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Everything posted by Makedonas

  1. I have no words! So proud to have two players in the semifinals. What a dream!
  2. What do you mean??? I didn't see anywhere that she withdrew?
  3. Seems like we might have more than 32 female triple jumpers in Tokyo
  4. Greek team Men: Panagiotis Kapsalis (Men's Kata) Georgios Tzanos (Men's +75 kg) Christos-Stefanos Xenos (Men's -67 kg) Dionysios Xenos (Men's -75 kg) Women: Eleni Chatziliadou (Women's +61 kg) Vasiliki Panetsidou (Women's -61 kg) Maria Stoli (Women's -55 kg) Georgia Xenou (Women's Kata) Chatziliadou is the defending world champion. She only didn't qualify by ranking because she had some injury problems and missed a lot of events. Now she just came back and won bronze at the European Championships this year. She won medals at the last two World Championships and the last three European Championships. Really hoping she can qualify because she's a big medal hope for us in Tokyo, and obviously this will be her only chance for the Olympics as karate won't be part of the Olympic programme again. With the Xenos brothers, it's a big risk. Christos usually competes in -60 and Dionysios in -67. Dionysios just won gold at the European Championships in -67. I understand our federation wanted both to have chances to qualify, but having them both move up in weight classes is risky to try to qualify both when Dionysios alone in -67 would've had a better chance even if it meant Christos couldn't participate. Panetsidou has competed her whole career in -68 kg and now lost weight to compete in -61 kg. Just a few weeks ago she won silver at the European Championships in -68 kg so it will definitely be interesting to see how she does in this new weight category. Tzanos has a few European titles and a lot of other medals from the European Championships but really did nothing in recent years until he won bronze at the European Championships this year. Kapsalis, Stoli, and Xenou I think have no chances unfortunately, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong about them It would be a massive failure if we don't qualify anyone. There are so many athletes at this event that it's going to be hard for us to really expect 3+ quotas imo. If we get 1-2 I'll be satisfied.
  5. I'm biased but considering our team did better than France and USA at the 2019 World Championships, and we have basically the same team with all these teenagers who surely have improved in the last two years, I'd like to think we have the best chance of the three countries to take that final spot. Qualification has been a disaster for us and we're on track to have our smallest Olympic team since 1992 or 1988, so having our team qualify would be extra nice. Besides, France and USA will get to make it in 2024 and 2028 anyways. Let us make it this time since we aren't hosting anytime soon
  6. We should qualify the duet and the team is about 50/50 also. We have such a young team. Two girls born in 2003 and two born in 2004. Italy for example only has one athlete born later than 1996 on their team.
  7. The 1st round could've gone either way, even the Olympic Channel commentators thought so. You really think Greece has any influence in boxing? Lol.
  8. Sakkari makes history by becoming the first Greek woman to make it to the quarterfinals of a Grand Slam. She was previously 0-2 in fourth round matches and Eleni Daniilidou was 0-3 in fourth round matches.
  9. Nikoleta Pita lost No Greek boxers going to Tokyo. Third Olympics in a row that we failed to qualify anyone in boxing. We had three boxers within one win of making it to Tokyo. I really thought at least one of them would win. Tsanikidis having to withdraw due to injury was a huge disappointment. He had the best chance to qualify of all our boxers.
  10. So we have a junior competing at a Grand Slam for the first time since 2016, and she is already into the third round! She had two big comeback wins in the first two rounds. Hopefully she can successfully transition to the pros
  11. Waiting for them to screw up women's water polo and get Greece in at the last minute (we're the alternates if someone withdraws)
  12. If they don't want to have 17 teams in those two relays, then they should invite the Swiss and Irish swimmers (perhaps only those not qualified in other events) from the relay teams to compete in individual events. As I mentioned before, it reminds me of the Kristel Vourna situation from 2016 where they invited her, revoked the invitation, then re-invited her (only after they faced backlash for it). Having at most 3-4 additional swimmers in Tokyo really isn't going to kill them.
  13. Are any of the Irish and Swiss swimmers qualified in individual events at least?
  14. I'm not sure why you think that. Greek aquatics federation said that they spoke with FINA officials today and they (FINA) apologized for the confusion and confirmed with Greece that our relay teams are heading to Tokyo. FINA said it was an error on their part. This is from the Greek aquatics federation's official website. Also our times are now listed on FINA's website as well.
