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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Belgium again! What the hell! Malin: "What did the Belgians had for breakfast today?"
  2. I imagine it's a lovely situation to have during the last day of TISC voting.
  3. Last time I posted on Firefox was yesterday. PM is not working either.
  4. Beat Mandli eliminated. How dreadful. One down for Fredricson. Looks like he won't sweep this like he did the last time Gothenburg hosted a big event...
  5. It doesn't. Presumably the latest? I don't exactly, it's being updated automatically.
  6. And I really don't feel like switching to Chrome (even for Totallympics)...
  7. And that's probably the reason I can't even post on Mozilla anymore ...
  8. Draw is out for the first round. There were two pots overall. Athletes from pot 1 were drawn 1-9, while athletes from pot 2 were drawn 10-18. Controversially, two of the wild card athletes (Lyle and Scholtens) somehow ended up in the more desired pot 2. Scholtens was in fact so lucky that she will get to start last. Meanwhile, here we have yet another newsletter about the fan favorite. @OlympicIRL
  9. Start list for Round 1 (speed competition).
  10. qualify a jumping team, get the remaining two individual slots, if I'm not mistaken. should be the first reserve.
  11. Ground jury for Tokyo dressage competition was appointed today. Katrina Wuest (president) Andrew Ralph Gardner Francis Verbeek-van Rooy Hans-Christian Matthiesen Janet Lee Foy Susan Hoevenaars Magnus Ringmark President is usually from the host nation, however Japan has no 5* judges so Wuest got the honor. Very happy for her. Such a lovely lady. Among others, Verbeek and Hoevenaars are alright I guess. Others too, but they do have their "quirks". interesting how all of them come from powerhouse nations. Usually some Austrian or Finnish judge scrapes in. Not this time. p.s. There are not that many dressage judges in general. Therefore followers of the sport are very familiar with all these names...
  12. Gudrun Patteet is out of the WC Final (failed vet inspection). Mohamed Sadek dropped out earlier this week. So a total of 33 athletes will be starting in tomorrow's opening competition.
  13. Italy is really stacking up those qualification events.
  14. Damn, reaction stocks dropped considerably last May.
  15. This is still like spitting on the food you never planned to eat. Calling Olympics swimming and athletics. Please.
  16. Fun fact, Swiss skip Peter de Cruz looks almost exactly like a younger version of my graduate thesis mentor. Resemblance is uncanny.
  17. If they really don't want to play, they can at the very least fake some injury or something a couple of weeks before the start. Withdrawing like this, more than a year ahead, is just disrespectful to all those athletes who sacrifice everything to get to the Olympics.
  18. I hardly think that a tennis player being all spoiled would qualify as a scandal.
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