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Totallympics Medallist
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Dnl last won the day on November 15 2021

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  1. We got 2nd place??
  2. BDE Ágnes Keleti Z”L who considered the greatest influence on Israeli artistic gymnastics the 2nd most decorated Olympic Jewish athlete, and I guess our Hungarian friends will have more to add on her, unfortunately passed away at the Age of 103 close to her 104th birthday.
  3. And now it’s approved that sinwar came out with a hole in his head instead
  4. One year and still 101 hostages with a terror organisation denying them medical treatment and supplies them with moulded food, a war in Gaza that could end by releasing the hostages and yet total refusal to release them all
  5. It would have been nice, but few problems, first of all stages race will require a team work thus a team which is something that will require more quotas, and the most important aspect is that the TDF is so close to the Olympics if some riders consider their participation currently, most of them would have to drop one of them in a case of stages race, and I’m pretty sure most of them will not drop the TDF
  6. Every solution that will not tamper with the actual games itself could be a good thing one week before or after could benefit the hosting city even
  7. I mean yeah the problem is not adding new sport is about balancing between adding those sport and the effect on other sports, I mean if the Olympics are limited to 10,500 athletes and we decided to add new sports it could be at the expense of Sports that for them the Olympics is the peak. For me E-sports could be a prep to the Olympics or a different games but not as a part of them. I just hope that the Olympics will not cut some events just for a sport to come in for a single olympics(like Karate, and maybe Breakdancing) , but yeah adding things could be great as long as it’s done right
  8. This entire conversation is just proving that those constant changes in every edition is more troubling than helping I mean there are young athletes out there training to get to the Olympics only to learn after each edition that there sport might be out, I hope the next president will care enough to make a program for the long run
  9. well the whole purpose of adding breakdancing was to attratct younger generation, for me it felt more cringe then exciting, also inside the breakdace community there are voices saying that making this into an olympic sport ,was damaging to this sport. again for me it was hard to understand what was going on and who should win or not, and that cringe moments did not help, there are plenty of other sports that is more suited to the OG trying to get a place at the OG, only they got less PR (or maybe somone don't think it will be "cool" enough for young fans...)
  10. this is the proof that not every sport should be Olympic sport, i'm sorry but it's just not fun to look and with the limit of people participating at the olympic it will better to switch it or even give the quotas to already olympic sports to get bigger
  11. במהלך הסייקל הקרוב נתעדכן על מי יהיה חלק מהמשלחת ונוכל לדון בציפיות ובתקוות לגבי המשלחת
  12. טוב אז עכשיו שהמשחקים בפריז ביומם האחרון זה הזמן להתכונן מראש ולהכין את עצמנו לקראת המשחקים הבאים בעוד 4 שנים יהיו שם ענפים אחרים וכמובן הר של ציפיות אחרי המשחקים בפריז פה נוכל להעלות ציפיות לגביי ייצוג בענפים השונים והישגים אפשריים וכמובן רצון להצליח אפילו יותר בלוס אנג׳לס
  13. כל מה שנשאר לנו זה המרתון נשים ששם הסיכוי קלוש ואופניי מסלול ששם הסיכויים כבר הרבה יותר ריאליים מחזיק אצבעות לקראת מחר אבל הציפיות כבר עולות לקראת המשחקים בלוס אנג׳לס 28
  14. Yeah well someone needs to tell him that this policy is clashing with the more women at the Olympic Games because now we are one team short
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