  15. Other notable result was 17 year old Polyniki Emmanouilidou smashing the U20NR in 200m. Her time was 23.83, the previous NR was 24.00 from 2007 and her previous PB was 24.12. I expect her to improve this national record this year and also in 2022. And Elina Tzengko finally started throwing over 60m again in the javelin throw. Looks like she might make it to Tokyo after all if she can stay consistent like she was in 2020. Would be great to make her Olympic debut as an 18 year old. Also her U20WR from last year (63.96) is not officially recognized because there was no doping control at that meet, so hopefully she can even achieve the 64.00 Olympic standard in the coming weeks and also have an official U20 world record. Also our 18 year old heptathlete Anastasia Dragomirova won the women's shot put with a new PB (15.69). Really good for a heptathlete. She said she's only competing in throwing events this year due to injury, but her PBs in field events are really impressive. She has 1.78 in high jump, 6.44 in long jump, and 45.76 in javelin throw. Lastly some really impressive results from our youngsters in the men's hammer throw. We have so much depth in that event nowadays. Safe to say we will qualify three male hammer throwers for the 2024, 2028, 2032 and 2036 Olympics. It's almost guaranteed at this point.
  16. Lol they didn't mean it like that, it got lost in translation. It was meant more in a way that like the Irish were naive and thought they qualified their relay team.
  17. Aren't you the same person who defended Naomi Osaka? I guess Patricia Tig's feelings don't matter
  18. Thank you both for your replies, and best of luck to your boxers in Tokyo!
  19. Tentoglou 8.48 at Greek Championships today and he was angry about it, he wanted to do so much better but he had four fouls. His other jump was 8.41. On both of his jumps he had plenty of space but jumped too far before the line. He's starting to look like a real contender for Tokyo.
  20. I didn't see our boxer lose 3-2 to the British guy today so I shouldn't jump to conclusions, but I wouldn't be surprised if the British had help from the referees based on what other people here are saying about British boxers. Did anyone see this fight to confirm my suspicions?
  21. According to this which was posted 5 minutes ago, FINA acknowledged that it was an error on their end and the Greek relay teams for men's 4x100 medley and mixed 4x100 medley will be going to Tokyo. I'm assuming this also means that Dimitrios Markos goes through in the men's 800m freestyle. What a mess. FINA should just allow 17 teams to compete and let Ireland and Switzerland send their teams since it was their mistake. Might be more difficult because these are relay events, but a similar mistake happened in 2016. Greek swimmer Kristel Vourna was given an invitation to Rio because she reached the OST for 100m butterfly. FINA made a mistake because we already had one Greek swimmer with OQT in that event. So they revoked their invitation and then in the end they made an exception and let Vourna compete.
  22. ^He just won. Both of our players made it to the fourth round. This is the first time ever that we have two Greek players in the fourth round of the same Grand Slam! Also we have a 16 year old girl playing in the junior event tomorrow. First time since 2016 that we have a player competing in a junior Grand Slam.
  23. Wow I didn't know you could have two, that's crazy. Sad for our triple jumper Dimitrios Tsiamis who is currently 30th in the Road to Tokyo. He competed in qualifying but skipped the final due to injury today. He probably would've won in the final and gotten the 100 point bonus which could've secured his spot in Tokyo. He's 39 and his only previous Olympic participation was in Beijing. I want him to make it to Tokyo more than anything so he can retire on a good note. Fingers crossed.
  24. Does anyone know if 2019 national championship results will count for the rankings for Tokyo? This weekend we have the Greek national championships (as well as other countries too I think) and we had a few athletes who aren't competing. If their 2019 points are removed then they will no longer be in qualifying positions for Tokyo. Can anyone confirm the procedures for the ranking and when the points drop? Thank you.
  25. Thank you for your kind words. We're not missing out on medals or anything, but there are three athletes involved that may not be going to Tokyo anymore. And I don't even think they know yet either. The 800m swimmer is super young and will have another chance next weekend at the national championships. The female backstroke swimmer has already been to the Olympics twice and might make it to Tokyo anyways via OST so hopefully that's the case for her. The male breaststroke swimmer will almost certainly miss out though. He's not that young either (I think he's 23) and we have some decent teenagers in that event so I don't think he'll be in the picture for 2024 either but you never know of course.
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