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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Awesome, he'll be 55 in Rio He competed at 43 in the Athens Olympics, finished 62nd in the ranking round ahead of only the atletes of Laos and Mauritius. One place above him there by the way was Elder, Fiji's qualifier of this week Also, Tatafu will be Tonga's first ever woman in Olympic archery
  2. For those who want to follow live scores and don't find something official, most bookmakers have live scores for table tennis (, for example).
  3. I just hope Müllenberg will punch the Turkish guy to smithereens so there won't even be points involved. Because probably one KO would not even be enough to convince the judges to go against the Turk.
  4. Judging by the weather of the past couple of hours, I really doubt that.
  5. If the main talk of an OQT is about corruption, undeserved wins and horrible judges then yes, you are absolutely correct. Kick it out, clean up the mess and see you in 2028 or something.
  6. Maybe Cappai's victory was undeserved as well, I think nobody knows I know Müllenberg (NED) made it to the QF, but I have no idea if he actually deserved the win and I think the judges don't know neither. Teymur Mammadov lost against Unal, surprise, from Turkey Müllenberg will face Unal now in the SF where the winner goes to Rio, so Unal is already certain of the Olympics unless Müllenberg knocks him out 5 times or something.
  7. In the internal Dutch selections, Sjef van der Berg is so far on top. Rick van der Ven is in second and Mitch Dielemans third and they have quite a big lead on the other two archers (there's three places available, so the top-3 goes to Rio). They had three competitions in the Netherlands in the past days and there are two World Cups and the European Championships which will count as well.
  8. That makes sense Sad way to end the tournament though.
  9. Why can't someone fight with a wound in the eyebrow?
  10. Is Vijay Singh still a big name in golf? I mean, I know he was good, but nowadays when I happen to come across results he's always way, way back.. In other words, it's not like he will be missed by the average viewer, right? Or you mean that it could be the start of a bunch of bigger names withdrawing? That would indeed be bad..
  11. I'll celebrate the day they kick this joke out of the Olympics for a while
  12. Former Canadian water polo player David Hart has started an online petition to punish France for their incredibly unsportsmanlike behaviour at the OQT Of course it won't have any results, but it's good to see that everybody hates the French team.. The link (it's a Dutch site, but they put Hart's letter there in English):
  13. Who qualifies for the KO-round, group winners or the first two of each group?
  14. I think there is a bit of a difference in gradation between a parking ticket and this kind of behaviour. The main thing is: if he was smart, he would have competed at the Olympics, no problem. Come on, let's not pretend the federations are to blame for this instead of the athlete..
  15. 52.80 in the 100 free final was not even enough to make the team
  16. Does someone know where I can find full results of the different trials around the world? I mean, the Australians aren't hard to find, but I'm especially interested in the Chinese trials.
  17. It's illegal behaviour and I can very much imagine that they don't want people with criminal behaviour representing their country Probably the "rules" of the associations say something about athletes having to behave themselves in order to represent Japan, which makes sense if you ask me. Apart from all that, if Momota was smart and did not involve himself with criminal activities, like most athletes, he would have no problem at all. The blame is all on him, not on the people who punish him.
  18. Well that's extremely stupid from Momota, throwing away his chances like this.
  19. The Dutch swimming team for Rio: Women: Lisa den Braber Liesette Bruinsma Sanne Hofman Lisa Kruger Marlou van der Kulk Chantal Molenkamp Marije Oosterhuis Magda Toeters Lisette Teunissen Manon Vermarien Chantalle ZIjderveld Men: Simon Boer Marc Evers Duncan van Haaren Thijs van Hofweegen Michael Schoenmaker Bas Takken Olivier van de Voort A whole bunch of very young world-class athletes (Bruinsma and Zijderveld aren't even 16 year I believe) combined with a good amount of experienced medal-winning athletes (Den Braber, Evers, to name a few). The most notable absentee by far is multiple world champion and world record holder Summer Mortimer (Dutch since 2014, competed for Canada before that), apparently she is having "serious health issues"
  20. Just search for them on internet, and if someone has time they will update it here (remember, nobody here is getting paid for this)
  21. In his usual major meet shape of the past 8-9 years or so he should indeed definitely reach at least one, but probably two finals. I think the chance of him winning no medal is bigger than the chance of him winning a medal (mostly since the events have 2 and 3 clear favorites and he isn't among them), but it's really not like it would be a major surprise if he does medal
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