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  1. Finally our third team qualified (after women's football and women's hockey). It wasn't good this weekend, so a big relief they go to Tokio. A lot of work has to be done for winning a medal.
  2. Well, according to Dutch media Omnium rider Jan Willem van Schip enters the Men's Road Race, so the Dutch association is able to choose 4 riders for the Teamsprint/Keirin/Individual Sprint (Van den Berg, Lavreysen, Hoogland and Büchli).
  3. Well, I really don't know, but the KNWU says they read the qualification documents carefully and thinks that a Track specialist can get a Road Race quota ... to be continued!
  4. According to Dutch media Netherlands will try to use one of the quotas in Men's Road Race (5) for an extra Track Sprinter at the OG, since for teamsprint only three athletes can be chosen (and Netherlands has 4 Track-athletes of world class). Hopefully this works out, because it's no option for me to leave Matthijs Büchli home ... (or Hoogland, or Lavreysen or Van den Berg).
  5. Dutch teamsprinters still first in qualifying, but GB comes close again. Only 0,24 between and . At this year's WCh the gap between these teams was 1,13. GB always at their best with the Olympic Games coming .... , not really a surprise, but still annoying ...
  6. Hopefully her behaviour won't affect her Olympic chances. In boxing you can't trust anybody ... even when you're 30 seconds from receiving a gold medal, you can become sewn. Moreover, her behaviour (not want to receive a silver medal) was very understandable ...
  7. Boxing is terribly ill ... what the fuck Fontijn lost her gold medal during the medal ceremony. Looks like Wales offered a lot of money to one of the judges. And indeed, sanctions incoming for Fontijn. Maybe she will be excluded from the Olympic Games. Career end.
  8. Thank God, Deurloo is qualified for the Olympics!!
  9. What an horrible night for Dutch gymnastics. Last year 7th of the world, now they even finish behind Belgium and Kazachstan. Hopefully there's one AA-ticket for Deurloo, but no idea if his 80.500 points are enough? Zonderland has another chance to qualify for the Olympics through the (highbar) World Cup, but that's not likely. Miyachi from wants that Olympic ticket too and is the better one in my opinion. So: only Deurloo maybe in Tokio. (Still calculating)
  10. Because Dutch performance would hurt your eyes tonight ... What a bummer. Maybe even no individual AA-ticket, because Deurloo and Schmidt are really underperforming. Only chance is Epke Zonderland, but he is injured and it's likely he won't get a highbar-final. So, maybe 0 Dutch gymnasts in Tokio.
  11. have really good teams. Especially Turkey with Arican and Onder has two all around specialist who will easily qualify for the AA-finals. My prediction for Tokio: Japan, Russia, China already qualified USA, Switzerland, Ukrain, GB, Brazil, Taipei for sure Spain, Turkey likely Last spot: Germany, Italy or Korea
  12. No, too much injuries. Zonderland isn't at his best level, Rijken will do all apparatus (but a few weeks ago he couldn't do floor and vault because of an injury) and Bletterman is not good enough. Only way to have 3 gymnasts at the OG is with an individual final for Deurloo at high bar (in that case Schmidt will have the AA-quota and Zonderland will win the World Cup-quota). But after 1 subdivision the scores at high bar are really high already (Tang 14.933, two Italians 14.200), so I don't think it's gonna happen for Deurloo.
  13. Yes, but Netherlands played with their A-team (only De Kruijff didn't play), many other teams played with their B or C-choice. After the disappointing results this summer (EC and OGQ) it would surprise me when Netherlands grabs the last Olympic ticket. My prediction: Turkey.
  14. But there's a difference, our women are the highest ranked team indeed. Germany is just 7th of the 8 teams. 3-4-7-8 and 1-2-5-6: I think it's a strange composotion, but fair enough, Germany didn't compose anything, it's just the stupid FIVB/CEV-rules and lucky Germany.
  15. Reigning world champion Dafne Schippers has signed out for the 200 meter due to a groin injury. Very disappointing for , probably she won't compete in the relay 4x100 either.
  16. Great news that The Netherlands organizes the OQT! Still the Dutch team isn't the favourite. They played very bad at the World Cup (only 8th), Turkey will be the favourite (together with Poland).
  17. European Qualifier Group A: Group B: Germany composed a quite easy group for themselves. Group B is much stronger in my opinion.
  18. It's a complete disaster for the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The worst match in years of this team. And of course, Israël plays a good game . Hopefully Italy will qualify instead of Israël. All of a sudden they have (bought) some good players. After the softball women and volleyball women the baseballteam is the third Dutch team that underperform during Olympic qualification. Now we can only hope for the hockey men and handball/waterpolo women to qualify, but a 100% score is not very likely.
  19. Nog even over het beachvolleybal. Het is me toch niet helemaal duidelijk. Stel dat Brouwer en Meeuwen dit weekend een quotaplaats voor Nederland binnenhalen op het OKT in China. En in juni 2020 staan Brouwer en Meeuwsen bij de beste 15 op de Olympische Ranking. Zij gaan dan op grond van die ranking naar de OS. Uit de berichten op dit forum maak ik op dat Nederland dan Varenhorst/van de Velde aan mag wijzen als tweede duo, mits ze 12 toernooien samen hebben gespeeld. Dat klopt toch? @heywoodu en @Jinzha
  20. Then it's even stranger that some countries didn't send their best teams. But thanks for the explanation.
  21. To my knowledge the final European Qualification Tournament was given to Turkey. However, according to Dutch media the Dutch Volleyball Federation still wants to organize this tournament. Wondering if this is still possible.
  22. But are there any rules for selecting the athletes? Is a NOC required to select a "top-15 team" over - let's say - the number 36 of the FIVB World Ranking?
  23. - 4-1 Wasn't that good at Dutch side (fewer basehits than Czech Republic), but enough for the win.
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