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De_Gambassi last won the day on August 16 2024

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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
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    Rugby, soccer, handball, League, biathlon...
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    Yes, verry much
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    Who cares ?

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  1. Swedish skis must be atrocious
  2. They drew a map on their website, must be legit ! (There is a grand total of one active club in my fully recognised Lacrosse country). My point being with Lacrosse in for 2028 (and to some extent with Breaking in 2024), there are no rules anymore for additional sports, no threshold to reach. So why not RL or whatever really ? IOC and/or the host can chose whatever they want for whatever reasons (that they don't care to explain to anyone anyway, that's it if there is a reason to begin with).
  3. RL is as much an international sport as Lacrosse tbh (they both aren't). But really, after Paris and LA, trying to predict future hosts additional sports seems to me basically impossible. No one saw brealking or lacrosse coming.
  4. That's basically the worst way you could call pictograms. Who cares about (solid) okay pictograms ? They will be forgotten the day after.
  5. Paris 2024 will turn a (small) profit. But a profit nevertheless. Also the overall budget only increased a little bit from the original planing. From 3,807 billions in 2018 to 4,481 in 2024
  6. At first, I had read 'shootering' and for a couple of seconds, I asked myself what the hell : shooting on skates ? Probably more fun than 'scootering' anyway...
  7. C'est tragique. C'est habituel pour l'haltérophilie de n'envoyer personne ou presque à ces mondiaux ?
  8. I was watching the badminton final between the french and british guy (won by the former) I don't think I ever seen such sportmanship in defeat like Krysten Coombs showed us tonight. That was fantastic to see. And kudos to the winner Charles Noakes obviously
  9. Une vidéo de la seule médaille (et du seul titre !) français de ces mondiaux U20 : Méta Tumba sur 400 mh. C'était certainement la plus attendue de toute la délégation et elle n'a pas déçu A noter quand même 13 places de finalistes.
  10. I'll take your points table over the medals table we have now everyday ! I think there is value in a 'normalized points' table that would weight each event slightly different. But in your case, that's might be a bit too much and it's killing it IMO. Probably, there is a mathematical formula that would work better
  11. Best of Phryges during the opening ceremony who clearly had a better time than most of us yesterday night.
  12. I certainly didn't expect a full pool for swimming morning sessions. That's great to see.
  13. Début des mondiaux u20 d'athlétisme cet après-midi à Lima Les Français avec un SB parmi le Top 8 des participants : Ishak DAHMANI, 3000 ms (8e) Augustin BECQUET PERIGON, perche (5e) Alexandre MONTAGNE, décathlon (6e) Bastien PICART, 10 000 marche (8e) Laura MONTAUBAN, 100 mh (4e) Méta TUMBA, 400 mh (2e) Louise BOULENT, perche (4e) Vanessa LOKULI, longueur (7e) Clémence ROUGIER, triple saut (3e) Princesse HYMAN, disque (6e) Marie ROUGETET, marteau (5e) Léna AUVRAY, 10 000 marche (8e) Relais 4*100m F (8e) Pas de diffuseur en France, les championnats seront à suivre sur la page de WA à partir de 16h.
  14. A sneak peak of the OC
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