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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Why is 18:54.14 a crazy time for you? Only for british standards?
  2. So probably no Griffin, Davis, Bryant, Simmons (Australia) in Rio ...
  3. I dont really like the draw ... We have a good chance to win the group and then we probably will have to play against Denmark or Qatar, two teams we clearly beat recently, so we have a big chance for the semifinal. Our goal has to be to not finish 4th in group/not to play against France in quartefinal. I am optimistic that we will reach the final if we can avoid France and play with our best team (Dissinger, Pekeler, Groetzki, Gensheimer, Weinhold, Wiencek, Drux, Wolff, Dahmke, Kühn, Lemke, Lichtlein, Reichmann, Wiede, Fäth/Glandorf!). I hope for the following quarterfinals/semifinals/finals: Men: Germany-Qatar Poland-Denmark Sweden-Croatia Slovenia-France Germany-Croatia France-Denmark Germany-France Women: Brazil-Netherlands Montenegro-Russia Romania-France Norway-Sweden Norway-Russia Netherlands-Romania Norway-Netherlands
  4. German outfits have been presented and for the first time in many years i really like them. Finally they were produced by a big german brand (Adidas), although i wouldve preferred BOSS. This time they arent very colourful, but mostly black, grey, white and red. In my opinion they look way more elegant than the uniforms we had at the last couple of olympic games.
  5. Source: Of those 6 only Ki Bo Bae competed in London 4 years ago, she will try to defend her olympic titles.
  6. Are you sure that she will compete for Belgium in Rio? If its true, than it would be really disgusting, this never should have been allowed! Basically Belgium had two athletes in the same weight category at the european qualification! Belgian athlete qualified -> She goes to Rio Refugee athlete qualified -> She gets naturalized and competes for Belgium in Rio
  7. No, +2.0 is the limit, he will have many more chances to qualify.
  8. I hope for 4 more qualified athletes on the mens side: As you said Öhler, Eisele (2016 european champion) and Azizsir already should have qualified. We might use Hassler (2nd at 2014 world championships) instead of Öhler for the last tournament, but i dont know if he is fit. I also hope that Denis Kudla will somehow qualify. On the womens side i hope that Schellin will qualify. 10 qualified athletes would be really amazing for us. We already have more qualified athletes (5) than in 2012 (4). I am optimistic that we will have at least as many qualified athletes as in 2008 (7). In 2004 we had 9 qualified athletes and in 2000 we had 10 qualified athletes, so we have a realistic chance to reach our best result in more than a decade.
  9. What do you think, who will qualify at the last tournament (how many quota places for Germany)?
  10. Very sad news. Robert Harutyunyan wont participate in Baku. His family is from Armenia and he said it would be too dangerous for him in Baku, considering the current conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. His brother Artem is already qualified and it was their dream to compete together in Rio. Araik Marutjan for the same reason wont compete in Baku, but he will be allowed to compete at the qualification tournament for pros, because he competed in the APB last year unlike Harutyunyan. Edit: This might also be the reason why armenian athletes were so good at the first qualification tournament, AIBA didnt want to have them in Baku. 5 armenian boxers in the semifinal, 4 of them qualified, at the last european championships they only won 1 bronze medal ...
  11. I dont know, but i found this interview from April 13th: Her coach (and husband) said that he is optimistic that she will be allowed to compete in Rio, but the final decision will be made after the end of the World Cup in Munich (May 27th). Personally i think that she deserves to be in Rio. She recently beat Kostevych twice in Wroclaw to win womens air pistol (with 203.8 in the final) and one of two competitions in womens 25 m pistol (7:3 against Kostevych in the gold medal shootout). She also finished 4th in Rio in womens 25 m pistol (her weaker discipline), losing 6:8 against Kostevych in the bronze medal shootout after finishing second in qualification with a score of 584.
