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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Glen

  1. MALTA 2nd IRELAND 11 3rd SWEDEN 10 4th KAZAKHSTAN 9 5th CANADA 8 6th SPAIN 7 7th NETHERLANDS 6 8th UNITED STATES 5 9th ISRAEL 4 10th ITALY 3 11th POLAND 2 12th EGYPT 1
  2. MALTA "Good afternoon, good evening and good morning to all the countries following this year's contest. A well done goes to the organizers of this year's contest. The following are the first points of the Maltese jury" 3rd SWEDEN 10 4th KAZAKHSTAN 9 5th CANADA 8 6th SPAIN 7 7th NETHERLANDS 6 8th UNITED STATES 5 9th ISRAEL 4 10th ITALY 3 11th POLAND 2 12th EGYPT 1
  3. I will submit my votes tomorrow evening. Still need to determine the ranking order.
  4. MALTA WHO THE HECK IS REK? BY RED ELECTRICK Lyrics We talk about it every Saturday night Don't get me wrong now but I think we completely mad It's getting harder you see Make way for fresh and clean love machine The shaky jerky uncontrollable wreck Who's REK? Who the heck is REK? AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away Got people laughing at the way he move The horny corny unpredictable motion train We do it all for fame Make way for fresh and clean love machine The shaky jerky uncontrollable wreck Who's REK? Who the heck is REK? AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away Do the robot Do the robot Do the robot Do the robot Oh-h it's gonna take you away Oh-h it's gona take you away and away and away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away
  5. Malta will be participating. Will be submitting the song shortly.
  6. MALTA EMMA MUSCAT - SANGRIA (Feat. Astol) For this year's TAISC, Malta will be submitting a song in Italian sung by Malta singer Emma Muscat. Emma, who will be also be representing Malta in the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest in Turin, became famous after she participated on the Italian Television show 'Amici' Lyrics Emma Muscat - Sangria (feat. Astol) Quanto manca Non ci vediamo da un po', il tempo non passa Ma per raggiungerti ora mi sa che sbaglio via Tanto so che ogni strada fino all'alba Mi porta dritta alle tue labbra, quindi tu aspetta So che mi fai male Sei un chiodo fisso al cuore Ma ho voglia di passare questa notte insieme a te Che questo monolocale diventa un lungo mare Togliamoci le scarpe e poi facciamo ciò che vuoi E adesso balla un po' con me La musica ci porterà con sé La tua mano è nella mia Ma come per magia Mi baci e poi vai via Col sole che tramonta in un bicchiere di sangria Io sono il segreto di un bacio a cui pensi Mentre ti addormenti con lui e io sono il senso di colpa di un livido che dolcemente sale Sono galante e quindi te lo chiedo Vuoi venire a ballare con un bandolero Io già sento il caldo Regge poco la scusa dell'alcol Io non sono un santo e non mi faccio pregare Se chiami il tuo viso d'angelo io sono le ali E una rosa nel letto, un amante perfetto Il nome che non scordi più Astol who E adesso balla un po' con me La musica ci porterà con se La tua mano è nella mia Ma come per magia Mi baci e poi vai via Col sole che tramonta in un bicchiere di sangria Balliamo insieme fino a mattina Solo con te io riesco a sentirmi più viva Più scende giù e più la testa mi gira, baby Guardando il tramonto insieme bevendo sangria E adesso balla un po' con me La musica ci porterà con sé La tua mano nella mia Ma come per magia Mi baci e poi vai via Col sole che tramonta in un bicchiere di sangria Col sole che tramonta in un bicchiere di sangria
