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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by OlympicIRL

  1. @Dragon and @Quasit. At the moment GB has a 2 member jury so if you want you can adopt rule 3 (f) (iv) which means that any song you both voted for will be guaranteed to be in your combined vote. I know @Dragon asked if this could be applied but you need to agree also @Quasit, otherwise we use the standard method to combine the votes.
  2. And just to remember, that rule is only used if a 2 member jury asks for it. If not then their votes follow the same rules as normal
  3. No worries, if you need any help I can explain it to you. I realise some of the rules seem complicated on paper
  4. This rule is only available to 2 member juries. So if after the voting has finished and only 2 members of the GB jury have voted you can ask for this rule to be adopted for your votes. However the other jury member who voted should agree. @Olympian1010 just for future reference, it is better to request this prior to the voting window starting because once the combined votes are sent to the national jury they will be fixed. However in most cases organisers won’t be that on top of the preparation but just something to keep in mind for future By the way, I assume you don’t have the results of the combined vote yet?
  5. Thanks for letting us know. @Hipooo please make note of this decision when you are combining the votes of @Olympian1010 and @dezbee2008If you need any help understanding what this rule is, let me know. For reference it is rule 3 (f) (iv)
  6. @Hipooo do we know how many nations have voted already and which nations still have to vote?
  7. @dcro are you coming up with the team format again? If so you’ll need to figure out how the “legs” will work this time if we use that system again because there will not be an even spread on where each team member is placed after the voting order is allocated. Usually we allocate the teams based on voting position. But we can probably come up with some kind of alternative system this time.
  8. Sure, no problem. Just let us know if you plan to move the Grand Final date also, whichever day works best for you is absolutely fine
  9. Yesssssss!!!! Ireland are into the World Cup!! First time our senior women’s team has qualified for a major tournament. And the goal scorer from Donegal, from nearby village that suffered the terrible explosion tragedy this week! I’m so happy for the team
  10. We’ll give Australia until end of day today to post the song. After that we have to move on unfortunately and allow time for the host to vote.
  11. I'm happy to allow @KingOfTheRhinos to enter since he said he had internet issues. So if he wants to post his entry then he can go ahead but it will be @Hipooo who will have the final decision as his voting window has already begun.
  12. Which means we will be once again at 41 nations… seems like it’s our unspoken limit We did have 42 nations at the Jubilee edition (TISC Annual 2018) but then Turkey didn’t post their votes so we finished with 41 nations again. Though Antarctica unofficially took part as a guest but officially 41 is still the record. It’s still a very impressive number but would just love to finally break the record.
  13. No you haven't entered this song before, and welcome! Glad you made it
  14. Number of dead has now risen to 10 including 3 children. The youngest casualty is a young girl and her father who stopped off to buy some sweets as a Friday treat after school finished for the week No one else is unaccounted for at the scene so they don’t expect to find any more victims at the location. There are a further 8 people transported to hospital, one of whom was transferred to Dublin and is believed to be in critical condition. It is also believed that all victims are local. An unbelievable tragedy for this small community.
  15. We are so close to breaking the long-standing record of 41 nations participating in a single edition. If @catgamer can manage to register and enter for and if @KingOfTheRhinos can submit his entry by end of today for then we will be at a new record of 42, but that’s a big if! Or if anyone else wants to help us out to break the record, there is still time until end of day today… @NaBUru38 @Finnator123 @Ustatsch @MHSN @barsaoui2009 @Damian @Il_qar @MantaRaymarc @PHI2019 @ChandlerMne
  16. Devastating news unfolding in my home place of Donegal. A nearby village from my workplace suffered a heartbreaking tragedy yesterday as an explosion at a petrol station has claimed the lives of 7 people already with many more still missing and many critical in hospital As I was leaving work yesterday afternoon I saw lots of emergency services travelling with sirens and I had wondered what on Earth was happening as I saw them travelling. I was shocked later to hear what had happened. Creeslough is a small village with a population of just 400 and I can’t even imagine how things will ever go back to normal there. This was the centre of the village, the only shop but it was also the location of the post office, hairdresser, agricultural store and contained apartments. It happened just after 3pm when the local schools had finished for the day and old people also were coming to collect their pension. Thoughts and prayers to all the victims and their families
  17. Just to clarify, the voting window for all juries opens on Wednesday, 12th October. The voting window is firstly open for the host to submit their votes. So @Hipooo he will send his votes via private message to a neutral user and after that is complete, the voting window for all juries can be opened immediately after.
  18. Firstly and most importantly, I hope your trouble with the electricity company will be fixed soon and your family will have electricity again soon. Secondly, thank you for still making time to post the entry... there is no doubt that your entry is accepted, you barely even missed the deadline despite all your troubles. Mexico is in
  19. I am happy to give a small extension if it means he can join but the decision will be with our host @Hipooo
  20. So with about 1 hour left before the deadline, we are just waiting for and
  21. Thanks for posting! That’s no problem, you can edit the post when you have time, at least we have your entry confirmed
  22. So seems like we are still waiting for the song entries from the following nations: @KingOfTheRhinos @brunamoura @titicow @vinipereira @Dnl @mrv86 @justony And @ManuCHIL need to choose a new song that was released prior to December 31st 2017. Official deadline is in 2 hours from now.
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