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Posts posted by MHSN

  1. 23 minutes ago, heywoodu said:


    Wait, 234kg and 1kg above Ilyin's record? Am I missing something or is that a huge sign for him dominating in Rio? :d (I don't know, are these kind of competitions at their actual body weight or are they maybe a bit heavier there?) 




    well this is not surprising for me ! actually I'm a bit surprised by his poor snatch, even though snatch is always tricky, sometimes you miss a weight you usually can lift easily. I think I said before that he will be the clear favorite for the gold in Rio. probably Iran's best chance in all sports. IWF already banned most of his serious opponents.


    as far as I know our new coach prefers to keep them near the actual body weight, he did participate in Fajr Cup and Pan American Champs few weeks ago , so I guess he is somewhere near the competition weight.

  2. today we had a competition between weightlifters to determine the national team for the Olympics, coach will announce the team soon but here is the result , not impressing at all.


    Ayoub Mousavi (85) 165+200=365 (162X 162X 165 / 200 210X 211X)

    Ali Hashemi (94) 175+no mark ! (172X 175 180X / 212X 212X 215X)

    Sohrab Moradi (94) 180+234=414 (180 185X 188X / 220 234 -)

    Mohammad Reza Barari (105) 180+220=400 (180 185X 185X / 220 225X 225X )

    Bahador Molaei (+105) 190+240=430 (190 195X 195X / 240 252X -)


    Kianoush Rostami (85) is training separately in another city (in Tehran) and wasn't even there to compete and Behdad Salimi decided to not.


    Moradi's 234kg rcord is 1kg higher than Ilya Ilyin current world record. still his snatch wasn't impressing by his standards, still he will be clear favorite for gold in Rio. others didn't impress at all. specially Barari and Hashemi they lifted even less than their Fajr Cup results ! Bahador has improved by 20kg which is a good sign, still he needs 10 more kilos to compete for a medal in Rio.


    I think they will drop Mousavi for sure, Rostami, Moradi and Salimi are already selected. the last 2 spots are between Hashemi, Barari and Molaei

  3. Chinese team according to some rumors, not official


    56 Long Qingquan
    62 Chen Lijun
    69 Shi Zhiyong
    77 Lu Xiaojun
    85 Tian Tao
    105 Yang Zhe


    48 Zou Zhihui
    53 Li Yajun
    63 Deng Wei
    69 Xiang Yangmei


    interesting if they send someone at 105 ! it seems they also want to benefit from possible ban on RUS/KAZ/BLR athletes.

  4. 7 hours ago, heywoodu said:

    As you know I'm not an expert, but in wrestling basically every Iranian that participates at least has something of a medal chance right? I mean, obviously not everyone is the main favourite, but they're all at least in the top-10 favourites in their weight classes aren't they? 


    Yes of course. in wrestling and taekwondo anybody from Iran is a medal treat.


    History tells us to count on everybody in wrestling, sometimes when our bigger names fail, the others come and win medals, back in London , Komeil Ghasemi was a nobody who barely made the team in last days but he won bronze after losing to the gold medalist narrowly (by ball draw) but realistically our chance is very slim to win medal in some weights , 130kg Greco, 65kg freestyle.


    in general we will have a better team in Greco-Roman, they are all experienced, all of them have won world/olympic medals before, 4 of them World/Olympic Champion but the thing is Greco-Roman is much more unpredictable, while in freestyle we know there are only 4-5 wrestlers to worry about in each weight. in Greco everybody can be dangerous.


    even though we still have to wait for the coach to announce the team , but this is most probably our Greco team, this is interesting we exactly send the same 6 guys to London and they won 3 gold medals for us !


