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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Gilles Ngovan & Zigzag open things up with a cleanish test. No mistakes in the canter zig-zag, luckily. Would have been pretty embarrasing had there been one. 69.2%
  2. First decathlon I can remember where everyone completed. Not even one NM or anything. Or not... The Bahamian randomly withdrew before the last event. Pitty.
  3. Not sure it was smart for Simwaka to run this 200 m semi.
  4. Simwaka made the women's 400 m final with third best time (NR). It will not be easy, but a medal is possible.
  5. 8 different nations made it to the men's 200 m final - including Eswatini!
  6. Commentator crying out of joy because England has just defeated Gambia (!) is a little too much. That was patriotic commentating even for national TV standards, let alone a supposed international feed.
  7. More coverage options are listed here. Though it's probably not as comprehensive as Eurosport will broadcast, but looks like Grand Prix and Grand Prix will each have only delayed highlights on E1. Grand Prix Freestyle will apparently be broadcast live and in full, though.
  8. Everyone passed the horse inspection. Start list for tomorrow (and Sunday) is out! With 93 starters, it is the biggest field seen in dressage since the 2014 WEG. The legendary event in Normandy had exactly 100 starters. Venues are ready.
  9. One wonders home come apparently so many people in Birmingham are free on workdays.
  10. Rwanda beats NZ to qualify for the beach volley semifinals!
  11. will stream the event. 30 days free trial is generously offered also for the Championships, so there you go.
  12. Pakistan continues to be a non-factor in hockey... Really one of the least developed sports nations, if no the least developed, given the population and resources.
  13. Nice for Niue! Would have preferred to have a nation going above and beyond to score then first medal, rather than get one thanks to fluke draw, but alright.
  14. Sierra Leone finally has something to smile about as their runner made the 200 m semis.
  15. I guess we will have Athletics at the European Championships thread.
  16. 1982 World Championships in Lausanne were a swan song for the legendary powerhouse that was Granat. Swiss organizers tweaked some rules to help them out, but Christine Stueckelberger & then 17-year old Granat nevertheless ended up with an individual silver.
  17. Nice shot put final, pretty bad in high jump. 2.25 was enough for the gold medal...
  18. Exciting finish of the 10000 m. But the pro-British commentators are pretty insufferable. Seems like everyone is cheering for England, but if their athletes are nowhere to be seen, then Scotland is fine too... Because Scotland then is basically Britain. Even though such an entity does not exist in this event. Ugh.
  19. Akane Kuroki is out (COVID positive). Her coach Benjamin Werndl is on the German team... hopefully he will not follow suit.
  20. Oh well. 200 m events were a thorn in the eye for many ever since their introduction. No wonder the number of 200 m events just kept dropping and dropping.
  21. I like it too. Would not mind to have it in the Olympics having enjoyed the matches here in Birmingham, AL.
  22. Ili trener ne zna svoj posao ("10 ozlijeda u jednoj godini" je suluda izjava za bilo koji sport, a posebno plivanje), ili te priče o ozlijedama koriste za izbjegavanje natjecanja i doping kontrola.
  23. And yet it's actually somewhat important, as opposed to fencing.
  24. It'a a new sport then. And since MP is already effectivelly removed from the program, there is no way it gets re-added again. There are far more attractive new sports.
  25. Seeing for UIPM left their own legacy behind recently, it's a weak selling point here.
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