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Everything posted by nitinsanker

  1. indian athletes leave to train abroad ....400m . 4*400, 400mh , javelin
  2. full information on gvs post in page 1 of this india thread
  3. But all continental quotas have been used as planned ??? ........................ Antarctica had a quota .................................. Ok I now get it ...............they kept 6 quotas in reserve in case the continental teams did not get 2 people ................. it is now clear
  4. News from the day 1 at medellin archery world cup Recurve Mens team ( 2nd string ) - finish 9th Womens team ( 2nd string ) finish 7th compound mens -5th women - 4th Individual - mens recurve - pravin 16 , tarundeep 20 womens recurve = no one top 20 mens compund - abhishek 11 , gurwinder 13, chinna srider - 17 womens compound - lily - 5, mixed compund - 5th recurve -11th
  5. I still have not understood ....why are there unused team quotas ???
  6. india in now reach a record 8 wrestlers ( equalling the 8 we had at 1984 los angeles)
  7. I think sudha was already in the list of that would not add a new quota ...though it might add a new event
  8. As of now .................... India has not only hit maximum quotas overall we have also hit maximum quotas in 5 sports now Shooting 12 quotas - compared to the earlier best of 11 at london Badminton 7 quotas - compared to the earliest best of 5 at london Hockey 32 quotas - same as 32 at moscow Wrestling 8 quotas same as 8 at 64/72 and 84 olympics Table tennis 4 quotas same as 4 at barcelona So that is really great .................. by the way we still have a chance to better our maximum quotas in 3 more sports Golf - obviously Atheletics - best is 24 at sydney Archery best is 6 at london and athens
  9. overall I did not expect to see so many dopers here in wrestling
  10. I think the news source was from UWW ...... so I presume they are allowing us to send her and the suspension was temporary so I do not see why they would not allow her .........
  11. thanks a ton ...............definitely giving you a reputation for this news
  12. babita of course in the 53 Kg FW ...... we have now officailly 8 wrestlers ................... wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
  13. Yes confirmed Ravindra Khatri 85 Kgs greco and babita 53 Kg women have won a quota WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ...source authentocated
  14. But the changes are not the list could you give a source for the changes you are quoting
  15. Poor. swarn with Thakkar he was one of the pillars of rowing
  16. Quick look at Indian Quotas ( with an eye for Tokyo ) - we did well this time in multiple sports - we have a record number of quotas but I felt we lost very closely some of the quotas - so ye dil mange more - My thoughts for Tokyo based on this qualification sequence ( this is for the events over till now when we compare them with london ) TT ( sharp improvement over london ) -> record numbers equally Barcelona ( where there were 3 men and 1 women ) - 4 ( the maximum we could have had was 6 ) - We were within knocking distance of a team ( 3 men quota ) .....our men have improved ...for the first time we have 2 men in the top 75 ........ the women also for the first time seem to coming close to the top 100 which showed in 2 women qualifying ..... for us the draw was favorable time we can definitely try for the mens team quota ( Hope for Tokyo - 5 ) Hockey ( sharp improvement over london ) - First time since Moscow have we had the women's team qualifying and the men also for the first time could be medal prospects we achieved maximum 32- ( Hope for Tokyo - 32 ) Shooting ( good improvement over london ) - Our highest ever strength of 12 ....... first quota in skeet ............ we were just a point or two away from quotas in the Asian qualification in .............women's 3 position , double trap ( 2 people ) , 25m rapid fire , mens 10 m air rifle , pistol-10m for men and skeet men with luck we can next time hope for 15 -16 Quotas Badminton ( good improvement over london ) - This time kashyaps injury cost us a possible 2nd mens quota and prannoy showed a late surge but too late ...................... in the mixed doubles we have not had a good pair , but ashiwini - attri and jerry - sikki are both showing promise and feel next time we can have a quota in mixed doubles too - Hope for tokyo - 10 quotas Wrestling ( good improvement ) - This time around our wrestlers did us proud - 6 quotas but I felt we had the potential for quite few more - In greco where we showed some improvement - we were one bout away from Ravinder getting a quota in the asian in 66 kg GR and of course Hardeep in the 98 kg category will give new life to GR , in women's freestyle I feel we missed one more women's quota in Babita , Shilpi... in mens we had out chances with mausam in 97 kg and hitender in the 125..... so next time around I believe we can 2 GR + 3-4 FW + 5-6 FS........................... so hoping to have 10-11 wrestlers Rowing ( fall in quality ) - Due to the power play situation between the federation and coaches there was no discernable improvement in fact a fall in the quality ........... Hope for tokyo. I was suprised not to see at least the women rowers not even attempt qualification - hope for tokyo 2-3 Gymnastics ( sharp improvement ) - Dipa has given high exposure and Rakesh was unlucky to miss going to Rio test event ...possibly next time we could have possibly 2-3 gymnasts qualifying as I believe both Ashish and Rakesh can qualify ....... Weightlifting ( good improvement ) - In the last two years the womens team has improved leaps and bounds ........................ I feel they can easily get 50 +50 in the next cycle which shoudl bring them to 3 quotas ( .if you see in the 2015 cycle they have got 47 points and missed the two quota qualifier narrowly) the men there is no great improvement so I am feeling that they will not be able to get more than 1 quota .................hopes for 4 weightlifters Sailing - ( no change ) despite varsha and aishwarya showing some sparks and nethra there is no change or significant improvement in sailing - chances of qualification remain bleak in tokyo Fencing ( Significant improvement ) - for the first time we were actually having some fencer in some vague possibility of qualification chances of qualification remain bleak in Tokyo cycling ( significant improvement ) - I believe we can have Deborah possibly qualifying based on the improvement she has shown over last few months ... so 1 cyclist Other sports - the misc sports where we have had some success at the local level - I believe we did not see any improvement in Taekwondo , Volleyball , canoeing, etc so withthe exception of Rowing and sailing which feel we had improvement in multiple key sports
  17. Thanks for the info.................... It would be good to see what is the improvement in the higher weight freestyle team ..
  18. thanks was wondering where the rowing facilities are not particularly advanced
  19. Looks impressive but where is this center it planned ....mostly the rowing team has been trained with Baig in Hyderabad ....... and these facilities are not there
  20. Indian Golf rankings Aditi Ashok gains one place ...she is on the borderline so that helps ...last week she was 58 this week she is 57 ...gains one place ........... Indian men retain their ranks and are relatively comfortable Anirban -24 SS chowrasia - 42
  21. I agree completely ................ It will be between rimil and bombayla for the third place
  22. This is the start program for the shanghai diamond league ...... I checked it the only two Indians I found were sudha singh and lalita in the 3000 SC...... maybe I have missed someone or and someone may be added later by the way what is the entry criteria for the diamond league ?
  23. no wild cards this time around........................ unfortunately for India as we seem to have had a good relationship with ATP and have got wild cards many times this article gives full details
  24. Baku world cup update in Judo Avtar Singh ( 90- category ) faced a really tough opponent Clerget axel of france in round 1 and lost but a reasonably close fight 0 vs 1-0-1 so not too bad ...clerget was the bronze medalist .......highest ranked indians Kalpana -52 kg ( 95th ) and Avtar -90kg ( 81st ) ...likely Indian to be sent to the olympics would still be Avtar
  25. More likely they may be in intensive training for Rio so as to peak there and do not want any break....... there is not much chance after the reason level of form shown by the womens recurve team that they may change any member ( but yes if injury or any thing happens good to have a back up
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