    59: Hamid Sourian

    66: Omid Norouzi

    75: Saeid Abdevali

    85: Habibollah Akhlaghi

    98: Ghasem Rezaei

    130: Bashir Babajanzadeh


    only Sourian and Abdevali are officially selected. and I can say Akhlaghi as well, because his rival Nouri was TERRIBLE in international competitions. he beat Akhlaghi 3 times this year but he is only good against Akhlaghi apparently !! Norouzi has a rival in Zeidvand, who won Polish tourney recently beating the World Champion from South Korea. still I think coach Bana will pick Norouzi 90%. the same goes to Rezaei at 98, Mehdi Aliyari won the Polish tourney (even though nto in a convincing way),

    the only serious question is in 130kg, Ghasemi-Monjazi won the quota but he lost to Babajanzadeh in Poland, but narrowly. it's really hard to pick any of them, even though I think this is our weakest weight, I believe Bana will pick BBJZ eventually but Ghasemi-Monjazi would be my pick, at least he can do crazy things sometimes.

  5. now we almost know our squad in freestyle wrestling, yesterday we had trials in the last weight 125kg, which was controversial,


    57: Hassan Rahimi

    65: Meisam Nassiri

    74: Hassan Yazdani

    86: Alireza Karimi

    97: Reza Yazdani

    125: Komeil Ghasemi


    That was really sad to lose Ahmad Mohammadi at 65, probably our best chance for gold in freestyle wrestling :( after his injury they forced him to wrestle in trials ,he lost, he was terrible at the World Cup and Armenia tourney was his last chance, again he lost to a random Armenian guy. Nasiri is just average, I highly doubt he can medal in Rio. even though he has his chances, there is no clear favorite in this weight.


    realistically, Hassan Rahimi is our best chance for gold now but even for him nothing is guaranteed, we know he chokes sometime, I would also consider Reza Yazdani a gold medal favorite but we don't know about his shape after his injury, he didn't wrestle anywhere since then. if he is healthy he indeed has a good chance. we have good chance at 74 and 86 for medal, our wrestlers are good , very good but the thing is there are some legendary wrestlers in those weights, like Burroughs and Sadulaev, almost impossible to beat.

    I don't know what to expect from Komeil, he is unpredictable, he almost lost the spot to Hadi but they made him wrestle once again , this time Komeil won narrowly. gold medal is almost impossible for him but he can medal at least

  6. A bit early to predict, we still even don't know our squad in important sports. if IOC/IWF bans Russia/Kazakhstan and Belarus this will benefit Iran a lot. but I expect 5-6 in wrestling, 3 in Taekwondo and 3-4 in weightlifting. which means something around 11 plus one more in another sport. (hopefully)


    so I would say 12. the exact number of 2012. even though I have to admit this is a bit optimistic.

  7. I think UWW still has some problems with wrestlers they disqualified so quick , some of those wrestlers who "qualified" through qualifiers and later got disqualified by UWW are participating in international competition ! which means they are not banned.apparently they had less than enough meldonium to be banned and they turned to CAS to overturn UWW's decision. in this case UWW will probably give them those "wild cards"

  8. Just now, dcro said:

    There are 13 quotas, not 11. And nobody knows for sure. They should go to the unqualified nations, but it's very much up to IWF and how are they going to interpret the qualification system.


    the number will be less if they disqualify RUS/BLR/KAZ completely

    even though on other hand I think we will have unused quota for individual ranking qualifiers as well

  9. 13 minutes ago, Tom said:


    I would say the complete ban for Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia will enter after Rio. If it is before Rio the removed quota would be useless for these countries?  


    That's a different story, those countries lost those 1-2 quotas because of their positive samples after "2015 Worlds" which is confirmed now, IWF had to announce it since that case is apparently closed now.

    but KAZ/BLR/RUS will be banned if they have more than 3 doped weightlifters in 2008/2012 Olympics. this case is still not finalized.


    by saying that I'm not sure if they will be banned after or before Rio, just saying these are two different stories

  10. Just now, Dragon said:

    Also you remember IWF said there were 10 positives from 2008? So far they only reveal 7...


    Well the main source for that was an Iranian news website which I translated here. they also said there is an Iranian among them which was wrong, so I say let's not fully trust Iranian sites, they suck when they translate something.