  7. MALTA Fejn Tħobb Il-Qalb - Mike Spiteri Kemm darrejtni hazinBiex inderri nehtieg li nkun hdejkKemm kien jiswili li qadt ftit attentInt l-Ilma gieri ghajn ta ferh Inhossok qribi kull hinNitkellem wahdi u ndur f’nofs ta’ lejlJekk mhux imhabba li ghandi ghalikGhada x-xemx mhux tiela turi s-sebh Fejn thobb il-qalb, jimxu riglejjaGhax lilek nara biss b’ghajnejjaTkun f’mohhi lejl u nharM’hemmx hliefek nghid ghalijaMinn wiccek nilmah dijaDin qalbi tghix bl-imhabba ghalikMa rridekx tinsa weghdietNerga ntennilek li lilek irridInt l-aqwa tama ghal isbah gejjienErsaq qrib ha tisma dawn il kliemFejn thobb il-qalb, jimxu riglejjaGhax lilek nara biss b’ghajnejjaTkun f’mohhi lejl u nharM’hemmx hliefek nghid ghalijaMinn wiccek nilmah dijaDin qalbi tghix bl-imhabba ghalikKont hlomt u qomt miblughL-imhadda mlejt bid-dmughBin-niket bdejt nirtghod ghax rajtek sejra l-boghodFejn thobb il-qalb, jimxu riglejjaGhax lilek nara biss b’ghajnejjaTkun f’mohhi lejl u nharM’hemmx hliefek nghid ghalijaMinn wiccek nilmah dijaDin qalbi tghix bl-imhabba ghalik
  8. Hovhannes Bachkov (Boxing) Source:
  9. Malta - Eleanor Bezzina (Shooting) & Andrew Chetcuti (Shooting) Andrew Chetcuti is a swimmer not a shooter. P.S. you also need to switch the colours
  10. Malta will be present with 6 athletes in the Tokyo Games. Eleonor Bezzina - Target Shooting Matthew Abela - Badminton Yazmin Zammit Stevens - Weightlifting Andrew Chetcuti - Swimming Sasha Gatt - Swimming Carla Scicluna - Athletics
  11. Glad you liked the song, more and more since you didn't understood a word from the lyrics. Thank you for the points and bronze medal
  12. MALTA SWEDEN 12 CANADA 11 GREECE 10 INDIA 9 NORWAY 8 ITALY 7 BRAZIL 6 FRANCE 5 NETHERLANDS 4 SLOVENIA 3 IRELAND 2 FINLAND 1 Grazzi lil Polonja ghal-organizzazzjoni ta' dan il-festival. Thank you to Poland for the organisation of this contest.
  14. Malta Il-lejla t-tajba mill-izgħar parteċipant fil-festival ta' din is-sena. Hawn taħt hawn l-ewwel punti tal-ġurija Maltijae Good evening from the smallest participating country in this year's contest. Below are the first points from the Maltese jury. GREECE 10 INDIA 9 NORWAY 8 ITALY 7 BRAZIL 6 FRANCE 5 NETHERLANDS 4 SLOVENIA 3 IRELAND 2 FINLAND 1
  15. That was anunexpected surprise. Thank you Poland for the 11 points and 1st medal for Malta
  16. MALTA Malta's entry for this year's contest is a song in Maltese by Miriam Christine delivering a message of hope and courage especially during these challenging times. Hope you enjoy it. PS: If you enjoyed the scenery in this music video, you should consider planning a holiday to Malta and Gozo 'Kuraġġ' - by Miriam Christine Lyrics in Maltese Kull meta tħoss it-tama f’ħajtek qiegħda tnin Meta l-ħolma ttir Dalma tara biss fuq il-ġejjien Kull meta taħseb li l-ħajja hija mrar Hemm fil-fond tal-qalb Tmut bil-mod il-mod ix-xrara nar Kuraġġ ħabib Imħabba hemm għalik Hemm jum sabiħ Li qiegħed jistenniek Kuraġġ ħabib Trid tnissel ġewwa fik Biex meta jkun il-waqt It-triq issib Qatt taqta’ qalbek meta kbar huma s-sisien Jgħaddu dawn il-jiem Ftakar li int biss sid id-destin Kuraġġ ħabib… Hemm jum, hemm jum sabiħ,…. Qatt taqta’ qalbek meta kbar huma s-sisien Li qed, qed jistenniek,…. Jgħaddu dawn il-jiem, ftakar li int biss sid id-destin Kuraġġ ħabib… Hemm jum, hemm jum sabiħ, li qed, qed jistenniek..... La la la la la la la la….. Lyrics in English COURAGE Whenever you feel all hope is dying out When a dream is gone Darkness looms over the future Whenever you think that life brings only sorrow Deep down in your heart The fire slowly dies Courage, my friend You are loved There’s a beautiful day Waiting right there for you Courage, my friend You have to find deep inside your heart So when the time is right You'll find your way Never give up when the mountain seems insurmountable These dark days will pass too Remember that only you can realise your fate My friend, have courage….. There’s a beautiful day….. Never give up when the mountain seems insurmountable It’s waiting there for you…. These days will pass too… Only you can realise your fate My friend, have courage….. There’s a beautiful day… It’s waiting there for you… La la la la la la la la…..
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