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Everything posted by thiago_simoes

  1. What are your favorite board games, card games and trading card games? Are there traditional board/card games specific to your nation? Are there online options for one to learn how to play your favorite games? Are you a fan of Trading Card Games? Do you have any recommendations?
  2. I think you're too optimistic when it comes to the effects of combat sports. Jiu-jitsu is very popular in Brazil, and most men who practice it are complete jerks. Also, there are famous cases of boxers being too "hot-blooded" outside of the ring, too. Football takes lots of poor kids out of the streets and make them worry about being clean and healthy. I get it that Neymar and some other footballers act like crybabies, but I believe that most footballers learn about discipline the hard way while they are trying hard to become famous. Of couse some of them are just unbearable after they actually become famous, but at least I don't listen to stories of them attacking people or hitting women or the like.
  3. I can't stand combat sports, except for Judo, and my knowledge about MMA (or UFC, they're pretty much the same thing to me) is restricted to McGregor, Silva and Sonnen. I can live in a world without them, yeah.
  4. Like most MMA fighters and a couple of Portuguese-speaking FIFA golden ball winners.
  5. I know nothing about him except that, at some point, rumors said he was Cristiano Ronaldo's boyfriend.
  6. Nope. Nice work. I was just bored and decided to create a top 5 for each continent.
  7. I was bored, so I decided to do this. Top 5: World: ; Now, if USSR is not considered, is next Europe: ; If USSR is not considered, is next Asia: North America: South America: Americas (combined): Africa: Oceania:
  8. Well, this is Russia's problem, not China's. Medal tables are nothing but political, and if a given territory is so problematic that it can't stay united for more than 50 years, this is not China's or the IOC's problem. Besides, it's not up to the IOC to define which situation applies to Russia or whatnot, since other nations can require the same treatment and get nothing in return (Serbia, Czech Republic, and so on, which would be unfair to Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and other nations).
  9. I disagree. So, Yugoslavia should be counted together with Serbia, too? Different nations must be listed separately.
  10. It depends on when the last stage, Doha, will happen. If it is staged later this year, Petrounias is in trouble. I don't see FIG taking chances and staging it in 2021, though, so I bet it will take place between September and October if the pandemics is mildly in control until there. I'm not sure Petrounias can score around 15.3 again in 5/6 months. Now, is Yang really a lock for the Olympic quota on rings? Since results from Baku were considered as valid, Weng Hao adds yet another title to his collection and maybe his average score surpassed Yang's? Who knows? This system is too confusing for me to care about scores and current rankings. FIG rarely creates good things, but this is too much. And now that I look at the PH scores, I guess Keikha still has a chance. Am I right? He needs to win the next stage probably with a huge score and he could surpass Kameyama. If Weng Hao is really not eligible, Keikha would be the next in line, I guess.
  11. FIG quietly decided that results from Baku World Cup qualifications will serve as finals. This completely changes the Olympic qualification race, since Rebeca Andrade and Saeid Reza Keikha will not be able to qualify through the World Cup series anymore, but Petrounias still has a shot.
  12. You don't have to learn HTML to contribute to Wikipedia, but if you do, it helps a lot learning the ropes. I learned basic HTML in 1998 (lol, I'm old), so I'm not even sure about what could be a good source for newcomers. Wikipedia has great tutorials for you to get started, and it might seem like a lot at first but once you get the hang of it, it will be pretty simple and straightforward.
  13. Once you have the basic template ready, it's very easy to update with the names of the athletes and results. Not really a big deal. If you know basic HTML it will be a piece of cake to learn how wiki code works.
  14. I've always been against investing lots of time reporting the results of competitions on the forum because the last major server crash rendered all that work futile. Everything was lost and I can only imagine the frustration of people who spent hours typing everything. I'm a huge supporter of Wikipedia and I believe that it would be great for a larger number of people if results were to be uploaded to Wikipedia. Of course not every competition is deemed big enough to be listed there, but I doubt that lack of preservation of the results for a number of small meets would be considered catastrophic for many people.