  11. And IWF now published the list of 2008 positives. again Ilyin !


    • KHURSHUDYAN, Hripsime (ARM) – Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • DUDOGLO, Alexandru (MDA) – Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • EVSTYUKHINA, Nadezda (RUS) – dehydrochlormethyltestosterone metabolites (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • TAYLAN, Nurcan (TUR) – Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • SHAINOVA, Marina (RUS) – Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone metabolites and stanozolol metabolites (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • ZAIROV, Intigam (AZE) – Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (S1.1 Anabolic agents) – Remains suspended due to previous IWF sanction until 21.12.2023
    • ILYIN, Ilya (KAZ) – Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents) – Remains provisionally suspended


    only 3 of them finished on podium, Ilyin, Shainova and Evstyukhina.

  12. Again the same stupid live scoring system, if you miss a match , you have to wait till the end of the session (or even the day) to have the result in PDF !


    I highly doubt we can win a quota here. but Golara won his first bout against Tunisia.


    btw when I look at the schedule  I can't see matches for 5th placers. I wonder how they are going to determine the 5th placers ?! :mumble: using the same format as 2012 ?!!

  13. here is the new medal distribution if IWF/IOC officially disqualify all of them


    Aukhadov (Silver 85)

    Rostami (IRN) Bronze ==> Silver

    Yehia (EGY) 4th ==> Bronze


    Ilyin (Gold 94)

    Ivanov (RUS) Silver ==> Gold

    Ciricu (MDA) Bronze ==> Silver

    Demanov (RUS) 4th ==> Bronze


    Chinshanlo (Gold 53)

    Hsu (TPE) Silver ==> Gold

    Iovu (MDA) Bronze ==> Silver

    Febrianti (INA) 4th ==> Bronze


    Kalina (Bronze 58)

    Gulnoi (THA) 4th ==> Bronze


    Maneza (Gold 63)

    Tsarukaeva (RUS) Silver ==> Gold

    Girard (CAN) Bronze ==> Silver

    Simsek (TUR) 4th ==> Bronze


    Shkermankova (Bronze 69)

    Nurmukhambetova (KAZ) 5th ==> Bronze


    Podobedova (Gold 75)

    Zabolotnaya (RUS) Silver ==> Gold

    Kulesha (BLR) Bronze ==> Silver

    Valentin (ESP) 4th ==> Bronze


    * Some of these athletes who are supposed to get a better medal later tested positive for doping. so I have a feeling IOC/IWF will leave some (or even all) of those medals blank and won't give them to anybody.

  14. now it's official, fortunately no Iranians are among them :cheer:


    The IWF reports that as a consequence of the IOC’s reanalyses of samples from the 2012 London Olympic Games, the samples of the following Athletes have returned Adverse Analytical Findings:

    • AUKHADOV, Apti (RUS) – Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, Drostanolone (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • KOSTOVA, Boyanka (AZE) – Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • PODOBEDOVA, Svetlana (KAZ) – Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • SAZANAVETS, Dzina (BLR) – Drostanolone, Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • SHKERMANKOVA, Maryna (BLR) – Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • KALINA, Yuliya (UKR) – Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • ZHARNASEK, Yauheni (BLR) – Dehydrochloromethytestosterone, Stanozolol, Oxandrolone (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • MANEZA, Maiya (KAZ) – Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • ILYIN, Ilya (KAZ) – Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
    • CHINSHANLO, Zulfiya (KAZ) – Oxandrolone, Stanozolol (S1.1 Anabolic agents)
  15. 10 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Last question, for now :p


    How is Salimi doing these days? I saw he lifted 430kg in Tehran, but I'm not sure how to interpret that: A) He's gettng back after injury and starting to get in shape or B) he's still injured and it's not looking good.




    Lot of questions these days but I'm trying to vastly improve my 'knowledge' for when the Olympics start :d 


    lol feel free to ask whenever you want :d


    The answer is A. his 205kg in snatch was surprising for me and he did it quite easily, but in CJ he just didn't push himself , his knee is still recovering and if you watch the video he simply didn't try his usual "Jerk" technique, he tried "squat jerk" which is really hard in heavier weights, he just didn't want to risk his knee right now. I think if he wanted he could Jerk 240 that day , 445-450 is a very good result for him right now and if he improves with the same rate I consider him a favorite even for the gold.


    to be honest I didn't expect him to be that good . 430 is a low record but as I said he could life 20kg more if he wanted to risk his knee.

