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  1. Like
    MHSN got a reaction from thiago_simoes in Weightlifting AWF Asian Championships 2019   
    Thanks and keep sending screenshots from the results. it will take centuries for IWF to post the results.
    btw. interesting to see Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka winning medals in an Asian Championships. thanks to low level non-Olympic weight, I wonder if it happened before. but at least I'm quite sure this is Saudi Arabia's first ever gold medal in this sport. probably first ever medal.
  2. Like
    MHSN reacted to Function CR Lee in Weightlifting AWF Asian Championships 2019   
    Men's 55kg

  3. Thanks
    MHSN got a reaction from Gianlu33 in Boxing 2019 Discussion Thread   
    if you don't know already ASBC website has links for the results. draw and even live stream for the whole competition.
  4. Like
    MHSN reacted to Dunadan in Fencing Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games   
    Finally we have the (at least provisional) calendar for next season so here's the main competitions which will count for the Olympic ranking (there's also going to be a lot of Satellite events in September-October but they award very few points).
    Team Ranking = World Champs + Continental Champs + best 4 results out of 5 World Cups
    Individual Ranking = World Champs + Continental Champs + other best 5 results
    Updates on the Olympic rankings here:
    Date Place Nation Weapon Gender Competition Team April 26-28 Seoul KOR Sabre Men / Women Grand Prix   May 3-5 Cali COL Epee Men / Women Grand Prix   May 3-5 Tauberbischofsheim GER Foil Women World Cup x May 3-5 St. Petersburg RUS Foil Men World Cup x May 10-12 Tunis TUN Sabre Women World Cup x May 10-12 Madrid ESP Sabre Men World Cup x May 17-19 Paris FRA Epee Men World Cup x May 17-19 Dubai UAE Epee Women World Cup x May 17-19 Shangai CHN Foil Men / Women Grand Prix   May 24-26 Moscow RUS Sabre Men / Women Grand Prix   June 8-12 Bamako MLI All Men / Women African Championships x June 13-18 Tokyo JPN All Men / Women Asian Championships x June 17-22 Dusseldorf GER All Men / Women European Championships x June 27- July 2 Toronto CAN All Men / Women Panamerican Championships x July 15-23 Budapest HUN All Men / Women World Championships x September-October     All Men / Women Satellite Competitions   November 1-3 Tallinn EST Epee Women World Cup x November 8-10 Bonn GER Foil Men World Cup x November 8-10 Orleans FRA Sabre Women World Cup x November 15-17 Algiers ALG Sabre Men World Cup x November 22-24 Algiers ALG Foil Women World Cup x November 22-24 Bern SUI Epee Men World Cup x December 13-15 St. Maur FRA Foil Women World Cup x December 13-15 Tokyo JPN Foil Men World Cup x December 13-15 Salt Lake City USA Sabre Women World Cup x January 10-12 Katowice POL Foil Women World Cup x January 10-12 Paris FRA Foil Men World Cup x January 10-12 Warsaw POL Sabre Men World Cup x January 10-12 La Havana CUB Epee Women World Cup x January 10-12 Heidenheim GER Epee Men World Cup x January 24-26 Doha QAT Epee Men / Women Grand Prix   February 7-9 Turin ITA Foil Men / Women Grand Prix   February 7-9 Barcelona ESP Epee Women World Cup x February 7-9 Vancouver CAN Epee Men World Cup x February 14-16 Cancun MEX Sabre Men / Women Grand Prix   February 21-23 Cancun MEX Foil Women World Cup x February 21-23 Cairo EGY Foil Men World Cup x March 6-8 Athens GRE Sabre Women World Cup x March 6-8 Padua ITA Sabre Men World Cup x March 6-8 Budapest HUN Epee Men / Women Grand Prix   March 13-15 Anaheim USA Foil Men / Women Grand Prix   March 20-22 St. Niklaas BEL Sabre Women World Cup x March 20-22 Budapest HUN Sabre Men World Cup x March 20-22 Suzhou CHN Epee Women World Cup x March 20-22 Buenos Aires ARG Epee Men World Cup x
  5. Thanks
    MHSN got a reaction from heywoodu in Boxing 2019 Discussion Thread   
    this is 99% nonsense (I can't say 100% but in Iran you never can be really sure) she is just someone desperate for attention.
    not much media attention about her inside Iran, (of course Persian media outside of Iran as usual take these kind of news seriously) because nobody knew her at all until few days ago. just some announcement denying that bold part . of course she can't be representing the IR Iran without Hejab but doing something "without Hejab in another country" is not illegal and she won't have any problem traveling back to Iran. but of course she has other reasons spreading such news. we will see her getting French citizenship (or somewhere else) soon just because of that. and after that she will travel back to Iran happily to see her family that's usually the plan.
  6. Haha
    MHSN reacted to phelps in Other Multi-Sport Games Discussion Thread   
    this is just an example (you can find a lot of videos on YT)...

  7. Haha
    MHSN reacted to Griff88 in Other Multi-Sport Games Discussion Thread   
    By the way you guys should check what are added to Southeast Asian Games in 2019.

