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John Foyne

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    United States of America
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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Winter Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    American Football, Bobsled, Skeleton
  • Living City
    Baltimore, MD
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  1. Namibia has refused their quota (my guess is cost of travel) The United States is next in line after finishing 9th at November's Women's World Championships.
  2. A few updates from the IFA after last month's Board of Directors meeting. Looks like there will be no host quota for China at the 2025 World Games. This is surprising after the IFA went to Chengdu last year to put on a clinic. No doubt that given a year China has the resources and athletes to field a team that would be competitive in the placement matches. Namibia will replace China on the women's side. While will replace on the men's side. Namibia finished 8th at the last Women's World Championships, while New Zealand finished 11th at the 2023 Men's World Championship.
  3. The IFA Women's Fistball World Championships just concluded and here is who should be going to Chengdu 1. (2024 World Champion - PAFA) 2. (2nd place 2024 WWC - EFA) 3. (3rd place 2024 WWC - EFA) 4. (EFA #3) 5. (PAFA #2) 6. (PAFA #3) 7. (Oceania Quota) Host: (Asia Quota) Men's Qualification should wrap up this week following the completion of the Pan American Games, however, here is what it is looking like. Top 4 from 2023 MWC automatically qualify for Chengdu. With China receiving the host quota it automatically reaches the IFA's 3 continent mandate. 1. (2023 World Champion / 2024 Euro Champions - EFA) 2. (2nd Place 2023 WC - EFA) 3. (3rd Place 2023 WC - PAFA) 4. (4th Place 2023 WC -EFA) 5. (PAFA) 6. (PAFA) 7. (EFA) Host: (Asia Quota)
  4. Does anyone know what the official timeframe is for athletes leaving the village? Is it by NOC or IOC? I remember in Tokyo it was 24 hours after your last event, but that was during the COVID era.
  5. Any insight to why? Venue? Water Ski Jump is always an awesome event. This program looks very different than the one from eight years ago!
  6. Maybe this has already been covered here, but stumbled across this article and thought I would share. To sum it up, an new swimming venue was in the plans to be built for the games, however, funding and COVID forced those plans to be scratched and swimming was moved to where gymnastics was going to be, forcing gymnastics to share a space with badminton and basketball. Basketball prelims have now been forced out to Lille, as they clash with badminton. Anyway, it's interesting that FIBA and international basketball pushed back against the move, but badminton has stood it's ground and has refused to budge for the bigger sport.
  7. Yes they are! I've been to two World Games - 2017 in Wroclaw and 2022 in Birmingham - let me say that the Wroclaw games were better ran and organized than the edition held in the United States.
  8. Ok, thank you for clarifying!
  9. Was curious about Brazil's sudden success in baseball against traditional powerhouses, so I took a glance at their roster. 11 of the 23 players are from Japan. Not to take anything away from the team, but I wonder how they made that work.
  10. 1) None of these sports are confirmed until the session, correct? So there is still a chance that one or two of these team sports will be left off. 2) I agree that adding four team sports will inflate the athlete quota and cost some individual sports quota spots. 3) Some random thoughts... Flag Football - I think people need to understand that American tackle football and flag football are actually two completely different sports. A team of "pro" flag players would wipe the floor with a team made up of NFL guys. Also, flag in the United States is driven by the female market. So many girls are playing flag that colleges and high schools now have teams. The biggest flag football league in the United States, USA Flag, caters all of their tournaments towards women. Women get better game times and fields at these tournaments. Also, an eight team tournament could be done in two days. Finally, the US teams don't exactly dominate flag football. The Mexican women won gold at the last World Games, and flag is a sport where athletes from other countries can pick up and excel easily if given enough time to fine-tune their skills. Pretty much checks all of the IOC's boxes. Cricket - I think it's pretty cool that cricket has a shot at inclusion in the Games. How did we not see this coming with the IOC session being in India, and the 2032 games in Australia? I understand that there is a ton of money involved, but it's nice to see something not so Euro-centric get the nod. I'm sure the US press will have fun covering it. Interested to see what the US team will look like. Squash - Speaking of getting nods. It's nice to see the sport on the verge of getting in after so many tries. It's almost like a reversal of the IOC's youth and urban agenda - as Squash tends to be a country club sport in the States. Baseball/Softball - Might be the last time we see these two on the program for maybe ever. Why not just go out with a bang and bring in MLB players? The game is global enough to do that. Just move the All-Star break to August. The MLB season already goes to November as it is. Might be the WBSC only hope to keep the sports on future programs. Lacrosse - This one is a head-scratcher for me, especially with the limit on athlete quotas. I didn't think the LAOC was going to go with three "American sports" on the program, and fully believed that lacrosse - which is an east coast dominant sport, btw - was the odd man out. It's not nearly as global as any of the other sports vying for spots. Regardless, 6's is cool and should be fun to watch, just hate to see other individual sports getting their quotas cut.
