She has not met those requirements. But those are FFSG standards, not NOC ones. Winter sports in France are split between two federations : the FFS (snow sports) and the FFSG (ice sports) - also the FFHG (hockey) but they are not really Olympics-related (yet) . FFSG is a mess and (kind of) a disgrace, since Albertville 1992 they've brought home 6 of the 83 WOG French medals. Despite being one of the few countries with a functional ice track, they're not able to field more than 1 skeleton athlete per sex, and this is recent. Also Bessard is the child of the track's technical manager, Defayet the child of a track's worker
In a word I don't see them rejecting this quota. She worked hard to get it and that's some free advertising for the sport/federation, "look we qualify an athlete in skeleton". SPOIL : they did not nothing for it.