  8. Sad
    MHSN reacted to Griff88 in Asian Games 2022   
    The rest of the news basically are identical with your post.
    However, in the closing part it is said that they are also hinting the possible changes to the programme with "youth sports" (I bet Bach will be horny after this). They mentioned skateboarding, surfing, sport climbing, and...... f***ing breakdancing
  9. Like
    MHSN reacted to Griff88 in Asian Games 2022   
    It will be included... Together with Go/Weiqi, just like 2010.
    Here is an excerpt of news, I highlighted the words (although it might be not updated)

  10. Like
    MHSN got a reaction from thiago_simoes in Weightlifting 2019 Discussion Thread   
    I knew that, European tournaments are usually much easier to follow. that was just an example of IWF's new speed in updating. in past we had each weight class result few minutes after the competition.
  11. Like
    MHSN got a reaction from thiago_simoes in Weightlifting 2019 Discussion Thread   
    IWF was always a corrupt organization but at least they were better in updating their websites. we always had live score for major tournaments plus start list for continental championships etc. but now even after a day still no sign of European Champs results. and for example they put Fajr Cup tournament in Tehran (which happened a month ago) just few days ago !
    quite an improvement specially this year where all these results matter for the Olympic qualification
    while there is no official start list for the Asian Championship in China, there are news that king of doping Ilya Ilyin is back (this time to really participate) but at 96kg !!!!!! he had two "no marks" already and this is his last chance in this window. if he doesn't show up or bombs out there will be no chance for him to qualify. this could be a hell of a competition in this weight in Asia with him, Tian Tao (assuming he will participate at home), Moradi and Rostami from Iran. but Moradi is still injured. (good news he doesn't need a surgery and will recover soon)  and the biggest jerk ever Rostami just pulled out of the team couple days ago claiming he is not happy with the support he is receiving !!! I'm not going to write all of his super stupid comments but this guy is simply unbelievable. for couple months he was more committed into training, knowing Moradi is injured and with a back surgery he will most probably miss the Olympics but now Moradi is back on his feet he started his stupid games again.
    another important weightlifter for Iran is Saeid Alihosseini, (the only man in the world who can giggle Talakhadze at least) he was also injured in past few months but despite not "being ready" he is still going to this competition just to have a result and keep his chance alive. if he bombs out this will be the end of his career.
  12. Like
    MHSN reacted to phelps in Weightlifting 2019 Discussion Thread   
    European Champs 2019 complete Results Book
  13. Like
    MHSN got a reaction from Griff88 in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    in Iran, beside the ID (like every other country) people have something else which is more like a booklet, I can't find an English word for that apparently that's unique for Iran and Afghanistan, some sources use the word "birth certificate" but this is much more than just that.
    the last page of this is for the elections, whenever you vote they stump (which is unique for each election) on that. you can't vote again in the same election.
    another "unique" thing about Iran is there is no ticket or registration, you just have to show up anywhere you want bring your "thing" and your ID and vote. this is always on a Friday (holiday in Iran) and since everything is political in Iran  even "voting" (I mean just the act of voting, not voting for who) so many people only decide to vote or not during the Friday or  half an hour before the end of it.
  14. Wow!
    MHSN got a reaction from thiago_simoes in Weightlifting IWF World Championships 2018   
    per IWF  the Uzbek guy Djungabaev is tested positive for doping and now waiting for his suspension. when I read that the first thing came to my mind was your post
    but the problem is IWF anti-doping news section didn't mention when it happened . now in April 2019 it's hard to believe that's for his World Championship sample but you never know 
    PS:  his last competition was Qatar Cup in December 2018. that's probably where he got caught (or maybe an out of competition test) but knowing his surprising sudden improvement he wasn't clean at the Worlds for sure .
  15. Haha
    MHSN got a reaction from thepharoah in Weightlifting EWF European Championships 2019   
    another world record for Talakhadze. how boring this guy is
  16. Like
    MHSN reacted to heywoodu in Weightlifting EWF European Championships 2019   
    Yep. Leading the snatch with 147kg against 146kg for second place, after which he tried 154 (WR)....followed by three misses on CJ  
  17. Thanks
    MHSN got a reaction from heywoodu in Weightlifting EWF European Championships 2019   
    I didn't follow this. but I assume he bombed out , right ?
    he also bombed out in Fajr Cup in Tehran, which means he has no result in past 6 months, which means 0 points for him in first window. so no technically he can't qualify for the Olympics.
    for Olympic qualificatioin, best result in each window plus the next best one will be counted. for Ismailov his best result in first window is 0. and that's impossible to qualify with 3 results comparing to 4 of others.
  18. Like
    MHSN reacted to thiago_simoes in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Of course, because if you ask politely maybe the leaders of the country that invaded your territory could change their minds and return it to you as if nothing happened, right? Look at how Great Britain responded so nicely when asked to return the Falkland Islands to Argentina.

    I mean, I don't want to be sarcastic, but I cannot help it.