  11. Probably plenty of Greek-Americans who play flag
  12. I just re-read that article several times. I could be wrong, but I don't see bowling or sumo on the list of official sports. Tough to understand this decision. Bowling has been in every edition of TWG, and Sumo has been one of the most popular sports in the last two editions.
  13. With the start of IBSF Skeleton World Championships this weekend, I thought now would be an appropriate time to tell you about my little venture into the sport of skeleton. Enjoy! Growing up I was solely focused on one thing, to make the NFL. That was it. That was the goal, and I dedicated ten years of every waking moment working towards it. Like most aspiring to make "the league" the dream eventually dies. For me it was at the 2015 NFL Specialist Combine, when after a decent performance my phone didn't ring. However, I was not ready to give up the sport I grew up playing and somewhat loving. I decided to focus on trying out for the Canadian Football League (CFL) and teams in Europe. With some success, this effort ultimately led to an opportunity to represent the United States at the 2017 World Games. (A field goal attempt vs. Poland at the 2017 World Games - photo credit Dawid Szulc) After I returned home from Poland, the emails from American Football coaches began to dry up, I guess no one wanted a bronze medalist punter. I saw the writing on the wall, "this American Football ride was over", but at age twenty-seven I was not ready to stop playing sports. One of the things that my experience at the World Games gave me was a newfound interest in multi-sport games. Something else I learned in Wroclaw was that there was a whole world of other sports out there! I fired up the computer and began to do some research, "what sports could an athlete start later in life?" After a few minutes of research, I stumbled across a website promoting a program called "The Next Olympic Hopeful". This program aimed at finding athletic talent that could be translated into the sports of Weightlifting, Rowing, Track Cycling, and Bobsled. I have perhaps the worst lifting body in the world, so I did not even read about Weightlifting, and I have horrible cardio therefore Rowing and Track Cycling were also out. Now, I've seen Cool Runnings, so I figured that was a good start. I started reading about other American Football athletes who made the seamless transition from American Football to Bobsledding. "Bingo, this was it!" I signed up for the USABS combine in Lake Placid, NY that summer and continued my training. (Once you enter the town of Lake Placid, they won't let you forget they hosted not one by TWO Olympic Winter Games!) Entering the tiny mountain town of Lake Placid, NY is a surreal feeling, especially if you are a multi-sport games nerd like myself. You cannot escape the five rings that are plastered all over the town. When I arrived at the track for testing, I quickly realized that being a bobsledder would not be in my future. The USABS was not looking for drivers, most bobsled drivers are locals who have grown up piloting a sled. They were looking for push athletes, and the ideal push athlete is built like an American Football linebacker with the speed of a 100m sprinter. I do not come close in either category, so I moved over to the skeleton part of the track, totally unaware of what I was about to get into. The USABS combine test is very basic. Three tests, a 60m sprint, a standing broad jump, and a shot toss. After, you can try pushing a sled at their push track located at the Olympic Training Center. My training as a kicker and punter really helped me with these tests and I finished near the top of my group. At the end of the day, I was pulled aside by then USABS development coach Don Hass, who invited me to a "Skeleton School" later that winter. (Did I ask a fellow athlete to take a picture of me pushing a push track sled? Obviously. Did I post it on Instagram? Of course!) I came home from Lake Placid and continued life like normal, teaching high school, coaching, and tending bar, almost forgetting about skeleton. It was not until February that I received an email from Don inviting me to come back out to Lake Placid for a weeklong skeleton school. I then did what anyone with a work commitment would do - I drove to a Patient First and got a doctor’s note saying that I had the flu, thus a week off from school. With my school thinking I was sick, I packed my car and headed back up to Lake Placid. The aura that Lake Placid had in August was not there when I arrived in a snowstorm. Lake Placid winters are cold, snowy, cold, cold, snowy, and COLD. There were mornings when I woke up and the temperature was -12 F! The veteran sliders just shrugged off the shrill chill and said, "makes for fast ice." When I arrived most of the national team members were over in Europe competing on the World Cup tour. The members that did not make the World Cup or were competing on lower-level tours were all in Lake Placid for training. Being around those other sliders was a great experience, some of these athletes had competed in Europe before and were