Yep, it's pretty nice. My boyfriend bought it and I sometimes play it on his accout. I'm a huge fan of RPGs, and I've been playing Darkest Dungeon, which is also very nice. I'm a sucker for very hard games, so it's right up my alley.
But I'm also a huge fan of retro titles and since I only have to go back to work on April 20th, I believe I'll finally try to complete Tactics Ogre. I plan to move back to Rio next week, but I have to sit back and wait for interstate buses to be allowed to operate again. Besides, I still have to sell my fridge and my bed before I move, so there's nowhere to go and it's mostly a waiting game at this point.
Man, don't tell me about it. The last game I paid full price on release day was 428: Shibuya Scramble. I don't regret the decision, since it's a fantastic story, but it hurt seeing the game at half the price just 2 months later. Still, this is the best visual novel I've ever played, and the plot has to do with a life-threatening virus that could infect the whole world, so it would be quite interesting to replay it now.