  15. Well, the 90s were a rough time for realistic graphics, so I don't quite enjoy the aesthetics of Western RPGs of that time and I prefer the more cartoonish look of JRPGs. Skyrim was the first game that made me get into WRPGs because it finally had a fully realized world that was lifelike and believable. I also learned to like Baldur's Gate, too, bur I strongly dislike Fallout, for example. It's interesting that, in recent times, Dark Souls and Moster Hunter completely changed the landscape for JRPGs in the West since they look a lot like WRPGs and there's been sort of a JRPG renaissance after these titles. Still, Final Fantasy is my favorite series, but I have to say it's suffering from identity crisis; I didn't get into anything past FFXII, even though FFXV has a great battle system, but the characters put me off. I'm more and more stuck in retrogaming for the rest of my life, unless anything major changes my taste for games, which is highly unlikely.
  16. Nice. I was not a big fan of Western RPGs until I played Skyrim. I'm more into JRPGs, though. Final Fantasy Tactics, Grandia, Paper Mario, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Persona 2 (yes, I'm oldschool).
  17. I'm a fan of DF Retro, Sega Lord X and Game Sack, but I don't think retro gaming is what you're looking for.
  18. Yep, it's pretty nice. My boyfriend bought it and I sometimes play it on his accout. I'm a huge fan of RPGs, and I've been playing Darkest Dungeon, which is also very nice. I'm a sucker for very hard games, so it's right up my alley. But I'm also a huge fan of retro titles and since I only have to go back to work on April 20th, I believe I'll finally try to complete Tactics Ogre. I plan to move back to Rio next week, but I have to sit back and wait for interstate buses to be allowed to operate again. Besides, I still have to sell my fridge and my bed before I move, so there's nowhere to go and it's mostly a waiting game at this point. Man, don't tell me about it. The last game I paid full price on release day was 428: Shibuya Scramble. I don't regret the decision, since it's a fantastic story, but it hurt seeing the game at half the price just 2 months later. Still, this is the best visual novel I've ever played, and the plot has to do with a life-threatening virus that could infect the whole world, so it would be quite interesting to replay it now.
  19. If age requirements are changed, then some qualification events must be scratched and start all over again. Romania could qualify a full team in women's artistic gymnastics with the 2020 new senior girls. Brazil could benefit as well after the disaster last year with 2 out of 5 girls injured on the spot during team qualifications. I'm contrary to any change, though. If the event will still be Tokyo 2020, so there's no way that athletes who turn senior in 2021 should be allowed to compete. Just wait for 2024.
  20. Rebeca Andrade in artistic gymnastics. I hope she stays healthy.
  21. The IOC cannot postpone the Olympics! What will happen to all the copies of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 that will look outdated now?
  22. I'll sell and donate everything I currently have, so moving to Rio will not be that hard because I'll only carry my clothes and two boxes full of books. The problem is I can't drive. There are bus tickets available from April 4th to April 19th, so I have a chance of making it on time. The biggest challenge will be selling my stuff during quarantine.
  23. The vast majority of people are at home since the public health system cannot cope with new infections and the private health system is a total disaster (they don't even test for covid-19 in most places). I'm worried about my health in the future because amidst all this crazy situation, the federal government greenlighted my transferal to Rio de Janeiro (almost one thousand kilometers from where I currently live) and I have to be there in 30 days. The problem (besides the pandemic, of course) is that state borders are currently closed and there's no way I can take a bus and go there. Even flights are being suspended. I'll go back to Rio so I can live with my mom, who is 70 and needs my help, and I just can't risk being infected because I could also infect her. I'll go crazy with all this.
  24. I guess a compromise could be made by hosting it in September and forbid spectators. It would be very sad indeed, and a postponement to early 2021 would be fantastic. Is it feasible to stage the Olympics in late March 2021? How is the weather in the Northern hemisphere in March?
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