very knowledgeable, helpful, and kind. (This is the map of the Lake Placid track I was given my first day. Your only job is to study it. I still don't know what turn comes up next!) While most of the athletes were at the top of the track, me and the other "newbies" had to start at the Junior Start which is around turn seven. Lake Placid has nineteen turns, so we started a little above the middle of the track. To be honest, before your first run there is not much instruction. You are taught which end of the sled is up, how to lie on the sled, and where to hold the handles. Nothing about steering, where to position your head, or how to not hit a wall. Once all the senior athletes completed their runs from the top, it was our turn. We would lay down on the sled, lift our feet up, and the coach would just shove us down the track. There are two reactions after your first run. A) That was awesome! Let's do that again! B) That hurt and was scary. To be honest, I had reaction B. On my first run I bounced my way down the track like a pinball. Every time I hit a wall it felt like sharp ice digging into your skin. However, unlike a few other newbies who also had reaction B, I did not call it a day, I went back up for my second run, and even did a third run that night, as the sliding experience began to grow on me. (Some "cool" bruises after Day 1) I arrived at the track the next morning to a much smaller "newbie" group. Seemed like a few who had reaction B decided that this was not for them. (By the way, there is nothing wrong with that!) We grabbed our sleds from the sled shed and hopped in the back of the sled truck. We stopped at the Junior Start, and I was on my way out of the truck when Don stopped me and another athlete. "Were going to the Doubles Start with you two", he said in the most casual tone. The other kid and I just looked at each other a little confused and a little scared. The "Doubles Start" is used by the Doubles Luge team and it is as close as you can get to the top without going off from the top. "It's the same as yesterday, but you go faster." Don said as he shoved me off from turn three. My first run from the Doubles Start was a blur... and painful. The biggest difference from the Junior Start to the Doubles Start was the speed and G Forces. I was going about twenty miles per hour faster than I had the day before. The G Forces would force your head down, making it impossible to see anything. However, just like the day before I went back up to the Doubles Start and slowly learned my way down the track, each time it got a little easier. (A VERY bumpy run from the Doubles start) I slowly began to enjoy my week and time at the track. Everyone in the sliding community from the athletes, to the track workers, to the truck drivers were kind and just good people. I also began to understand just how hard this sport really is. There were athletes who had been sliding for ten plus years who were still trying to break into the World Cup team. Even Don said that it takes on average eight years to become a good slider. By the end of the week, I made it to the top of track, although I was not allowed a running start just yet - but I've been told that takes around a year to master. I left Lake Placid with an invitation to come back the following winter. (Those starts could use some work!) On the drive home I thought about the reality of being a skeleton athlete. I did enjoy sliding, the community, and I was getting decent times compared to the other "newbies" there. However, I thought about the bigger picture of it all. Was I ready to give up my teaching career for this? Move to Lake Placid or Park City and leave my family and friends for this? Was I willing to embrace the struggles of learning a new sport, and understand that there was a good chance no matter how long or hard I tried, I might never make it? By the time I pulled up to my home in Baltimore I decided that those sacrifices were not in the cards for me. Nevertheless, it did give me a greater appreciation for all the sacrifices those Olympic hopefuls do make. It is one of the ugly sides of being an Olympic Hopeful that the public is unaware of. They do not see the athlete standing at the top of the track in -12 F weather, hoping to get this last run in before their shift at Delta Blue, which starts in thirty minutes. Oh, and they have not seen their significant other in six months. Since my skeleton school experience, I have made trips to both Lake Placid and Park City to watch races and further explore my interest in the sport. I continue to follow both bobsled and skeleton extensively and have even stayed in touch with some of the athletes from my week there. (Sara Roderick, who was a first-year slider with me that week, will make her World Championship debut this weekend in Altenberg!) Participating in the skeleton school was one of the best athletic experiences I have had. Even if you are not an athlete, I know that both Lake Placid and Park City offer tourist rides, so if you are ever in those distant parts of the United States go take a slide down that icy hill - you will not regret it!
