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Everything posted by heywoodu

  2. Sep attacks, Boonen attacks, Stannard attacks again and all in 30 seconds
  3. Hayman attacks But Vanmarcke caught him after some seconds What a crazy final!
  4. And another all-out attack by Stannard, neutralized by Boonen and Vanmarcke. Meanwhile, Hayman is still sneaking in the back of the group without doing any work...
  5. I know Hayman is obviously the least realistic of this leading group but damn, how awesome it would be if he wins it
  6. Basically every forum has a full member list, but I can't find it here Does anyone know where to find it?
  7. 3 of the 4 Sky riders in the main group fall down in 2 separate falls in a matter of 1 or 2 minutes
  8. Good work from Popovych in the last race of his career
  9. Sagan, Terpstra and Cancellara all together in a little group in trouble, 2:20 behind the leaders and around a minute behind the group with Boonen.
  10. The app only shows 15 results at the moment by the way, Burrett being the last of those.
  11. Max van der Pas won his first fight against Davide Faraci of Switzerland
  12. 2:37.50 for Erin Burrett of Canada, new PB but she already had the standard.
  13. From the official Android app of the marathon, but it's taking a minute to load the leaderboard every time and it doesn't show nationalities
  14. Why? Also: 2:35.33 for Maria Elena Moreno Mazo, new PB and standard (Spain)
  15. 2:31.32 for Wilma Arizapana Yucra of Peru, another huge PB but her previous PB was 2:33.21 of Berlin 2015 so I guess she already had the standard. Still a noteworthy PB though. Esma Aydemir of Turkey clocked in with a 2:35.22 which is her first ever marathon time and so she is a new addition to the list of athletes who reached the standard
  16. Can previous results be found somewhere as well? Because I only see the current fight but I'm interested in an earlier fight which isn't on Wikipedia yet
  17. I'm seeing a 2:31.43 for Azucena Diaz of Spain, which is a new PB for her (and her 2nd marathon after Rotterdam 2014). 2:30.14 and 4th place for Catherine Bertone of Italy, also a huge 2+ minute PB at the age of 43/44
  18. I know they have a mobile app but that works like shit
  19. Yes, literally 10 seconds after quitting the race they put a microphone in his face and he said he'll try to qualify for the European half marathon championships.
  20. Raymaekers was exactly on schedule for the 2:11 Olympic standard after 25km, then he got dropped by the group in which he was running and he lost all of his speed...a few km later he was almost a minute behind schedule and then some old injury came back. Well at least we'll have a male marathon runner again at the Olympics (Abdi Nageeye), better than nothing I guess
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