. @mrv86 can probably provide more info.
  2. They they are @hckošice! Go Someone’s has to keep the time honored tradition alive
  3. That’s four consecutive Olympics with oiled up dudes at the opening ceremony
  4. Some thoughts from the first few televised training runs I’ve seen. Track is quite unique. The open curve profiles are wild. No look at the spiral today (covered from sun), so don’t know what to make of it. That roller at the bottom is quite something though. Parts of the track that seem to be more problematic/points of interest: - Exit Turn 2 - Turn before the entrance to the spiral (Turn 8?) - Roller right before the finish Nikolajev with a bit of scary run as well. Issues from the start.
  5. I pretty much to plan to watch whatever I can, whenever I can. This is my first Olympic Games working for a major international sports media outlet, so obviously I’ll be following the Games intensely, though there’s a good chance I’ll be quite busy over the next few weeks.
  6. It annoys me slightly there isn’t a stream with all four matches, like they had for fencing in Tokyo.
  7. I don’t tend to cheer for ultra dominant athletes like Dukurs (I like to see different winners from event to event), but I’d really like to see him win a gold medal.
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