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Everything posted by Swewi

  1. Stina!! But I think at least Weng will be better in the final climb. I also hope Charlotte Kalla could get back in shape soon.
  2. Thanks everyone will try to earn a medal oh yes I miss those song contests!
  3. Holmlund/Näslund crashed into each other in two different races in one week and just a few days later this happens to Anna and then Sandra ends up on the hospital as well..
  4. I don´t know if someone remember me but under another name (fabwin) before we had to register again I was quite active here on the forum.. Just wanted to inform that I´m going to represent Sweden at the World Juniors in feburary
  5. And former norwegian skieer oistein Pettersen admit he among others used astma medicine between the qualificatuons and the finals in sprint even though he didnt have astma... why do that systematiskt If it doesnt help?
  7. Of course it helps, it gives anabolic side affects.. and Johaug said in an interview just weeks ago that she also has taken astma medicin even though she has no astma.. in the same interview she said that she always check at least two or three times if a medicine or lip lotion includes doping xD so stupid
  8. Also several doctors has Said that what She took is not even good for use on lips.. and her lip problems could actually instead be a side affect from use of clostebol.. Aldo Heidi weng has the same problematik.. and She Will not participate on the next national team camp, also some other skiers suddenly wont bevakar of "privat issues", and why Does Marit talk about retiring now Is She has nothing to hide.. its too many questions.. and if She was from an East european country noone would believe this story With so many holes.. i dont say that they systematically Dopes in Norway but that seems at least More likely true than Johaugs story
  9. I dont know exactly but I know sweden have More (not much More) tests than norway... and they have More Skier.. but that doesnt matter, its a norwegian skiier WHO has Been caught,With a story in lever With most other bad explainations from dopers. And her and her team mates behaviour just indicates something More. And i am not a norway-hater, i was a big fan of Johaug before this. Found source here 389 tests on skiers last year and 191 off competition. This is the number of tests by the swedish anti doping organisation.
  10. She was not even tested for 4 months before this test and that is appearently the normal case pdf season for norwegian skiers, according to norwegian media
  11. After Reading a lot about this subject, it seems More likely that Norway uses doping for the whole team than that Johaugs story is true
  12. Actually Sweden has only lost one match since world cup last year and that was 1-5 against Brazil in the Group stage
  13. So unnecessary that Sarah Sjöström had to swim the relays, especially 4x200, both qualifocations and final just to get 5th places and get tired to miss golf in 100free...
  14. Camprianis result Wouldnt even be enough for medal in womens competition..
  15. Just like 2008 Emma takes just behind the Winner!
  16. Therese Alshammar (swimming, multiple world champion and former world record holder and swimmer of the year with Olympic medals from Sydney) is participating in her 6th olympics and Will bear the swedish flag
  17. Swedish Henrik Stensson won British Open (hos first masters) breaking Tiger Woods record of best overall record (-20), 3 shots before 2nd place Michelson and 14 before 3rd place. Both top players Will play in Olympics even though some of the best Will miss it. World no1 Jason Day WHO Will not play in rio were 21 shots aftEr Stensson.
  18. Long jump silver medalist Michel Torneus was not qualified for rio yet (8.21 in final was wind 2.1. Last day to qualify he jumps 8.44 swedish record!! /fabwin
  19. Torneus is leading the long jump but is not qualigied for the olympics.. Not over 8.15 With less Than 2.0 wind. He had 2.1 when jumper 8.21 ..
  20. No reason to not accept that goal!!!
  21. She's been injured but I had Hope She still has More potential to develop after winning world youth. Im so impressed by Susanna Kallurs comeback in the hurdles yesterday. 13.00 and just 0.10 after Talay in that Weather. First hurdle race in 6 years... And 8.5years since last injury-free race..
  22. Håkan Dahlby, double trap, who was mentioned in the first post Will participate since Sweden gave him a quota from a female air rifle shooter. oops was not first about that..
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