  16. On 5/27/2016 at 20:50, ledon said:

    According to Farsnews Saeed Alihousseini ban will end on october 24`th  2017! This is very surprising to me since he had a life time ban after failing two doping tests. He says his goal is the gold medal in the olympic games 2020. I think it will be very interesting if he really can achieve his old records whether we believe his story or not. Since he is born 1988 it is not completely impossible for him to have a comeback. The second interesting part of the story is how the iranian federation convinced the IWF to remove his ban. I would like to hear your opinions about the story. To me the whole story looks a little bit fishy.


    IWF has a new rule, they just removed life time ban from their rules, now you will get 8 years ban for the 2nd time. they just convinced IWF to apply this new rule to the old case of Alihosseini.


    I hope he comes back soon, as far as I know he was innocent in both cases. he deserves a world or olympic medal after all.

  17. 29 minutes ago, amiry2j said:

    seriously?! how about almas uteshov or Zhassulan Kydyrbayev or aliaksandr venskel? we had a total mess in 94 kg men's competition! none of them didn't suspended?!


    and the saddest and craziest part is about lovchev case. after all this coming and going, they removed his record. still nothing!


    is this delay because of waiting for the CAS decisions?!


    IWF didn't announce them innocent, as I wrote in my first post, they only finalized 11 out of 24 cases. they only finalized cases about few countries with one exception Lovchev, which means his case is a bit complicated. for other counrtires like Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus and North Korea for reasons we don't know it takes too long.

  18. Just now, dcro said:


    They didn't even ban Hristov... Instead of getting a life ban he was again just suspended (for 8 years... but still).


    This is the new rule, nobody gets a life ban, 4 years for the first time, 8 years for the second time ! (no idea about the 3rd time :d )

  19. 1 minute ago, heywoodu said:

    Hristov and Zairov, but no Kostova. Could that mean the reports about those 3 were only partially true? 


    And can someone kick Azerbaijan out of sports for a while? They're worse than Russians :d 


    Kostova wasn't in original list. this is only about positive tests from 2015 worlds, I think her sample is suspicious for another event lol


    The remaning 13 weightlifters are mostly from Kazakhstan, Belarus, North Korea and Moldova  (plus Lovchev of Russia and a guy from KSA)


  20. Finally after MONTHS, IWF announced final decision about 10 more positive tests from 2015 World Championship, if we count the Turkmenistani guy who received his ban before, now 11 out of 24 cases are closed


    interestingly while they banned 3 other Russian weightlifters, still nothing about Lovchev ?!


    ALIGULIZADA Elkhan (m)
    AZE 14.12.2015 14.12.2023 IC Nandrolone
    ANGELOVA Silviya (w)
    AZE 10.12.2015 10.12.2023 IC Dehydrochloromethyl- testosterone, Nandrolone
    DADASHBAYLI Dadash (m)
    AZE 21.12.2015 21.12.2019 IC Nandrolone, Boldenone
    GULIYEV Firidun (m)
    AZE 21.12.2015 21.12.2023 IC Nandrolone
    HRISTOV Valentin (m)
    AZE 14.12.2015 14.12.2023 IC Nandrolone
    ZAIROV Intigam (m)
    AZE 21.12.2015 21.12.2023 IC Dehydrochloromethyl- testosterone, Nandrolone
    ANANIADOU Eftychia (w)   
    GRE 21.12.2015 21.12.2023 IC Dehydrochloromethyl- testosterone
    AFANASEVA Olga (w)
           RUS 26.11.2015 26.11.2019 IC Dehydrochloromethyl- testosterone
    KOSOV Aleksei (m)
              RUS 26.11.2015 26.11.2019 IC Dehydrochloromethyl- testosterone
    ZUBOVA Olga (w)
              RUS 27.11.2015 27.11.2023 IC Methenolone
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