  14. This morning, the Birmingham Organizing Committee announced the first four of potentially twenty-five venues for next year's World Games. With this announcement, we are beginning to see how the clusters will play out and which sports will be grouped together as we approach the long-awaited schedule release which is expected at some point this summer. The first venue to be announced last summer was the opening of the brand-new Protective Stadium, which is expected to complete construction this summer. The 47,000 seat stadium will be the site of the opening and closing ceremonies. After the games, the stadium will become the official home of the University of Alabama-Birmingham's football team and most likely replace Legion Field as the city’s main stadium attraction. Legion Field will also be used at the 2022 World Games as it will host the Flag Football tournament. Flag Football will make its first appearance at the games as an invitational sport. Choosing Legion Field as the site for Flag Football is an interesting decision. The version of flag to be used at the World Games is the 5 on 5 version, which only uses a 50-yard field. Unless the BLOC plans to add infield seating, or maybe run two games at the same time it seems like too big of a venue for the event. Regardless, the Flag Football competition will be very exciting with qualifiers taking place this fall at the IFAF Flag World Championships in Spain, where seven other nations (men’s and women’s) will stake their claim in Birmingham alongside the hosts. The Boutwell Auditorium will be the site of the "ring events" in Birmingham. The concert venue, which has a capacity of 5,000 seats will be transformed to host Kickboxing, Muay Thai, and Sumo Wrestling. These three sports all shared the same venue, Orbita Hall, at the 2017 World Games in Wroclaw. Sumo was the first sport, followed by Kickboxing and closed with Muay Thai. Expect a similar timeline in Birmingham. Perhaps the biggest venue news comes with announcement of the Birmingham CrossPlex. The CrossPlex has three facilities available for use: a 5,000 seat indoor arena (Bill Harris Arena), an indoor swimming complex (Natatorium) which seats 1,400 spectators, and an indoor track. The Birmingham CrossPlex has a history of hosting marquee sporting events such as NCAA Division I and Division II Championships. The Bill Harris Arena will host Roller Hockey and Artistic Roller Skating events. Again, this is like the last version of the World Games when both sports were the only occupants of the Swidnica Icerink, just outside of Wroclaw. Artistic Roller skating started the competition and Roller Hockey closed it out. The Natatorium will be utilized to host the two swimming events of Fin-Swimming and Lifesaving. It will also host the Canoe Polo competition which will be held indoors unlike Wroclaw. Expect a loud exciting environment, with noise echoing off the Natatorium walls from fired up fans excited to see a live sports competition again. (fingers crossed) Track Speed Skating heads indoors to the Indoor Track section of The CrossPlex where it will be teamed up with the invitational sport of Wheelchair Rugby. Road Speed Skating will stay outdoors but expect the starting and finish lines to be in the parking lot of The CrossPlex. The 2022 World Games will take place from July 7 - 17, 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama. The Birmingham Organizing Committee looks well on their way to organizing not only a historic World Games, but most likely one of the first multi-sports games coming out of the pandemic. Source
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