  12. You can read everything here (in german), pages 7-15: To sum it up: Mens/womens air rifle: There was a competition in Dortmund from March 12th to March 13th for all the athletes who are part of the german "top team Rio" and only top 3 from there are able to qualify for Rio. The second part of the qualification consists of the world cups in Rio and Munich (May 19th to May 26th), so we will know the qualified athletes after the world cup in Munich. The results from those 3 competitions (Dortmund, Munich and Rio) will be "added" to determine the qualified athletes. Current standings: Men: Justus is clearly in the lead, he finished 4th in Rio. Janker was 44th and Schallenberger was 72th. Women: Gschwandtner was 3rd, Kreutzer was 8th and Engleder was 10th, still very open. Mens 50 m rifle prone: Brodmeier and Junghänel are basically qualified (they are the only 2 members of the "top team Rio" in this discipline). DSB (german shooting federation) cant nominate athletes, they are only allowed to "propose" athletes to DOSB ("german olympic committee") and then DOSB has to nominate those athletes, but they basically always nominate those athletes. Mens/womens 50 m rifle 3 positions: In this event the national "selection" didnt take place in Dortmund, it will consist of 2 competitions in Plzen (May 4th to May 8th) and Hanover (May 12th to May 15th). The top 3 from those competitions (results will be added) will be allowed to compete in Munich (May 19th to May 26th), the final part of the qualification, all results will be added. Mens rapid fire pistol: Results from the two world cups in Rio and Munich will be added and top 2 will qualify. At the moment everything is still open. In Rio Reitz finished 6th, Geis finished 4th and Sauter finished 7th (missing the final only by countback). At the moment its not unlikely that Reitz or Geis will miss Rio ... Mens/womens 10 m air pistol, mens trap, womens 25 m pistol and mens 50 m pistol: No quota place, so no qualification needed. Assuming that we get a spot in womens 10 m air pistol or womens 25 m pistol (I dont think that we will try to get a spot in mens trap, mens 50 m pistol or mens 10 m air pistol): Qualification consists of the World Cup in Munich, one competition in Hanover (May 9th to May 12th) and another competition in Munich (May 26th to May 27th). Scores will be added to determine the qualified athlete. Womens trap: Top 3 from the Grand Prix in Nicosia (March 9th to March 14th) and the World Cup in Nicosia (March 17th to March 25th) (results will be added) will be allowed to enter the second part of the qualification that consists of the World Cups in Nicosia (June 1st to June 4th) and Baku (June 20th to June 28th). In the end the athlete with the biggest number of top 6 finishes (reached finals) will qualify. Scheibl won silver at the world cup in Nicosia, so she should be clearly in the lead right now. Mens double trap: Qualification consists of the the world cup in Rio and the "Green Cup" in Todi (May 26th to May 29th), the number of finals will decide. (Same number of finals -> Better placement in the final will decide, the same is true for womens trap). Löw finished 5th in Rio, so he is clearly in the lead right now, Goldbrunner finished 12th. Mens skeet: Buchheim is basically qualified (same as in mens 50 rifle prone), because he is the only member of the "top team Rio" in this discipline Womens skeet: Same as in mens double trap. Wenzel was the only german athlete who reached the final in Rio, so she is clearly in the lead right now. In my opinion Brodmeier, Junghänel and Buchheim are basically safe for Rio. Justus, Scheibl, Löw and Wenzel are clearly in the lead and almost safe for Rio.
  13. What do you mean? I think the probability that the french team in mens water polo will get disqualified is about 0,000001% and its even less likely that the french team in mens basketball will get eliminated. I didnt watch the water polo match France vs. Canada, so i cant say anything about the behavior of the french team, but i just think it would be completely childish to disqualify them and i am sure that it wont happen. I have nothing against the french team and i am sure that both french teams will play in Rio. FIBA can decide whatever they want, but i would be shocked if IOC would really allow them to disqualify a team from Rio. In the end it will be either all teams or no tournament at all, so there is only one real option ...