    This whole situation with Israel and Palestine is insane. I don't support the Hezbollah, but I'm utterly disgusted (and have always been) by Israel and the Zionists, so I don't judge the Palestinians for getting tired of being tortured, killed and expelled from their territory, so they had to choose a radical approach to combat the fascist state that invaded their territory. Nobody wins, of course.
  19. Like
    MHSN got a reaction from OlympicIRL in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    sorry but this is really your lack of knowledge about what's happening there. you can't take EVERYTHING from people, offer them nothing and then ask for peace ?! they are equally human like the rest of the world, not animals, Gaza is the biggest prison in the world, those people born, live and die their whole life in that "prison" in worst possible situation thanks to likes of Netanyahu, you can't expect them to be peace lovers. hatred creates hatred, and this circle never stops.
    when people in Gaza voted for Hamas for the first time few years ago that was probably the best chance for "peace" because from then Hamas should be a responsible government and not just a fanatic group but the western world instead put more pressure on them, cut the financial help and made them much more radical. and now they are even making PNA radical. right now there is absolutely no chance for peace.
  20. Like
    MHSN reacted to mrv86 in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Sorry to disagree with you, but it takes two to tango.
    As far as Hamas is not a credible option for peace, which sadly just makes worse the international stance of the Palestinian people, neither is fascism like that of Netanyahu and his right wing cronies... they have been in clear violation of UN General Assembly resolutions for years, and they're crealy trying to supress the Palestinian State, which has the same right to exist and be recognized as such as Israel.
    As long as both, Jews and Palestinians continue their inept attitude to confront and destroy each other, this conflict has both sides to blame.
  21. Like
    MHSN got a reaction from mrv86 in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    sorry but this is really your lack of knowledge about what's happening there. you can't take EVERYTHING from people, offer them nothing and then ask for peace ?! they are equally human like the rest of the world, not animals, Gaza is the biggest prison in the world, those people born, live and die their whole life in that "prison" in worst possible situation thanks to likes of Netanyahu, you can't expect them to be peace lovers. hatred creates hatred, and this circle never stops.
    when people in Gaza voted for Hamas for the first time few years ago that was probably the best chance for "peace" because from then Hamas should be a responsible government and not just a fanatic group but the western world instead put more pressure on them, cut the financial help and made them much more radical. and now they are even making PNA radical. right now there is absolutely no chance for peace.
  22. Like
    MHSN got a reaction from phelps in Wrestling UWW European Championships 2019   
    interesting tournament, 3 golds for Turkey and Azerbaijan each, 2 for Russia. 1 for Armenia and Italy. to me the star of the competition was that Armenian kid Harutyunyan. he is already one of my favorite wrestlers only if he improves his non-existent defense he can dominate the world for years.
    I was waiting for the last match of the competition but it was very one-sided for Akgul. Geno looked in a terrible shape, he barely even made it to the final and final was too easy for Akgul.
    Azerbaijan was also impressive, they sent almost all of their top wrestlers (maybe just minus Aliyev) to Takhti Cup a month ago and they were not that good, Hassanov and Sharifov lost to average Iranian wrestlers but they were impressive here, specially grandpa Sharifov. if it wasn't for Azarshakib they could even challenge Russia and Turkey for the team title.
    PS: team title usually doesn't matter much in individual sports but in this sport in wrestling top nations like Russia, Turkey, Iran, USA, Azerbaijan usually care A LOT about it. I even saw sometimes they lose intentionally to hurt their rivals. (I mean beating your opponent in first round but losing in semifinal to eliminate him and not putting him back in repechage) even though in current point system you better go for the gold because now they award much more points for gold and silver.
  23. Like
    MHSN reacted to zob79 in Wrestling UWW European Championships 2019   
    True; it was a strange crowd yesterday, made up of some kids and a lot of old guys who behaved like they were attending an opera performance. Maybe they were shy  However, today the spectators were more lively, and even cheered for the Romanian competitors
  24. Haha
    MHSN got a reaction from thepharoah in Shooting ISSF World Cup 2019   
    so don't mess with her, she might has her shotgun at home loaded
  25. Like
    MHSN got a reaction from zob79 in Wrestling UWW European Championships 2019   
    looking forward to this competition. unlike Asian Champs for example. European countries usually take this very seriously.
    but Iranian news websites posted a picture of Azerbaijan team and guess what. they naturalized another Iranian wrestler   Mohammad Reza Azarshakib ! I wonder if they are very weak in super heavyweight or Azarshakib improved a lot recently cuz the last time I saw him he was still a terrible wrestler this will be interesting to see what he can do here.
    he will be the 4th Iranian wrestler (and the first freestyle wrestler) representing Azerbaijan after Sabah Shariati, Saman Tahmasebi and Masoud Hashemzadeh ! at least there is an "Azar" in his name
    PS: unlike other sports, these guys go to Azerbaijan only when nobody wants them here. Azarshakib could never make the team here. so I understand him. still I wish the worst of luck for him since I don't like mercenaries beside that he was a terrible person too.
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