  14. Shocking results for us today: Wenzel without a medal in womens skeet, although this was a pretty weak final. Reitz and Geis are clearly the best shooters and qualified 1st and 2nd but completely fucked up in the final, finishing 6th and 4th. In mens rapid fire pistol only the gold medal in Rio will be acceptable for us. Its a complete joke that Reitz still isnt able to control his nerves. He can win as many world cups as he wants, but without an olympic gold he will never become a legend of this sport. Sometimes its really hard when you are able to see the future ... I exactly knew that Geis would shoot 3 in his final round and then get eliminated in shootout, he is only good when he has no pressure.
  15. 1) How many quota places in womens -75kg freestlye? 2) Did Schell win one of them?
  16. Good result for Aga on clay, Siegemund is on fire right now, apparently there is no way to stop her ... Aga might be the most consistent player (she is never really bad), but she needs to peak somewhere if she wants to win one of the 4 big tournaments. For me she is something like the female version of Andy Murray (without a slam), she is always very good at big tournaments, but something is always missing to win the whole thing. I hope that she will win a slam someday, she clearly deserves it, maybe she just has to wait for Serena to retire, then everything could be wide open ...
  17. No, no reason to worry. It would be suicide by FIBA to ban all those nations, so it wont happen. Olympic tournament would be completely senseless otherwise ... In my opinion the probability that you get disqualified in mens water polo was/is higher ...
  18. What about ? I cant tell you anything about your chances, you should ask MHSN, he is a true expert. You can find the results and draws here:
  19. Luisa Niemesch qualified! She is still pretty young (born in 1995) and a big talent (she won 2 silver medals at junior world championships), so she might surprise in Rio. I really like our wrestling team so far, but Schellin and especially Hassler have to qualify, otherwise it would be a big shock. I think that Schell (womens -75 kg), Dülger (mens freestyle -65 kg), Harth (mens freestyle -74 kg), Kaufmehl (mens freestyle -86 kg) and Cudinovic (mens freestyle -97 kg) can still qualify, but it would be a miracle if one of them would qualify here. Really disappointing that Schellin, Eisele, Öhler and Azizsir still didnt qualify, only one chance left for them.
  20. Great results for us so far: 50 m rifle prone men: 1st place for Junghänel 10 m air rifle men: 4th place for Justus 10 m air rifle women: 3rd place for Gschwandtner 50 m rifle 3 positions women: 2nd place for Engleder 25 m pistol women: 4th place for Karsch Mens double trap: 5th place for Löw Womens trap: 3rd place for Scheibl 3 of our best events (50 m rifle 3 positions men, womens skeet and mens rapid fire pistol) and mens skeet are still to come. At the moment Reitz is clearly in the lead (mens rapid fire pistol) and Wenzel is also in first place after day 1, both of them should fight for a medal. In mens skeet Buchheim needs a very good second day to qualify for the final, i think it will take at least 120 to make the final, so Buchheim would need at least 73/75 on day 2. Only mens 50 m pistol, mens 10 m air pistol, womens 10 m air pistol and mens trap were a bit disappointing, but those are always our worst events. Qualification for womens rifle events will be very interesting. Engleder, Gschwandtner, Kreutzer and Gauß all deserve a place on the roster, but one of them might miss out. I really hope that Karsch will get a chance to compete in Rio, she could reach the final in both of her events, but i really dont know which quota place we should give back to get a quota place for Karsch. Löw and Justus were really good here, so they also should get a chance to compete at the olympics ...
  21. Great run by Siegemund, she completely dominated Halep and Vinci. Now i hope for a german final. At the moment it looks as if 2 out of Beck/Friedsam/Siegemund will qualify for Rio and Lisicki/Görges/Barthel all will miss out, i never thought that this could really happen.
  22. I know, i noticed it the same day i wrote it, but i was too lazy to correct it ... I will do it now.
  23. Good wins for Beck and Siegemund, but Witthöft completely messed up. She served for the set and of course got broken, Ivanovic was a pretty easy draw today, but Witthöft as usual couldnt keep her nerves.
  24. Utilitarianism might be the answer, but as a lawyer you probably dont like this "theory"?
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